I'm having trouble getting motivated what are your tricks to keep you going to the gym and working hard????????
I'm having trouble getting motivated what are your tricks to keep you going to the gym and working hard????????
What motivates you damit....
Hot women shaking their asses on the treadmill.
Or chicks lifting weights that have steller physiques.
And cute to hot chica really....
Yeah i know most guys are always like "i like it when there is nobody at the gym!" And i say F-that i need some female booty to check out for motivation!
Hot chicks at the gym is deffinantly a plus for motivation!!
Really though i love going in and busting out a session, i get motivation from seeing my body change from the effort i put into the gym and my diet
Originally Posted by I_Want_Abs;42***04
Exactly. Also, looking at old pictures of yourself and seeing positive change is a biggy.
I'm bigger than you
I move more weight than you
I'm better looking than you..
I'm 47 yrs old..
if that don't motivate you.. what will..
I'm looking very good for my age, what do i owe it to??
a younger wife, eating well, GH, and working out..
and i don't stress the small guys..
Younger guys that might be better than me in the gym, just makes me push that much harder..
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Don't Let the Police kick your ass
lol, not much beats seeing some nice ass in the gym. for me, not stopping til i reach my goal is enough motivation. there's some good compilations of bb on youtube, idk if ur into that or not, whatever works
when i get in that rut i watch "pumping iron" ...dunno why but it gets me going again. even after watching it several times over.
seeing others who have a better physique than me and of course girls love it! getting some ass is much easier when you're shredded and huge, especially in today's society where damn near everyone is like a fvcking whale (USA at least)
ya, i went to my sons school for an after school show for the kids. I dont want to be mean but man i was kinda disgusted at some people. Just big fat, beer drinking slobs... men and women. Young people to in their 20's. I felt like taking everyone for a jog around the school for a few laps. lol! 80% of the people there were obese, including some kids.
i hate working out now a days. im in a rut. things will get better soon though
What else besides all the girls???
I know this is not the right thing to say but it works for me,,,,,, i start to get ready mentally long before getting to the gym and no joke what works is i mentally picture pounding some ar**hole into mince meat, i keep that image throughout the workout and i don't see anything else until after i'm knackered and finished the session.
*It just really gets me in the groove for a hard workout
i just listen to sum upbeat music i like dance or rock anything thts gna get u feeling good
i think about ex's. which i have alot of.
i think about running into them and their new boyfriends, while i have 50 pounds more muscle on me then i did when i was with them. seeing their reaction to what they lost. and it gets me syked and makes me want to crush some weight!!
Yes, I've must admit, I also love looking at hot women at the gym but that is not why I'm there for. I have to use my MP3 player to focus on my workout schedule. If I was "single", it would be a different story.
Three things I look for that motivation me:
1. Looking at myself in the mirror saying "I can do better then this, yeck".
2. Use this forum religiously (Gets me all fired up)
3. Being 42 years old and all, I need to stay in shape and live healthier longer for my kids. They're both boys, 4 years old and 7 months old.
Other then that, find a gym buddy to go with!
my two cents.
i look at it like a job i know if i dont go ill get sh*t for it later then i just zone out and go and think of nothing but what i will look like in the next 6 months if i keep going ill get that much bigger that much stronger
Oh Really, how old are you just out of curiosity? Different things can motivate people differently at different ages.
When I was in highschool and started lifting, my father and I had a bet that I would never be able to out bench him. My dad is a big dude. So I used that as motivation to try to out do him one day.
When I first went away to college, for motivation I used to think about how much better I wanted to look when I went back home for the summer a year later and saw everyone from my hometown and highschool again.
Like Duk said, I have used the ex-girlfriend thing as motivation too.
When I played college football, I alway used to try to outwork everyone on my team. Even if I wasn't the strongest at the time, I knew I would at least work longer and harder than them. I also used to think about opponents from other schools we would play, and about how hard the guy that I would be lining up against was working.
Now a days, I still bounce part time. And besides looking good for girls at the gym and club, I make sure that no guy I may have to scuffle with in the clubs will be bigger or stronger than me.
Thats about it through the years
I like to drop the 100lb dumbells and slam weights as much as I want...If any trainers even look at me wrong I go up to them and tell them how hardcore I am.........bitches.
haha oh man we could do this for hours
but i win
whats up amorphic. i havent checked your cycle log in a bit. you still on?
Im 29 and married i also work out in my garage so you see the problem
I look at myself in the mirror and see all my hard work is paying off, that and I love a hard workout its fun for me![]()
just look in the mirror
So? Only one problem here...no discipline.
Something's got to make you mad. Something's got fire you up.
I use this website a lot. http://bighugelabs.com/flickr/motivator.php
I put my 'ideal' body or a pic of someone's face that pissed me off and a little note that I know will fire me up. I print them and tape them on my alarm clock, the fridge door, my workout mirrors, over my car speedometer (I've got road rage), etc.
People will laugh at you when they see them taped every where...I put their face up next...**** em' jealousy is a b i t c h
This work?
Watch this video:
That video.
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