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Thread: If your not religious, where do you go when you die?

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by A2thej2008 View Post
    Yeah u become worm food, you become an Object, Organic Matter, One second your you, the next your a motionless object, You go into the furnace or the ground, well usually.

    I believe in god so i goto Heaven and party it up LOL

    Must re-state this

    if u dont believe in a god you die "Nothingness" "Oblivion" or "HELL" because you didnt believe in god so you go to hell.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    The unknown is scary for anyone.

    We as humans (9 times out of 10) do everything to stay alive, not die. We'll fight for our lives and resort to canibalism. Its in our instinct. Thats what this question always gets me. We are we wired to survive? As is everything on this planet?

    When we die, do we go to the same place we were at before we were born?
    What is even more suprising is that the human anatomy is designed to regenerate and continue living for infinite amount of time. It is a great mystery why our cells suddenly start to deteriorate and get old ultimately leading to death.... no one can answer that question scientifically... all our organs and our system are designed to combat and reguvinate to continue living, heal, and reporduce... then suddenly they start to get old for no known explainable reason. We know what occurs but do not why all of the sudden it changes from one way to the next??

    Look it up, but it does coincide with your body's desire and feelings of avoiding death and continue living... perhaps your heart/mind and body was not made to die???

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockinred View Post
    What is even more suprising is that the human anatomy is designed to regenerate and continue living for infinite amount of time. It is a great mystery why our cells suddenly start to deteriorate and get old ultimately leading to death.... no one can answer that question scientifically... all our organs and our system are designed to combat and reguvinate to continue living, heal, and reporduce... then suddenly they start to get old for no known explainable reason. We know what occurs but do not why all of the sudden it changes from one way to the next??

    Look it up, but it does coincide with your body's desire and feelings of avoiding death and continue living... perhaps your heart/mind and body was not made to die???
    That's interesting. I feel as though the continued success of our being, is in a l l i a n c e with the grand scheme of all things in this universe. If we never died, there'd never be room for other to experience life. Our globe would be over-run with immortal beings, resulting in a smuggled obedience to an endless occurrence of nothingness - 200lbs of Reefer, and 50 immigrants with fake visas could be the ruling factor for all vicarious events, like a broken record.

    Everything we know and experience is a result of life and death, yin and yang, black and white... Life simply is, and death simply is not. It's quite beautiful really, and helps me to enjoy just being alive. I don't have to act wile to appreciate the real real, it's rugged and unpredictable; be true.

  4. #44
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    ^^^ well said about the ass on you av *L* j/k

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by A2thej2008 View Post
    Must re-state this

    if u dont believe in a god you die "Nothingness" "Oblivion" or "HELL" because you didnt believe in god so you go to hell.
    well since u threw religion into this.. did u know heaven is hotter than hell?

    The temperature of Heaven can be rather accurately computed. Our authority is Isaiah 30:26, "Moreover, the light of the Moon shall be as the light of the Sun and the light of the Sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days." Thus Heaven receives from the Moon as much radiation as we do from the Sun, and in addition 7 x 7 (49) times as much as the Earth does from the Sun, or 50 times in all.

    The light we receive from the Moon is one 1/10,000 of the light we receive from the Sun, so we can ignore that.

    The radiation falling on Heaven will heat it to the point where the heat lost by radiation is just equal to the heat received by radiation, i.e., Heaven loses 50 times as much heat as the Earth by radiation. Using the Stefan-Boltzmann law for radiation, (H/E)^4 = 50, where E is the absolute temperature of the earth (-300ºK), gives H as 798ºK (525ºC).

    The exact temperature of Hell cannot be computed. However, Revelation 21:8 says "But the fearful, and unbelieving ... shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone." A lake of molten brimstone [sulphur] means that its temperature must be at or below its boiling point, 444.6ºC.

    We have, then, that Heaven, at 525ºC is hotter than Hell at 445ºC.


    by the way its meant as a joke please don't write me all kind of religious stuff now...

  6. #46
    shadows and dust

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    ^^^ well said about the ass on you av *L* j/k
    LOL. I wouldn't mind dying to that ass.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockinred View Post
    What is even more suprising is that the human anatomy is designed to regenerate and continue living for infinite amount of time. It is a great mystery why our cells suddenly start to deteriorate and get old ultimately leading to death.... no one can answer that question scientifically... all our organs and our system are designed to combat and reguvinate to continue living, heal, and reporduce... then suddenly they start to get old for no known explainable reason. We know what occurs but do not why all of the sudden it changes from one way to the next??

    Look it up, but it does coincide with your body's desire and feelings of avoiding death and continue living... perhaps your heart/mind and body was not made to die???
    So our bodies are wired to survive by instinct and organs to regenerate and heel, yet we still ultimately fail...Why?

    It would be pretty boring if there wasnt much after life though wouldnt it?

    What about mediums etc...Anyone believe in them? Or think there shady ****s (I do) trying to make a buck and prey on the vulnerable and weak?

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    So our bodies are wired to survive by instinct and organs to regenerate and heel, yet we still ultimately fail...Why?

    It would be pretty boring if there wasnt much after life though wouldnt it?
    what is boring or not is something that is defined by humans, nature couldnt give a crap if your bored or not! why should we have an after life and yet bacteria, crabs, seagulls, dogs, snakes, crocodiles etc dont?

    What about mediums etc...Anyone believe in them? Or think there shady ****s (I do) trying to make a buck and prey on the vulnerable and weak?
    im sorry, i get really fed up with people, not even religious folk, but people who think that humans are so special and have more of a right than anything else on the planet. look at termites and us- kill us off, they keep going. kill them off, we are screwed. just because we are top of the food chain doesnt mean we have a special right to an after life.

    theres an incredible series on here in the UK at the minute called catastrophe that shows how out world as we know it came about. stuff like that is superb, i love it, makes you realise just how insignificant you are to nature.

    be born, grow up, have a baby, die and feed the planet back. once you die, you die- theres nothing left except a corpse (and i work with them everyday!) who, again if not for human interference, would feed the earth in return for letting it (the corpse) have fed on it (the earth) while it was alive.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by nirish_mark20 View Post
    im sorry, i get really fed up with people, not even religious folk, but people who think that humans are so special and have more of a right than anything else on the planet. look at termites and us- kill us off, they keep going. kill them off, we are screwed. just because we are top of the food chain doesnt mean we have a special right to an after life.

    theres an incredible series on here in the UK at the minute called catastrophe that shows how out world as we know it came about. stuff like that is superb, i love it, makes you realise just how insignificant you are to nature.

    be born, grow up, have a baby, die and feed the planet back. once you die, you die- theres nothing left except a corpse (and i work with them everyday!) who, again if not for human interference, would feed the earth in return for letting it (the corpse) have fed on it (the earth) while it was alive.

    What's your job?

  11. #51
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    with regards to mediums/psychics/horoscopes- they mention and talk about such general things. they read you well and see how you are reacting to things. you read any horoscope and look hard enough, you will find that it relates to you if you look hard enough.

    look long enough in the sky, and you will see the clouds make shapes. the human brain works off recognition, and we thrive off 'knowing' everything (hence your original question).

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by sizerp View Post
    What's your job?
    mortuary technician (embalming etc)

  13. #53
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    You have to go somewhere when you die? That implies human life is eternal ie can't be created or destroyed.

    if you have to go somewhere when you die, where were you before you were born?
    why does the population keep going up if there is a set number of souls?

    nothing awaits imo

  14. #54
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    It seems as though one either believes in science OR religion.

    Where is Magic when you need him? He stated one can believe both...

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by nirish_mark20 View Post
    mortuary technician (embalming etc)
    When you die, you go to this guy ^^^ Nirish_Mark20 lol.

  16. #56
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  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockinred View Post
    What is even more suprising is that the human anatomy is designed to regenerate and continue living for infinite amount of time. It is a great mystery why our cells suddenly start to deteriorate and get old ultimately leading to death.... no one can answer that question scientifically... all our organs and our system are designed to combat and reguvinate to continue living, heal, and reporduce... then suddenly they start to get old for no known explainable reason. We know what occurs but do not why all of the sudden it changes from one way to the next??

    Look it up, but it does coincide with your body's desire and feelings of avoiding death and continue living... perhaps your heart/mind and body was not made to die???
    I'm going to have to ummm, disagree with you there. (in Bill Lumbergh voice from office space).

    First of all aging is pretty linear. You don't go to bed looking like an 18 year old and wake up looking 70, look in the mirror and say damn today was the day.

    Your body, organs and total system are not designed to live heal and reproduce indefinatly. Just by the way cells divide and change you have no choice but to alter DNA. When each new matching strand is completed, it is a bit shorter than the original strand because of the room needed at the end fir a small piece of RNA. Shortening of the telomeres is a key factor in aging. Mice have short telomeres and live much shorter. If you divide people into groups by telomere length, statistically the longer length telomere group will live longer.

    Then you have oxidative damage to DNA and enviromental factors.

    The reason and design for it is aging isfavoured by natural selection because it accelerates the evolution rate of a species by increasing the number of generations per unit of time. By dying away, the old individuals liberate the resources for their offsprings. Nature's way of building a better you in subsequent generations, although natural selection is dead or sleeping currently.

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    It seems as though one either believes in science OR religion.

    Where is Magic when you need him? He stated one can believe both...
    there is enough room for both religion and science...I for one think there is so much more to the universe than what we see. Eternal life on the other hand, I'm gonna go with wishful thinking. Religion as people practice it doesn't even register as rational to me (sry if that offends some people).

    We may get to an understanding of how everything works in this universe. But, nobody will ever answer the question of where it came there another universe with a totally different set of rules? Why is there anything at all? Don't forget, "I think therefore I am."

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    I'm going to have to ummm, disagree with you there. (in Bill Lumbergh voice from office space).

    First of all aging is pretty linear. You don't go to bed looking like an 18 year old and wake up looking 70, look in the mirror and say damn today was the day.

    Your body, organs and total system are not designed to live heal and reproduce indefinatly. Just by the way cells divide and change you have no choice but to alter DNA. When each new matching strand is completed, it is a bit shorter than the original strand because of the room needed at the end fir a small piece of RNA. Shortening of the telomeres is a key factor in aging. Mice have short telomeres and live much shorter. If you divide people into groups by telomere length, statistically the longer length telomere group will live longer.

    Then you have oxidative damage to DNA and enviromental factors.

    The reason and design for it is aging isfavoured by natural selection because it accelerates the evolution rate of a species by increasing the number of generations per unit of time. By dying away, the old individuals liberate the resources for their offsprings. Nature's way of building a better you in subsequent generations, although natural selection is dead or sleeping currently.
    what a brilliant response.

  20. #60
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    The Universe is God in my mind. It's not some dude in the clouds chillin and thinking about if you lived a good life or not. Every bit of matter and nothingness is God including you and me, the earth the stars and the vacum, the science and the constrains by which everthing interacts with one another. It is one supreme being and nobody can explain it and it dictates all the rules of our exsitance.

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    It seems as though one either believes in science OR religion.

    Where is Magic when you need him? He stated one can believe both...
    I have became much more religious through all my involvement in science. I know many scientist in the biological fields that are religious.

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    I have became much more religious through all my involvement in science. I know many scientist in the biological fields that are religious.
    Dont they contradict one another?

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    I'm going to have to ummm, disagree with you there. (in Bill Lumbergh voice from office space).

    First of all aging is pretty linear. You don't go to bed looking like an 18 year old and wake up looking 70, look in the mirror and say damn today was the day.

    Your body, organs and total system are not designed to live heal and reproduce indefinatly. Just by the way cells divide and change you have no choice but to alter DNA. When each new matching strand is completed, it is a bit shorter than the original strand because of the room needed at the end fir a small piece of RNA. Shortening of the telomeres is a key factor in aging. Mice have short telomeres and live much shorter. If you divide people into groups by telomere length, statistically the longer length telomere group will live longer.

    Then you have oxidative damage to DNA and enviromental factors.

    The reason and design for it is aging isfavoured by natural selection because it accelerates the evolution rate of a species by increasing the number of generations per unit of time. By dying away, the old individuals liberate the resources for their offsprings. Nature's way of building a better you in subsequent generations, although natural selection is dead or sleeping currently.
    Very Nice Kratos, you must have some genetics and cell bio in your background somewhere...

    To build on your statement, when and organism can no longer produce viable offspring they are in effect nothing more than a hindrance to the species competing for resources from the young, and or sexually viable population.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    there is enough room for both religion and science...I for one think there is so much more to the universe than what we see. Eternal life on the other hand, I'm gonna go with wishful thinking. Religion as people practice it doesn't even register as rational to me (sry if that offends some people).

    We may get to an understanding of how everything works in this universe. But, nobody will ever answer the question of where it came there another universe with a totally different set of rules? Why is there anything at all? Don't forget, "I think therefore I am."
    I fully agree!!!

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    Dont they contradict one another?
    Not necessarily look at the enlightenment, many of the philosophers were mathematicians and believed that natures law works in concordance with a celestial astronomy. That being said, science is in a way the same thing as spirituality. Empiricism and self-doubt do lead us to question things; our own existence and our death.

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    Dont they contradict one another?
    Not at all....

    There is a famous physics theory out there that for the most part throws into question that if you believe in the universe then you in effect create the universe, I am brutalizing this with simplicity. I will have to look up who said it because I can not remember the name of the guy right now. As soon as I get some time I will post it up. Or maybe someone knows what I am talking about and will beat me to it.

  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    I'm going to have to ummm, disagree with you there. (in Bill Lumbergh voice from office space).

    First of all aging is pretty linear. You don't go to bed looking like an 18 year old and wake up looking 70, look in the mirror and say damn today was the day.

    Your body, organs and total system are not designed to live heal and reproduce indefinatly. Just by the way cells divide and change you have no choice but to alter DNA. When each new matching strand is completed, it is a bit shorter than the original strand because of the room needed at the end fir a small piece of RNA. Shortening of the telomeres is a key factor in aging. Mice have short telomeres and live much shorter. If you divide people into groups by telomere length, statistically the longer length telomere group will live longer.

    Then you have oxidative damage to DNA and enviromental factors.

    The reason and design for it is aging isfavoured by natural selection because it accelerates the evolution rate of a species by increasing the number of generations per unit of time. By dying away, the old individuals liberate the resources for their offsprings. Nature's way of building a better you in subsequent generations, although natural selection is dead or sleeping currently.

    I agree, if we were never meant to age and die, then what would be the point in eating? What would be the point in reproduction? If we didnt age or die, this planet would have billions upon billions of people, all living in squalor cause of lack of space, all living in shitty surroundings. Thank ****ing God there is no such thing as immortality.

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    Not at all....

    There is a famous physics theory out there that for the most part throws into question that if you believe in the universe then you in effect create the universe, I am brutalizing this with simplicity. I will have to look up who said it because I can not remember the name of the guy right now. As soon as I get some time I will post it up. Or maybe someone knows what I am talking about and will beat me to it.
    Rene Descartes was the "I think therefore I am" dude.

    Plato perhaps? Between Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle...

    Plato - Perhaps the most dominant theme of Plato's dialogues is the search for certainty in knowledge. : asking: “We call lots of different things ‘red’, but how did we manage to learn the meaning of the word when we are never presented with an unambiguous example of redness? Red things in the world are round and red or juicy and red or crunchy and red. How, then, did we ever learn to use the word correctly?”


    "As the apple rots, what standard do we use to determine whether or not it is red? It seems that we need some unchanging standard, some fixed redness, but what could fit the bill in this changing world of rotting apples? If we really know something, it is hard to see how that knowledge could turn false. Opinions might turn out false, but if something is known - squares have four sides or 2 + 2 = 4, say - it has to be true forever, says Plato. Since nothing in this changing world seems able to shore up the permanency, Plato’s remarkable solution to these problems is the theory of forms.”

  28. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    I'm going to have to ummm, disagree with you there. (in Bill Lumbergh voice from office space).

    First of all aging is pretty linear. You don't go to bed looking like an 18 year old and wake up looking 70, look in the mirror and say damn today was the day.

    Your body, organs and total system are not designed to live heal and reproduce indefinatly. Just by the way cells divide and change you have no choice but to alter DNA. When each new matching strand is completed, it is a bit shorter than the original strand because of the room needed at the end fir a small piece of RNA. Shortening of the telomeres is a key factor in aging. Mice have short telomeres and live much shorter. If you divide people into groups by telomere length, statistically the longer length telomere group will live longer.

    Then you have oxidative damage to DNA and enviromental factors.

    The reason and design for it is aging isfavoured by natural selection because it accelerates the evolution rate of a species by increasing the number of generations per unit of time. By dying away, the old individuals liberate the resources for their offsprings. Nature's way of building a better you in subsequent generations, although natural selection is dead or sleeping currently.
    Do you have a source for your information?... it is well known that there are many theories aimed at addressing multicellular beings to explain oxidation, and the aging processes, etc... which attempt to define a difference between a multi-cellular being (more than one cell) from a unicellular being (single cell, such as bacteria) that does not know age or death and only divides into two perfectly conserved identical bodies...

    needless to say it is all theoretical and there is no consensus in the scientific community that is universally accepted on the aging of human beings... it is a highly controversial subject and any credible source explains it as trying to understand the unkown.

    I am not in this field of study obviously and I will get back with some more information, but even if you do have some base work and can refute the question with better understanding of cells, you for sure do not understand this very controversial process because it is nowhere published as fact by any credible source...there are many theories that differ dramatically in attempting to explain this. I think it really boils down to identifying this problem in order to attempt a cure that will create longevity to life.

    Not discrediting you as I can tell you are informed more than me on this... but we can talk some more...

  29. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    I agree, if we were never meant to age and die, then what would be the point in eating? What would be the point in reproduction? If we didnt age or die, this planet would have billions upon billions of people, all living in squalor cause of lack of space, all living in shitty surroundings. Thank ****ing God there is no such thing as immortality.
    Just because you can't fathom it with your mind it does not mean to be correct... if you were designed to live for infinity and not able to then maybe there is a reason... and maybe there is a reason and cause for production with an ending result.. do you think the universe can hold an infinite amount of people? who knows where it would end...

    Statistically speaking, many skeptics have even applied a mathematical equation to see how crowded the earth would be if everyone from beginning of time would try and live here... they calculated the land mass and human population throughout time... there was something like an acre per person just here on earth without factoring in the ocean...

    There might be many unkowns that can materialize... you can chalk it all off as fantasy if you want... makes no difference to me...

  30. #70
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    One last post to those who say that humans are no different than anything else here on earth... I urge you to open your mind a little more and show some critical thought process. at least a little, the difference of humans to every other thing here on earth is like night and day... you can start with something as little as our ability to communicate, create, destroy, the list goes on and on...each list is so long and complex too.... how many other creatures you know here on earth can create an atomic bomb? how about a phone?

    come on lend some credibilty to your statement... that is the easy way out of the topic. try and simplify something that is not simple...

  31. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockinred View Post
    One last post to those who say that humans are no different than anything else here on earth... I urge you to open your mind a little more and show some critical thought process. at least a little, the difference of humans to every other thing here on earth is like night and day... you can start with something as little as our ability to communicate, create, destroy, the list goes on and on...each list is so long and complex too.... how many other creatures you know here on earth can create an atomic bomb? how about a phone?

    come on lend some credibilty to your statement... that is the easy way out of the topic. try and simplify something that is not simple...
    It did take us a while to invent the A-bomb. Heck, it took us a while to establish a heliocentric thought process, let alone provide empirical data for such theories. Einstein came around hundreds of years after that happened, and there hasn't been, nor, I think, will there be another such great mind for centuries to come (if we make it that far without destroying ourselves). However you're right, you don't really see the advancement of other such creatures here on earth. I feel as though animals and our planet are in harmony with each other, and we (the human race) are here to learn and gain peace from them. Time is the play, Earth and it's environment the stage, and Humans the actors.

    Who the producers are, and where they got such weird ideas from, is puzzling in the least. Simplicity is in acknowledgment, truth is in theory.

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    If your not religious, where do you go when you die?

    You have to go somewhere, right?
    Nobody has to wait until they die. We're all part of the food chain . . .

    Our bodies are constantly rebuilding themselves out of the food we eat, and the used-up bits of proteins, aminos, oxidized carbs, liquids, etc, get s**t down the commode. From there, they are used as fertilizer for the next round of microbes and plants, which are in turn used as food for small animals, which in turn are eaten by larger animals, and so forth, without end.

    If it was possible to tag a water molecule, or maybe a carbon atom, we could trace it's passage through dozens of humans over the years.
    In a small, confined environment, like the space station, where all human waste is collected and recycled, it's easy to see how any one particular carbon or H2O molecule could be a part of several people over a relatively short period of time.

    Anyway, to answer your question, it seems to me that my physical form will be broken down in the environment, and will be recycled, and will ultimately become part of some other plant or animal.
    Earlier today, I contributed about one pound of recyclable material into the city's wastewater stream. They'll mix it up with everyone else's contributions, somehow treat it (I've no idea how), and then send it into the Trinity River here in Dallas. A variety of animals and plants will use it for food, then bigger animals will eat them, and bigger animals will eat them, etc etc etc, until some of the molecules that once were parts of George Bush's liver finally end up in someone else's hamburger.

    All that is going on each and every day, so I suppose when I finally die, my body will become food for the worms, and I'll end up being recycled again.

    In that respect, I suppose we're all unwitting participants in reincarnation.


    But, if you were wondering what happens to our "soul" you'd have to define exactly what that is.

  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    The Universe is God in my mind. It's not some dude in the clouds chillin and thinking about if you lived a good life or not. Every bit of matter and nothingness is God including you and me, the earth the stars and the vacum, the science and the constrains by which everthing interacts with one another. It is one supreme being and nobody can explain it and it dictates all the rules of our exsitance.
    I agree, with one minor difference -- I don't imagine the universe to be a "person" like a god or a supreme being. What the universe is, is. And that's about it.

    I will say, though, that some parts of the universe are more fun than others . . .

  34. #74
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    ^^^ like sizerp's av ....THAT looks like fun

  35. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    ^^^ like sizerp's av ....THAT looks like fun
    OH yes it IS! Every single day, again and again.

  36. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockinred View Post
    Do you have a source for your information?... it is well known that there are many theories aimed at addressing multicellular beings to explain oxidation, and the aging processes, etc... which attempt to define a difference between a multi-cellular being (more than one cell) from a unicellular being (single cell, such as bacteria) that does not know age or death and only divides into two perfectly conserved identical bodies...

    needless to say it is all theoretical and there is no consensus in the scientific community that is universally accepted on the aging of human beings... it is a highly controversial subject and any credible source explains it as trying to understand the unkown.

    I am not in this field of study obviously and I will get back with some more information, but even if you do have some base work and can refute the question with better understanding of cells, you for sure do not understand this very controversial process because it is nowhere published as fact by any credible source...there are many theories that differ dramatically in attempting to explain this. I think it really boils down to identifying this problem in order to attempt a cure that will create longevity to life.

    Not discrediting you as I can tell you are informed more than me on this... but we can talk some more...
    Bacteria divides by binary fisison not mitosis it's as simple as that.

    homework ugh, I'll grab a few off google for you I guess.

    The simple fact is, if you don't die, you can't evolve. Our lifespan is a match between us being effective creatures...having enough time to learn and pass down and nurture the next generation and a speedy turnover to allow for more generations. It's a trade off.
    Last edited by Kratos; 12-22-2008 at 11:26 PM.

  37. #77
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by rockinred View Post
    hmmm, I knew you were educated from schooling ... but now you are becoming and sounding Wise.....
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    That is the goal my friend.
    You guys should read up on Dr. Kent Hovind. AKA Dr. Dino.
    He gives a very scientific and unique perspective on the whole thing. I've only heard him on the radio but I always tune in. Even if you don't believe in creation and all that it's still very interesting.
    Last edited by Rugger02; 12-22-2008 at 11:58 PM.

  38. #78
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  39. #79
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    Aug 2008
    Living easy in Asia
    My opinions have not come from Books, science, or anything other than logic, open mindness, seeing and working all over the world, watching what people do, how they behave, how they treat others etc....... If there is a god i don't want to meet something that made such a fcuk up as to create man. We are animals, we elvolved, we live we die just the same as everything else, when we rot we feed the worms, life goes on until nature fixes the mistake........and even then something else will take over, and this keeps going on and on.
    Last edited by Older lifter; 12-23-2008 at 01:01 AM.

  40. #80
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    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    i try not to think about this. nothing scares me more than death. (im not religious)
    i dunno if i'm "scared" of death because there very well could be "nothing"...

    it's just - i didn't exist for billions and trillions of was my soul or life before then?... it will most likely be like that "after" too.

    i just life my life the best i can currently, and not worry about it.

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