Anyone read Muscle Mag where he openly blames gear caused his heart attacks.
Anyone read Muscle Mag where he openly blames gear caused his heart attacks.
being that big regurdless of gear or not is unhealthy, esp on your heart.
A friend of mine once had the opportunity of meeting Mike and discussing lifting, etc., with a group at a gym the day before he guest posed. He was very open about his AAS use. He said, since he became a pro, he never came off. He just rotated what he was taking occasionally. But, he was always on. Years of always on at high doses has to wreak havoc on the body.
Exactly. Who knows what dosages were run? We all know there is a point at which there is no real "safety" factor anymore. What we can do is try to err on the side of caution and try to avoid some of the same mistakes.
No disrespect to MM at all, in fact I think it is a sign of respect to listen/learn to/from what he had to say.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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Also to add he had a diet of red meat 5, 6, 7 times a day and had a history of screwy cholesterol before hand....
well it can complicate LVH, as the heart is a muscle and hypertrophy is increased on gear. makes sense.
He did 1500mg a week off times, so I cannot imagine what he took when on.
Shame he is half the man now and really has major issues. I also read about his meat intake, not good.
I thought it might of been the red bull. LOL
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