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Thread: What would you say?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    What would you say?

    There are many variables to this question BUT... What would all of you compare a cycle of AAS to? Like the damage it may do to you, the rewards it gives you...

    Like a 12 week cycle of test with dbol kickstart. Going out and getting blackout drunk is worse on your liver that 4 weeks of dbol, with proper PCT there is no downside to this just rewards.

    The reason I am asking is because I'm sick of people giving me these moral speeches about how AAS are bad, I don't openly admit to taking them but a friend tells a friend that tells a friend, you know the deal.

    The worst part of this whole thing is that none of them know what they're talking about and the girls give you speeches about how bad it is for you and they put you basically on the same level as a heroin addict, and the guys say you're a cheater and they could be just as big and as strong if they took steroids.. The worst part of all is I look at the people talking to me and 50% have done some sort of hard drug ie coke,ecstasy 50% smoke week or take stuff like vicodins on a daily basis and 100% drink 3+ days a week..

    Now I don't care what these people think of me I am just trying to find out proper things to say in response, besides a friendly go f**k yourself.. I'd like to be able to compare the harshness of AAS use to real world things

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Exoneration. . .
    Quote Originally Posted by jp2007 View Post
    There are many variables to this question BUT... What would all of you compare a cycle of AAS to? Like the damage it may do to you, the rewards it gives you...

    Like a 12 week cycle of test with dbol kickstart. Going out and getting blackout drunk is worse on your liver that 4 weeks of dbol, with proper PCT there is no downside to this just rewards.

    The reason I am asking is because I'm sick of people giving me these moral speeches about how AAS are bad, I don't openly admit to taking them but a friend tells a friend that tells a friend, you know the deal.

    The worst part of this whole thing is that none of them know what they're talking about and the girls give you speeches about how bad it is for you and they put you basically on the same level as a heroin addict, and the guys say you're a cheater and they could be just as big and as strong if they took steroids.. The worst part of all is I look at the people talking to me and 50% have done some sort of hard drug ie coke,ecstasy 50% smoke week or take stuff like vicodins on a daily basis and 100% drink 3+ days a week..

    Now I don't care what these people think of me I am just trying to find out proper things to say in response, besides a friendly go f**k yourself.. I'd like to be able to compare the harshness of AAS use to real world things
    That's why you deny taking them to begin with But in your case, I'd separate yourself from all the negativity. Some battles just cannot be won. I get similar reactions from people when they see my tattoos. They have 20 questions, then either a lecture, or start talking about their own shit. I've found that most are actually ignorant of procedural aspects, and go by what they hear.

    What I do nowadays is just plain out ignore the person. I don't even give them 30 seconds of my time anymore. If they are trying to be friendly, I'll politely smile and nod or give them 1 word answers, then try to distance myself. I didn't get inked for attention, I did it for the @rt, BITCHES! Okay peace. Over and out.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Denying it just adds to the negativity that AAS receives. I'm honest and open about it.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoggage_54 View Post
    Denying it just adds to the negativity that AAS receives. I'm honest and open about it.
    True. But definitely keep in mind who you're telling, and the consequences... which I am sure you do, or now realize.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Never tell a soul that you do it, Ever!!!

    The general public is so brainwashed by the whole war on drugs thing. There are very few true free thinkers left in our mass media driven society.

  6. #6
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    Exoneration. . .
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    Never tell a soul that you do it, Ever!!!

    The general public is so brainwashed by the whole war on drugs thing. There are very few true free thinkers left in our mass media driven society.
    Yeah, but it sounds like his buddy knew he was on gear (maybe his source, or just a friend who also uses) and that's how other people found out. So, how can you make sure no one finds out? Gotta make sure your mates are straight up too. Sounds like a tough situation.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    Never tell a soul that you do it, Ever!!!
    The general public is so brainwashed by the whole war on drugs thing. There are very few true free thinkers left in our mass media driven society.

    Amen to that. I've learned that if you tell someone you're using AAS, especially a girl, they/she will use it against you in every way possible. "You're only mad at me because of the roids."- that type of bs.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by ****** View Post
    Amen to that. I've learned that if you tell someone you're using AAS, especially a girl, they/she will use it against you in every way possible. "You're only mad at me because of the roids."- that type of bs.
    Exactly, knowledge is power. You should never give someone that kind of leverage over you.

    Your a Smart man ******...Others should take heed.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    Exactly, knowledge is power. You should never give someone that kind of leverage over you.

    Your a Smart man ******...Others should take heed.
    so true never give anyone anything, deny deny deny,

  10. #10
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    Tell them in a way you take it as a compliment when they ask you if you're on AAS, say "I guess I must be doing something right if you think I'm getting such good results, glad all my hard work is really showing!"

  11. #11
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    And yes, deny deny deny

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    Never tell a soul that you do it, Ever!!!

    The general public is so brainwashed by the whole war on drugs thing. There are very few true free thinkers left in our mass media driven society.
    True this is the problem...

    The 3 people that know about me, well 2 of them use, and ive explained all i need to to my GF. She understands and agrees.

    She has never used it against me. Then again were not married so i suppose we should give it time. lol

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    a trash can
    I think he is asking how AAS effects on the liver compare to drinking excessively and taking recreational drugs, I'm interested in this too.

  14. #14
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    You got yourself in this mess.

    Don't tell anyone to begin with

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    People overreact when it comes to liver damage from AAS.

    The liver is the MOST resilient organ in your body. It can certainly handle 4 weeks of Dbol.

    It take anywhere from 15-50 years of alcohol abuse to deteriorate the liver to the point of causing disease. Depending of course on the level of abuse.

    Disclamier!: Though this is just theoretical and not actually proven. I am in no way advocating the use of alcohol nor AAS. I am not a medical professional.

  16. #16
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    everyone responds differently to booze and the effects on the liver differ from person to person. I wouldn't even bother with that whole argument, it's just a weak waste of time trying to argue for AAS, just ignore the conversation or deny.

  17. #17
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    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by sizerp View Post
    That's why you deny taking them to begin with But in your case, I'd separate yourself from all the negativity. Some battles just cannot be won. I get similar reactions from people when they see my tattoos. They have 20 questions, then either a lecture, or start talking about their own shit. I've found that most are actually ignorant of procedural aspects, and go by what they hear.

    What I do nowadays is just plain out ignore the person. I don't even give them 30 seconds of my time anymore. If they are trying to be friendly, I'll politely smile and nod or give them 1 word answers, then try to distance myself. I didn't get inked for attention, I did it for the @rt, BITCHES! Okay peace. Over and out.
    It used to be a difficult situation for me, but now i just don't go to parties or put myself in the situation anymore.. When people ask me if i use AAS i just say now i workout all the time, take some creatine, and a weight gainer, oh and i eat probably 4 times as much as you haha.. They just laugh and nod and that's basically the end of the conversation.

    You are all right when you say arguing will get you no where, everyone is brainwashed...

    Also i am doing my first bodybuilding show in March, so for the next 15 weeks or whatever i consider myself a bodybuilder which is an art along with your ink. 90% of people don't undersrtand that but i figured all of you do. That's why this is almost a little vent for me haha, no one really understands in the real world

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