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Thread: OBAMA is the new Pres Elect

  1. #161
    Quote Originally Posted by Blome View Post
    Help to create another bubble? Or help to create an economy based on false wealth?
    Thank You!

  2. #162
    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    Would you tell an offensive joke related to sexual abuse in front of a rape victim, yes or no?
    Like Blome has tried to point out...

    The key word in your bizarre analogy is VICTIM. Black people are NOT victims. For you to characterize them as such is racist. Blacks, along with any other skin color, are a capable race that don't need protection or sympathy (See 2008 ELECTION.)

  3. #163

  4. #164
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    Go Obama its yo biirfday.

  5. #165
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lozgod View Post
    I seen this as a joke. People need to lighten up. There have been some blantantly racist statements but this is obviously a joke. Jeez. Sounds like something Dave Chappelle would say. Can only black people joke about black people? Thats a form of racism in itsself.
    To answer your question to this as a black man. I would say yes, Only a black person should be able to tell another black person a black joke. Or a black person can tell a black joke to any other race.

    But for you to be outside of the black race an tell a black joke is definitely racist, specially since No one knows you and doesn't know the intent of your remarks.

    Black folks can call each other the "N" word to each other and it's cool. But a white person should never do that. Partially because this is the word used by whites and slave owners when referring to a person of color.

    Don't pretend to act like you know what slavery was like or to down play what slaves had to endure (being beat by whips, and black women being rape, being hung from trees, hosed down with large hoses, etc).

    This is geting off topic and the racial comment should stop, NO matter what. It's just stupid and childish and shouldn't take place on this forum.

  6. #166
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    Quote Originally Posted by B.E.N. View Post
    Like Blome has tried to point out...

    The key word in your bizarre analogy is VICTIM. Black people are NOT victims. For you to characterize them as such is racist. Blacks, along with any other skin color, are a capable race that don't need protection or sympathy (See 2008 ELECTION.)
    But we have been for many years. And when you are being shot at or have your life threathened because of the color of your skin, then you are still a victim.

    Obama's appointment as the first black president does not stop racism. We have come a long way, but we also have a ways to go.

  7. #167
    Quote Originally Posted by CeeLo View Post
    But we have been for many years. And when you are being shot at or have your life threathened because of the color of your skin, then you are still a victim.

    Obama's appointment as the first black president does not stop racism. We have come a long way, but we also have a ways to go.
    Again...I'm Irish. Read a little bit about the IRA. Catholics killing Protestants, etc.

    When the Irish immigrated to the US they were looked down on and discriminated against. The term 'mick' is derogatory for Irish. Do the Irish still bitch about this treatment? No. Do you hear Asians bitch about interment during WWII? No. The list is endless, but the point is most races, religions, nationality, etc. move past it. God good the President is black...move on. Find solutions instead of keeping this crutch.

  8. #168
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    Quote Originally Posted by CeeLo View Post
    To answer your question to this as a black man. I would say yes, Only a black person should be able to tell another black person a black joke. Or a black person can tell a black joke to any other race.

    But for you to be outside of the black race an tell a black joke is definitely racist, specially since No one knows you and doesn't know the intent of your remarks.

    Black folks can call each other the "N" word to each other and it's cool. But a white person should never do that. Partially because this is the word used by whites and slave owners when referring to a person of color.

    Don't pretend to act like you know what slavery was like or to down play what slaves had to endure (being beat by whips, and black women being rape, being hung from trees, hosed down with large hoses, etc).

    This is geting off topic and the racial comment should stop, NO matter what. It's just stupid and childish and shouldn't take place on this forum.
    I agree. Although i think if you know the person really well it shouldn't matter. I tell "black" jokes about my closer black friends and they could care less.

    You can't pretend either since you weren't there.

  9. #169
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    Quote Originally Posted by B.E.N. View Post
    Again...I'm Irish. Read a little bit about the IRA. Catholics killing Protestants, etc.

    When the Irish immigrated to the US they were looked down on and discriminated against. The term 'mick' is derogatory for Irish. Do the Irish still bitch about this treatment? No. Do you hear Asians bitch about interment during WWII? No. The list is endless, but the point is most races, religions, nationality, etc. move past it. God good the President is black...move on. Find solutions instead of keeping this crutch.
    I don't no the ordeal of the Irish and probably not many people do, but EVERYONE knows about slavery and discrimination against blacks. You can't say just get over it and you have NO idea what it is like to have gone through it.

    Blacks have endure this treatment since the beginging of time and it still exists. Your Irish thing, what did it last 1 or 2 years. Give me a break dude. You probably look like the next white man walking down the street. You are being hated by certain groups and told you can't do something because the color of your skin. YOU HAVE NO IDEA!!!

    Don't tell us to get over it.

  10. #170
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    I agree. Although i think if you know the person really well it shouldn't matter. I tell "black" jokes about my closer black friends and they could care less.

    You can't pretend either since you weren't there.
    Yeah, this is true since they know you and know you mean no ill-regards. They have accepted you.

    I don't have to pretend, because I still feel the effects of being BLACK. I have been told before that I am not what a certain company is looking for eventhough I have the better resume, I see the looks I get when I walk into certain places with my wife (who is Italian), my wife and other women that I have dated were outcasted by their family when they started to date me, as most times, I was their first encounter with bi-racial dating.

    I still see the movies and video of my people and ancestors being hosed down and whipped and the signs that say "Whites only". It was only 25 - 30 years ago that we still had segregation. I know what its like. Don't assume that I don't know because you don't think that I was there. It's a LIVING nightmare.

  11. #171
    Quote Originally Posted by CeeLo View Post
    I don't no the ordeal of the Irish and probably not many people do, but EVERYONE knows about slavery and discrimination against blacks. You can't say just get over it and you have NO idea what it is like to have gone through it.

    Blacks have endure this treatment since the beginging of time and it still exists. Your Irish thing, what did it last 1 or 2 years. Give me a break dude. You probably look like the next white man walking down the street. You are being hated by certain groups and told you can't do something because the color of your skin. YOU HAVE NO IDEA!!!

    Don't tell us to get over it.
    KKK hates Catholics too? Do you think I give a shit?! Do you think I worry about what they say or think? Do you think I for one second worry about the KKK or any other Catholic hating group on Sunday mornings? Nope...I do what I need to be successful and happy. I have obstacles in my life same as an Asian, same as a Jewish person, same as an Arabic, same as a Mexican, same as a Muslim. That is my point...if any race, religion, nationality would quit thinking they have limitations (which they clearly don't, again SEE 2008 ELECTION and ELECTORAL MAP) they would not exist.

    I'm not saying it is not there, but my point is some sort of obstacle is there for everyone. Hell a lot of my business is with African Americans. I know they did not trust me at first but I worked at removing any suspicions they had about me. Now I get daps and referral business out of them...

  12. #172
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    Would you tell an offensive joke related to sexual abuse in front of a rape victim, yes or no?
    Your question is irrelevant. I was neither condemning nor approving of the joke at hand, nor do I myself engage in telling offensive jokes. I was merely pointing out the fallacy of your metaphor.

  13. #173
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    I don't care who you are....a racist comment is a racist comment. I feel bad for white people because they hear all us minorities make jokes and the second they even laugh at one of them ... BOOM... they get b*tched at or called racist. It's bullsh*t. Black people CAN BE racist just like every other person on this planet. Hispanics can be , why is it that the poor white guy gets even WORSE treatment?

    Oh and before some one tells me that i don't understand because my heritage wasn't slave labor? Think again...mexicans were picking those cotten fields too as were asians.

  14. #174
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    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
    I don't care who you are....a racist comment is a racist comment. I feel bad for white people because they hear all us minorities make jokes and the second they even laugh at one of them ... BOOM... they get b*tched at or called racist. It's bullsh*t. Black people CAN BE racist just like every other person on this planet. Hispanics can be , why is it that the poor white guy gets even WORSE treatment?

    Oh and before some one tells me that i don't understand because my heritage wasn't slave labor? Think again...mexicans were picking those cotten fields too as were asians.
    Lets stop this ignorance right now! You cannot compare willing immigration to forced immigration. The Irish and Scots were brought over as indentured servants which made them able to eventually earn their freedom. That didn't exist for Black. Also Mexicans and Asians came here on their own (fr the most part). Plus when they worked the fields, they were paid. HUGE DIFFERENCE! All the Europeans who came order have one big advantage over blacks, they could lose their accents and change their names. And histoy shows that it took place regularly. Guys like Dean Martin, Tony Curtis, Rock Hundson, Kirk Douglas, the list goes on and on. The fact that we cannot simply change our names and lose our accents to avoid being discriminated againt is huge. People never made bogus scientific claims and use the bible to justify discrimination against any other group except for Africans.

    With that said, no one is saying blacks can't be racists. The issue that most don't recognize that the circumstances for discrimination against blacks is unique in this country. Many ethnicities have experienced it in thi country but there is no denying the struggle of African-Americans is shared by no other groups. And that is a simple fact!

  15. #175
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    I feel that this country has made no progress since the start of the election, except now we know that the country is ready for a black president. I like what Bill Maher said when talking to RON PAUL : "If people in this country had a brain, you would be President." Ron Paul is who should have become president, because he is the only candidate that truly stood for CHANGE! isn't that what everyone wanted? "CHANGE!"

  16. #176
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    Quote Originally Posted by kaptainkeezy04 View Post
    I feel that this country has made no progress since the start of the election, except now we know that the country is ready for a black president. I like what Bill Maher said when talking to RON PAUL : "If people in this country had a brain, you would be President." Ron Paul is who should have become president, because he is the only candidate that truly stood for CHANGE! isn't that what everyone wanted? "CHANGE!"
    How can you say that "He is the only one that stood for change"? Yes that is what everyone wants. That's why the majority chose Obama. Because he preaches change and he brings youth and vigor and preaches the change that you refer to.

  17. #177
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    Quote Originally Posted by CeeLo View Post
    To answer your question to this as a black man. I would say yes, Only a black person should be able to tell another black person a black joke. Or a black person can tell a black joke to any other race.

    But for you to be outside of the black race an tell a black joke is definitely racist, specially since No one knows you and doesn't know the intent of your remarks.

    Black folks can call each other the "N" word to each other and it's cool. But a white person should never do that. Partially because this is the word used by whites and slave owners when referring to a person of color.

    Don't pretend to act like you know what slavery was like or to down play what slaves had to endure (being beat by whips, and black women being rape, being hung from trees, hosed down with large hoses, etc).

    This is geting off topic and the racial comment should stop, NO matter what. It's just stupid and childish and shouldn't take place on this forum.
    In bold i kinda disagree with, blacks use racial slurs with each other all the time because we know it most likely won't offend, however i have white family and a few white friends who can say nigga in the crowd w/o catching a beat down because we all know its non derogatory.

  18. #178
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    Quote Originally Posted by CeeLo View Post
    How can you say that "He is the only one that stood for change"? Yes that is what everyone wants. That's why the majority chose Obama. Because he preaches change and he brings youth and vigor and preaches the change that you refer to.

    Not exactly. Obama was a "product" and his campaign was set up to push him like one. The majority of Obama's supporters most likely had no idea what a single one of his policies were. Of course he toed the line like all other Democrats in the past and purchased votes by promising entitlements and benefits. In addition to his being favored by the corporate media giving him a tremendous amount of face time. During the primaries the corporate media had decided that Ron Paul was not a viable candidate, and thus gave him on average, 60% less face time than all of the other candidates competing.

    Ron Pauls campaign recieved about 35 million dollars in total from average citizens. While conversely through PACs, soft money, and other sources the Obama campaign raised 639 million dollars, of which it spent 537 million dollars campaigning. This money came largely from big business, lobbys, and interest groups.

    Additionally, Obama had two chances to proove that he was about "change," and he blew them by voting "YES" for the FISA&Telecom immunity bill, which gave immunity to CRIMINAL telecom companys who violated the rights of American citizens. He then later supported the typical 700 Billion dollar bailout, which only 7% of the population supported according to a Rasmussen poll.

  19. #179
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    why does anyone care, youre gonna see 2 things happen.
    a secret service dude turning his head and scratching his balls

    than obama getting his head blown off by some random psycho.
    long time bojangles-the-meat-that-walks-like-a-robot, did u contemplate to shoot him of the campaign?

  20. #180
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust View Post
    obama isnt the first democrat ever elected. when any other democrat was elected, did america become a socialist nation? no. why would it be any different now?
    good point, doct sue. I'm with u on this.

  21. #181
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    Quote Originally Posted by KatsMeow View Post
    No matter who one, he is walking into a disaster...there is a lot of loose ends and a huge mess to clean up. It's not an ideal way to go into a presidency, people are going to hate him, and some are going to love him. It's the way the everything works. We just need to deal with it and hope that our economy can recover and some changes get made in the way things have been done.
    i can tell u either voted for ralph nader or palin

  22. #182
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    Quote Originally Posted by CeeLo View Post
    How can you say that "He is the only one that stood for change"? Yes that is what everyone wants. That's why the majority chose Obama. Because he preaches change and he brings youth and vigor and preaches the change that you refer to.
    EXACTLY! He preaches change, but his voting record says otherwise. I want a true change! He said he was going to immediately withdraw troops, but now he is talking timetable garbage like every other @ssh*le in washington. He voted to financially fund the war, and wants to send more troops to Afghanistan. If you mean change from the past 8 years, it will be a very slight change as far as taxes go, but that is about it. Obama still wants a large government, he wants to support nation building overseas, and a lot of federal government spending. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!! You can cut taxes for the poor, middle class, and rich, AND STILL LOWER THE NATIONAL DEFICIT!!! It is called reduce the size of government (Ron Paul wants to do that), end senseless federal programs (Ron Paul wants to do that), and lower income tax (Ron Paul wants to do that). RON PAUL SAID IF HE WERE PRESIDENT HE WOULD TRY TO GET RID OF THE IRS IMMEDIATELY!!! Ron Paul actually sought ought to lower the pay rate for members of Congress by the rate of inflation (yes that includes his own paycheck). So seriously wake up people, and next time do your homework, and not vote for some b*llsh!t @ssh*le that keeps saying "We are only a few days away from CHAAAAAAAANGE!" He says "change" so many time that foreign nations are gonna think he used to be homeless.

  23. #183
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    big corps and lobbies eh? lol have fun reading the list

  24. #184
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    Quote Originally Posted by korsow;42***66

    big corps and lobbies eh? lol have fun reading the list
    Or you could visit my links.... Merrill Lynch....Goldman Sachs.....heyyyy he got their back thouh didnt he!

  25. #185
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    I disagree man. It's not about being over-sensitive either. Would you go up to a rape victim and start telling jokes about child molesters or rapists? Of course you wouldn't, cause it'd be damn offensive to the person. I think some people on this board seem to forget that black people ALSO use this site.

    For shame.
    But that is such an extreme example. Rape victims and molested children? Take it easy. JMHO.

  26. #186
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    Quote Originally Posted by CeeLo View Post
    To answer your question to this as a black man. I would say yes, Only a black person should be able to tell another black person a black joke. Or a black person can tell a black joke to any other race.

    But for you to be outside of the black race an tell a black joke is definitely racist, specially since No one knows you and doesn't know the intent of your remarks.

    Black folks can call each other the "N" word to each other and it's cool. But a white person should never do that. Partially because this is the word used by whites and slave owners when referring to a person of color.

    Don't pretend to act like you know what slavery was like or to down play what slaves had to endure (being beat by whips, and black women being rape, being hung from trees, hosed down with large hoses, etc).

    This is geting off topic and the racial comment should stop, NO matter what. It's just stupid and childish and shouldn't take place on this forum.
    Have you ever been a slave? We probably have the same amount of experience being slaves which would be none.

    Did you know the first people refered to as the N word were Irish not black. Also Irish people were endentured servents for 7 years before becoming Americans. So I do have slave experience in my ancestry and experience being refered as the N word in my ancestry as well.

    On a personal level, mono e mono, I grew up in a lower middle class neighborhood, went to inner-city high school, had the city police pick up me and my friends, beat us up and drop us off in the black part of the city hoping we'd get ****ed up.

    I been to prison, been on food stamps as a kid, had my dad laid off. I could go on. So historically my people been called the N word and been slaves. However what really matters, the now and recent past and not 400 years ago, Ive been through similar struggles that black people go through. You can be black and be president in America. You are equal now. It was 400 years ago and you werent there. Get over it or harp on it and never move foward. Good thing Obama got over it.

    So if Eddie Murphy, Dave Chappelle, Chris Rock, etc etc can make jokes about white people then theres no reason the shoe cant fit on the other foot. Save that BS 400 years ago sob story. The irish been there done that.

    Not to mention my kids will be mixed because I love black women, all Ive dated since I was 14 and aint going back.
    Last edited by Lozgod; 11-08-2008 at 10:23 PM.

  27. #187
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blome View Post
    Help to create another bubble? Or help to create an economy based on false wealth?
    Yup. The first one I made a lot of money and didnt save shit like an idiot thhinking it would never burst. This one Im banking every dollar I can.

  28. #188
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    Quote Originally Posted by BajanBastard View Post
    In bold i kinda disagree with, blacks use racial slurs with each other all the time because we know it most likely won't offend, however i have white family and a few white friends who can say nigga in the crowd w/o catching a beat down because we all know its non derogatory.
    Yes, I agree. Like I told DSM, if we know the person saying it and no they mean no harm, it's ok. But I wouldn't advise a non-black person to walk into a room of blacks and say use the "N" word.

  29. #189
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    Quote Originally Posted by CeeLo View Post
    Yes, I agree. Like I told DSM, if we know the person saying it and no they mean no harm, it's ok. But I wouldn't advise a non-black person to walk into a room of blacks and say use the "N" word.
    LOL. I wouldn't wanna be there to see the reaction.

  30. #190
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blome View Post
    Your question is irrelevant. I was neither condemning nor approving of the joke at hand, nor do I myself engage in telling offensive jokes. I was merely pointing out the fallacy of your metaphor.

    Okay I concede that my previous parable was a bad one, but I was trying to establish having common manners. A better example would be "Would you walk into a room full of strangers, and tell that joke?"

    Chances are you wouldn't. Firstly if you said it in a room WITH black people, that's just plain racism or stupidity. Or even if there were no black people, it would be damn stupid to still say, said joke. You don't know anything about the people in there, who their friends or loved ones are. At the end of the day, it's easy to tell a joke like that and pass it off as "Hey guys, it was just a joke" but then it's easy to forget that this board DOES have black members and that some of them will probably find that quite offensive.

    Just my two cents.

  31. #191
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lozgod View Post
    Have you ever been a slave? We probably have the same amount of experience being slaves which would be none.

    Did you know the first people refered to as the N word were Irish not black. Also Irish people were endentured servents for 7 years before becoming Americans. So I do have slave experience in my ancestry and experience being refered as the N word in my ancestry as well.

    On a personal level, mono e mono, I grew up in a lower middle class neighborhood, went to inner-city high school, had the city police pick up me and my friends, beat us up and drop us off in the black part of the city hoping we'd get ****ed up.

    I been to prison, been on food stamps as a kid, had my dad laid off. I could go on. So historically my people been called the N word and been slaves. However what really matters, the now and recent past and not 400 years ago, Ive been through similar struggles that black people go through. You can be black and be president in America. You are equal now. It was 400 years ago and you werent there. Get over it or harp on it and never move foward. Good thing Obama got over it.

    So if Eddie Murphy, Dave Chappelle, Chris Rock, etc etc can make jokes about white people then theres no reason the shoe cant fit on the other foot. Save that BS 400 years ago sob story. The irish been there done that.

    Not to mention my kids will be mixed because I love black women, all Ive dated since I was 14 and aint going back.
    that has to be one of the most assinine post I've ever read! 1st of all the notion that the N-word was first used on Irish is ridiculous. If you did some research, the n-word was derived from the spanish word negro which means black and was used to describe people of sub-saharan africa. The N-word was a derogatory term used to describe the ignorance sub saharan africa had of western norms. This started in the early 1400s.

    Second, stop comparing indentured servitude to slavery. the differences between the two are profound (the most important being the ability to obtain, not to mention indentured servants were never considered property).

    Third, slavery didn't end 400yrs ago. It ended 140yrs ago, but Jim Crow didn't end until 40yrs ago.

    Remember, the irsh were easily assimilated into the US because of the color of their skin. Many changed their names and loss their accents to fit in. Whether or not I changed my name and/or loss my accent (if I had one), I would still be black.

    Lastly, just because you are married to a black woman doesn't make you an expert on blacks.

  32. #192
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    Quote Originally Posted by CeeLo View Post
    Yeah, this is true since they know you and know you mean no ill-regards. They have accepted you.

    I don't have to pretend, because I still feel the effects of being BLACK. I have been told before that I am not what a certain company is looking for eventhough I have the better resume, I see the looks I get when I walk into certain places with my wife (who is Italian), my wife and other women that I have dated were outcasted by their family when they started to date me, as most times, I was their first encounter with bi-racial dating.

    I still see the movies and video of my people and ancestors being hosed down and whipped and the signs that say "Whites only". It was only 25 - 30 years ago that we still had segregation. I know what its like. Don't assume that I don't know because you don't think that I was there. It's a LIVING nightmare.
    I never understood the true feeling of being discriminated against until i came out , not fun.

  33. #193
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    I never understood the true feeling of being discriminated against until i came out , not fun.
    I've been discriminated since i was a kid for being "special" (higher IQ that normal) plus all my other mental fukk ups. So i know how that feels but i don't like playing the i felt discrminated card so people feel sorry for me. I hate compassion.

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