Anyways, Ever since my last cycle (year and 7 months ago) My libido has gone way down hill, and even after taking a decent pct after my cycle it didn't help much. I had done two previous, but maybe my body wasn't able to recover from this one? Anyways, I joined the Air Force 7 months ago and just went to the doc's about my problem. After explaining to him he took a blood test to check my hormone levels or whatever. Now I'm pretty confident he'll find something wrong in that deparment, because of all the other tests the AF has given me so far (and the extra ones being a firefighter) my whole body is in excellent condition. In the meantine I'm just wondering what usually happens next if he does find something wrong? What are the methods of correcting hormone imbalances and such. If anyone can shed some light on this for me I'd greatly appreciate it.