Ok guys lets hear em, how is the best way to get over your partner that just left you heart broken, and i dont mean some girl your slamming or girl that you really like, i mean the girl you wanted to spend the rest of your life together with?
Ok guys lets hear em, how is the best way to get over your partner that just left you heart broken, and i dont mean some girl your slamming or girl that you really like, i mean the girl you wanted to spend the rest of your life together with?
Since one breaks my heart, i go bang two more and im okay ..... But that's me..
this is how;
love will make you an amazing person, don't run from it.
I'm not sorry bro, and I'm not trying to say you were running. I am trying to say thats what love is, and I'd rather see you be hurt miserably than chalk it up to some bs people around here try to tell you it is or was.
Love is great. And it doesn't last forever, and it can hurt like fvcking hell, but I always will have more respect for you if you can get over the true feeling of love rather than some bs we'd want you to think, like go bang 10 other girls.
Its NOT or NEVER easy, and I wish you the best possible.
cheers thanks mate, i wasnt trying to arc up.
Seriously dude, all I can say is I'm sorry it didnt work out this time.
But I can say that you deserve and will find something that will bring you to the end of your time, as long as you don't get bitter or give up, she will be waiting for you and you just have to see her.
Any good man deserves it.
so time is the only thing to help get through this, If the next one is half as good as the last one i will be a happy man again one day.
Thanks for suport.
Wow bro, thats such a hard question to answer when your in the situation you are.. just to think of someone new.
I'm not sure a lot of guys could really explain how the feelings that are SO powerful right now one day will just become a distant memory. I mean, I couldn't if I tried.
But its what happens whether you want it to or don't.
Over *time that is.
And I can't predict your future and say what crazy circumstance you'll meet your wife, but AS LONG as you're not bitter or angry towards love, and you're accepting to it, its inevitable.
And YES, the only factor becomes time. And time becomes one of the strongest foundations for love, because you can't ever find it unless you are able to rid yourself of the true naive temptations of it.
The only thing that will mend a broken heart is time. Try to keep yourself busy as much as possible. Keeping your mind occupied on things other than the girl/guy.
Also take a look at this :
Have to agree with Bo and Dsm. Time is pretty much the only thing. And keeping your mind busy during that time. Surround yourself with people. (friends, family, etc).
And start dating again as soon as you feel up to it. I dont mean go to the bar and bring home a one nighter. I mean, give other girls a shot. You may not be opened to another full blown relationship for a while, but the company of a girl who you could potentially like can numb some of those heartbroken feelings a little. (This could be a month or two down the road though)
Im in the same bout aus...and the thing is it was my fault shes running. She is the most amazing women ive ever meet and couldnt be more perfect. Ive been pretty tore up ab it for about 4 months. One thing lately thats been helping me is surrounding myself with ppl. When im alone shes all that runs through my mind. You dont have to go date other girls but just being around them as friends can really be a big help. Hang in there..and just remember "Time heals all things...expect for these crazy eyes.."
Time time time
The best way to get over a chick, is to get on top of another...How to get over her/him.....?
The best way to get back at a chick to sleep with her brother.![]()
learn to hate them get angry at them.....thats what i do....
***No source checks!!!***
Ahh the most asked, yet unanswered question in the world!
I’ve asked that question 3 times this year alone, currently taking lexapro!
I feel you. I’ll tell you the answer is different for everyone. I’ve learned this year a lot about it, and a lot about myself.
2 times, I’ve had girls ask for a “break”. I’m stubborn, proud and know I deserve better than someone asking for a “break”. I broke off the break, slept with a few girls, replaced that girl with another one. It kept my time occupied, but you know what I learned bro? I was still sad, I was still depressed, I still had feelings for that past girl. I had no closure.
When I did this, all it did was create problems in the next relationship. I could never commit to a new girl because I was still thinking about my ex/ex’s. I was hurt inside, but I put up a hard shell, I blocked off my heart and I was bitter. I swallowed my anger and would be nice to them, but I still had feelings for them.
Both times, I regretted not being the good guy that gives them the time they need. I would get upset, and be out to prove to them, that they messed up letting this one go. I was determined to do just that, and in a matter of weeks, they wanted me back.
I’m doing it different now though. I’m giving a girl time now. I’m selfless about it. I’m putting her feelings before my own. I’m not out trying to replace her. I wrote her a note in a card, that I respect her wishes, that if she needs time, I am willing to put my feelings second to hers. I reassured her if she needs anything, then she can call.
In the mean time, yes, we/I will hurt. But in the end, if it does not work, I’ve exercised all options, I won’t regret not trying. I also won’t mess up another relationship by jumping into one too fast. If she moves on with another guy, to everyone who knows, you come off as the good guy, she comes off as a whore.
It’s a win/win bro.
Listen to some music, force yourself to improve on yourself. I’m starting a cycle, hitting the tanner, buying some cloths and of course popping my lexapro every morning. Each day gets better, and so will yours.
Personally I think knowing that you did everything you possibly could to salvage the relationship is a good piece of mind. I'm not good with getting over things, I question the why's and what if's a little too much and it's hard for me to let go of someone I really love and wanted a future with.
But you have to keep yourself busy, I tend to focus on the gym and surround yourself with good people. Anti depressants always help but you have to find closure one way or another because you can block out feelings but you always have to deal with them one day.
My friends help me out a lot, they keep me busy and positive, and keep reminding me that I deserve so much more.
Good luck to you, things will get better
time and the lounge
drinking seems to ease the pain also
Learn from it,,,, I never let anyone get that close anymore, so never have the problem, been that way a very long time and i like it as it is now
Thanks alot people, your support is appreciated. There is some helpful advice above. I'm in no state to start drinking though. And i couldn't possibly think about starting a new relationship. I need to get my appetite back i havent eaten in two days and dont feel like it at all. I guess all i need is time and friends at the moment, oh and sleep, 3 hrs a night is not a good thing.
i just became single tonight also...so..this thread is right up my alley too.......
bye bye to carl....
just remember that life is what you make of it. cherish the time you spend with loved ones, even if it ends badly down the road. i pretty strongly believe one of the best things in the world is loving someone/having somoene love you.
so dont beat yourself up, it happens to all of us, just rely on your friends and whatever other supports you have. the gym is always there, and your goals are always there. hang in there
Good on ya auslifta ...... I always stop drinking when going through a crisis like you are at the moment. I have seen too many peple do stupid things because of "drinking through a crisis".
Good Luck ..... go out and get a good shag .... and follow my motto ..."Love the one you are with" ... and you WILL get over it!
I was like that for the past year. The thing is, when you ar like that, you don't fall for a girl, but you do "like" her. Eventually she'll get sick of you being so distant.
It won't hurt as bad, it will still hurt. The past is the past, where would we all be if we did not do somthing for fear of pain? We definatly would not be in the gym.
LOL, search my name.. Its been 3 years since I have seen my love, but I still think of her and always will.. Part of me will always love her regardless and I miss the hurt!!
People always told me one day I will miss the pain I felt and I felt it for a LOONNNGGGG TIME!!!
I feel so powerful when I think of the love I had for this girl, its hard to explain..
My advice is take a vacation with a friend and go bang some chicks in the carribean.
well this time i did something i dont usually do, i picked myself up immediately and start banging every slut i could. i gotta say this break up was alot better than the last one, lol.
That'll help ^^^^^^^
Time is an obvious one, but what are you gonna do IN the mean time?
You need to keep yourself preoccupied. Prehaps make a big change in your life? Take up a martial art, look into buying a motorbike, think about going travelling, I mean there must be something you always wanted to do, despite the girl. I made a thread a few days ago on "What are the three things you want to do before you die"...maybe ponder on that question? I know how you feel because I spent a YEAR trying to fix a broken relationship with the woman I thought i was going to spend the rest of my life with. I'm not with her now, but it enabled me to go back to school and now im studying a degree to get a worthwhile job and seriously, im the happiest i've been in a long, long time. Im sure you'll think of something though
Every door that closes on you just means you can open another one.
As long as its not a prison cell door.Every door that closes on you just means you can open another one.
THat can be damaging. I've done it twice now in the past.
Prior to this year, I was only with 4 girls. 2 girls I dated in high school, 1 fling and the last serious relationship I was in for 6 years.
After the 6 year relationship, I've slept with double the amount of girls this year, than I have in the past 27.
I was always stressed, pretended like I did not care about anyone but myself and as much as I tried, that's just not the person I am. At one point I was not dating, but was "spending time" with 5 girls at once. I live in a small town, I was always stressed and for good reason, I was lying to all these girls. It's easy to keep girls like this, they are desperate to see you, and you just don't have the time becuase you are with another one 4/5ths of the time.
Eventually, you come to your sense though (or some of us) and you remember how happy you were with that one supportive girl.
It's different from guy to guy. My brother juggles girls and it does not seem to affect him that much. He stays fairly motivated, but has never been too motivated anyway. I came from nothing, and have done very well for myself, but that comfort of having a nice supportive woman behind me, is far more of an achivment than having 5 chasing me.
It's taken me awhile, but I'm a lover, I have to have meaningful relationships, not flings.
Oh, I also wanted to point out, there is a HUGE amount of physiology with “love”.
If you chase her too much, she’ll never be caught. It’s just the way it works.
If you move on, become happy, and she chases you, she won’t catch you despite how you feel now.
We are self preserving creatures, all creatures on earth are. Us being happy, is a priority over our own. If that is not the case, then the person will never be happy anyway. Some people are selfless, but in a bad way, because they self sabotage. When things get good, they “don’t deserve it” so they ruin in.
you only live once j-dogg and sometimes you gotta have a little fun. ive let too many girls get away from me and it just wasnt happening this time.
and about time. not only time to get over the girl, but time to build a similiar relationship with another girl. you dont develope these feelings over night
I know what you mean J, but i lost my entire family when i was 18, had some terrible relationships and have been like this for over 20 years now. I have spent so much time in the worst places you can think of seeing such things that people do to each other, i have long ago lost faith in the good of people...
I have friends but relationships i keep far and short, I know it is not for everyone but the past effects you, will i die alone,,,yes, but i have gone through so much alone and nearly died so many times alone its ok..
Fear of pain i don't have, I just don't believe in one love for one person, or that of a so called solemate anymore,,, others do thats fine
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