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Thread: If your not religious, where do you go when you die?

  1. #121
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    hey look i got put on here so weird it took hours for it to post - strange how it took so long

  2. #122
    Remember how you felt in 1902? That is how you will feel in 2102.

    I have seen, first hand, hundreds of men who got drunk and ran their cars into objects which were stronger than they were. Seen the bleeding in their brains, seen all semblance of personality and capacity for reason leave them...seen them (forgive me for being so gritty) eat their own feces. It is one thing for an armchair philosopher to hypothesize that the brain is merely the connection between the material world and the immaterial soul or personality or what have you. It is another to actually see the effects of actual brain damage and attempt to hold that hypothesis. It just does not seem to jive with reality.

    Science *is* at odds with religion, as practiced and understood by 99.9% of believers. Claiming Jesus was born without a father is a scientific claim. The age of the earth is a scientific question. A sense of mysticism is not itself at odds with science. The claims that religious people make however frequently are.

  3. #123
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    Not sure if you know this but all dogs go to heaven.

  4. #124
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    lol... some belive so... the bible does say lamb will eat with lions (both eathing grasses), and the child can play at a vipers den and not be harmed... animals in heaven - so some of you might actually make it(that was a joke only)... dsm whats with that pic - ur killinig me

  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by nirish_mark20 View Post
    haha i love this quote

    what happens if im wrong? i go to hell? but god should love me and forgive me! id rather go to hell that praise some insecure thing who deceives and punishes so severly yet leads us to believe he loves us.

    gods- what a joke!
    My God is not a punishing God...I know this because in my life if I was given justice instead of mercy..I'd be dead or in jail forever...For some reason I was given a chance to turn my life around and I no longer do the Devil's bidding....I try to the best of my ability to do the right thing..and then the next right thing...and hurt no-one...good/bad...heaven.hell.....doesn't matter.....its a personal choice...I make ..yours and its all good.

  6. #126
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    As I recall from my Sunday School teaching days, the god of the Bible promises to send the vast majority of humans who ever lived to an uncomfortably toasty eternity.

    Not that the Bible's claims make any difference, because there's lots of reasons to suppose it's 100% accurate. The bible itself says that a prophet can make 99 accurate predictions and 1 bad one, and it's that 1 bad one that proves that he's a Tool of Satan. And, as is the custom for all sorts of imagined offenses, the Bible's god demands the death penalty for uttering just one unfulfilled prophecy:

    Deuteronomy chapter 18:
    "20": But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die.

    "21": And if thou say in thine heart, How shall we know the word which the LORD hath not spoken?

    "22": When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.

    Right off the top of my head, I recall Ezekiel falls into this category of "failed prophets" that should have been executed. He predicted that the city of Tyre (currently located on the coast in southern Lebanon, but at the time of the prediction, it was part of the Phonecian empire) would be completely destroyed, and it would never ever never ever be rebuilt:

    Ezekiel 26
    14: And I will make thee like the top of a rock: thou shalt be a place to spread nets upon; thou shalt be built no more: for I the LORD have spoken it, saith the Lord GOD.

    But, as is the case with so many bible prophecies, it didn't hold up. It was attacked unsucessfully by Nebuchadnezzar around 573 BC, but fell to Alexander the Great about 330 BC. It recovered sufficiently to become a major cultural and commercial center of the Roman empire, hosting several large of the largest colluseums of antiquity. It was also attacked by European Crusaders about 1111 AD, and it's had other ups and downs over the years. Israel bombed the f--- out of it in the 1980's. Nevertheless, the Lebanese government puts the population of Tyre (renamed "Sur") over 100,000.,_Lebanon

    Fundamentallist preachers have some tortured explanations of why this qualifies as a "fulfilled prophecy" even though it's been a busy center of commerce for most of the past 2500 years. It seem to me, however, that since Tyre has had both economic booms and busts (like many cities) since Ezekiel's failed prophecy, he should have been subjected to the punishment prescribed in Deuteonomy 18. Along with that, the entire book of Ezekiel should be unceremoniously torn from the pages of every copy of the Bible all over the planet.


    One other interesting problem with the Bible rests in the book of Genesis. Chapter 36 verse 31 reads:

    31: And these are the kings that reigned in the land of Edom, before there reigned any king over the children of Israel.

    Ya, that's an interesting verse among lots of other mind-numbing verses of begats. Those of you familiar with the the timeline of Bible history will remember that Israel did not have kings until about 1000 BC, when kings Saul, David, and Solomon are said to have ruled.
    And you will also remember that the book of Genesis was supposed to have been written about 500 years before any Hebrew had any idea of any "kings who ruled Israel."
    These people seem certain that Moses lived about 1445 BC, and the "begat" section comes quite a few years before then . . .

    Anyway, the upshot of all this is,
    Bible prophecy is not reliable, and even by the Bible's own standards, some of Christiandom's most popular prophets are roundly condemned by Moses himself (Moses supposedly wrote the 1st five books of the Bible, but it's getting more difficult as time goes by to find any scholars who agree), even deserving capital punishment.

    To make a long story short, in light of many bible errors, I see no reason to suppose the Bible to be a reliable source of information. Its morals embrace slavery, human sacrifice, and capital punishment for breaking some of the 10 commandments.
    The New Testament is built on that shaky foundation.

    Beleive what you like (and I'm certain you will), but there's no real reason to be concerned with the God of the bible sending anyone to an unpleasant afterlife.

    There is no such thing as Hell. No afterlife, no eternall punishment, no toasty flames, no demons, no devil.

  7. #127
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    The earth is 5 billion years old, whether anyone likes that or not. For half of that time, life has existed on this planet. 90% of ALL life that has ever existed does not exist anymore. There have been 5 Mass Extinctions which have seen 90% to 99% of life wiped out each time, the 10% to 1% that survive, survive in essence because they are fortunate to be in environments that arent too radically affected or their phyisiology just happens to be able to cope with the conditions and stress. It's interesting to note that sharks have been around for nearly half a billion years and have survived every single mass extinction.

    Now, when the next one comes and WIPES OUT HUMANS and everything else, where is God going to be then? And if it stands to reason that sharks would survive yet another mass extinction, I guess God must prefer sharks, fish and various insects to animals such as us, mm?

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    Last edited by IronReload04; 01-02-2009 at 11:21 AM.

  9. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    Science is unable to tell us where "thought" comes from. Yes, we can point to a specific region of th brain and say "In that area, cells are responsible for ___________ area of human behavior. However, we cannot tell you how those simple collection of cells are able to produce novel human thought, and how they are able to tackle problems in ways that were never before concieved. That in and of itself is intriguing enough for me. While many of you know I reject all forms of organized religion, I cannot in good conscience deny the fact that we have scientific knowledge about where thought and personality comes from.

    It is my own contention, that the human body is simply a mechanism by which a 'person' experiences the physical world. What is behind that body I make no assumptions towards. We view brain damage as something where a person is never the same. It's my personal contention that when a particular region of the brain is damaged, it has merely interupted the connection between that 'person' and their physical existence. I know its an abstract idea, and I have no scientific information with which to back it up, but thats how I feel personally.

    very similar conclusions I have drawn.....and einstein is with me and you too. what people like us except is that our brains or whatever do not have the capacity to comprehend many principals of the example, infinity.

    more on this from me later

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by A2thej2008 View Post
    Must re-state this

    if u dont believe in a god you die "Nothingness" "Oblivion" or "HELL" because you didnt believe in god so you go to hell.
    most people that believe in God believe that only God will judge. not you.

  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    The earth is 5 billion years old, whether anyone likes that or not. For half of that time, life has existed on this planet. 90% of ALL life that has ever existed does not exist anymore. There have been 5 Mass Extinctions which have seen 90% to 99% of life wiped out each time, the 10% to 1% that survive, survive in essence because they are fortunate to be in environments that arent too radically affected or their phyisiology just happens to be able to cope with the conditions and stress. It's interesting to note that sharks have been around for nearly half a billion years and have survived every single mass extinction.

    Now, when the next one comes and WIPES OUT HUMANS and everything else, where is God going to be then? And if it stands to reason that sharks would survive yet another mass extinction, I guess God must prefer sharks, fish and various insects to animals such as us, mm?

    if you are going to entertain this thought...Think outside the box a little more.

  12. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tock View Post
    As I recall from my Sunday School teaching days, the god of the Bible promises to send the vast majority of humans who ever lived to an uncomfortably toasty eternity.

    Not that the Bible's claims make any difference, because there's lots of reasons to suppose it's 100% accurate. The bible itself says that a prophet can make 99 accurate predictions and 1 bad one, and it's that 1 bad one that proves that he's a Tool of Satan. And, as is the custom for all sorts of imagined offenses, the Bible's god demands the death penalty for uttering just one unfulfilled prophecy:

    Deuteronomy chapter 18:
    "20": But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die.

    "21": And if thou say in thine heart, How shall we know the word which the LORD hath not spoken?

    "22": When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.

    Right off the top of my head, I recall Ezekiel falls into this category of "failed prophets" that should have been executed. He predicted that the city of Tyre (currently located on the coast in southern Lebanon, but at the time of the prediction, it was part of the Phonecian empire) would be completely destroyed, and it would never ever never ever be rebuilt:

    Ezekiel 26
    14: And I will make thee like the top of a rock: thou shalt be a place to spread nets upon; thou shalt be built no more: for I the LORD have spoken it, saith the Lord GOD.

    But, as is the case with so many bible prophecies, it didn't hold up. It was attacked unsucessfully by Nebuchadnezzar around 573 BC, but fell to Alexander the Great about 330 BC. It recovered sufficiently to become a major cultural and commercial center of the Roman empire, hosting several large of the largest colluseums of antiquity. It was also attacked by European Crusaders about 1111 AD, and it's had other ups and downs over the years. Israel bombed the f--- out of it in the 1980's. Nevertheless, the Lebanese government puts the population of Tyre (renamed "Sur") over 100,000.,_Lebanon

    Fundamentallist preachers have some tortured explanations of why this qualifies as a "fulfilled prophecy" even though it's been a busy center of commerce for most of the past 2500 years. It seem to me, however, that since Tyre has had both economic booms and busts (like many cities) since Ezekiel's failed prophecy, he should have been subjected to the punishment prescribed in Deuteonomy 18. Along with that, the entire book of Ezekiel should be unceremoniously torn from the pages of every copy of the Bible all over the planet.


    One other interesting problem with the Bible rests in the book of Genesis. Chapter 36 verse 31 reads:

    31: And these are the kings that reigned in the land of Edom, before there reigned any king over the children of Israel.

    Ya, that's an interesting verse among lots of other mind-numbing verses of begats. Those of you familiar with the the timeline of Bible history will remember that Israel did not have kings until about 1000 BC, when kings Saul, David, and Solomon are said to have ruled.
    And you will also remember that the book of Genesis was supposed to have been written about 500 years before any Hebrew had any idea of any "kings who ruled Israel."
    These people seem certain that Moses lived about 1445 BC, and the "begat" section comes quite a few years before then . . .

    Anyway, the upshot of all this is,
    Bible prophecy is not reliable, and even by the Bible's own standards, some of Christiandom's most popular prophets are roundly condemned by Moses himself (Moses supposedly wrote the 1st five books of the Bible, but it's getting more difficult as time goes by to find any scholars who agree), even deserving capital punishment.

    To make a long story short, in light of many bible errors, I see no reason to suppose the Bible to be a reliable source of information. Its morals embrace slavery, human sacrifice, and capital punishment for breaking some of the 10 commandments.
    The New Testament is built on that shaky foundation.

    Beleive what you like (and I'm certain you will), but there's no real reason to be concerned with the God of the bible sending anyone to an unpleasant afterlife.

    There is no such thing as Hell. No afterlife, no eternall punishment, no toasty flames, no demons, no devil.

    TOCK - dont take what you learned as child from cathlic sunday school and apply that now, the Cathlics dont teach good fundimental bible, they teach religion...

    duter is old test and that applies directly to the jew... the "law" for the jew consisted of 613 laws that was impossible to follow - not totally impossible but darn close, it proved that the law wouldnt save them only God would. and yes, it may seem like a huge punishment to kill that prophet, but read the three verses before vrs 21 - it was not just any prophet, the prophet was one "raised up" by God for the sole purpose to speak Gods words to the people... question what if a mod in this form decided to start letting labs be published? should the owner of this sight warn him or should that mod just be put out? he would be put out.

    exekiel is simple : after a 13-year siege, Nebuchadnezzar (sadam husains great great great great great grampa) could not conquer the part of Tyre located on the island; thus certain aspects of the decription in 26:12 and 14 exceed the actual damage done to Tyre by Nebuchadnezzar and predicted what would happen to the island settlement later during the conquests of Alexander the Great. Alexander threw the rubble of the main land city in to the sea untill it made a bridge to the island. today the island city is still in a pile of rubble, a testimony to God's judgment.

    vers 12 just for refrence to the above("and they shall make a spoil of they riches, and make a prey of thy merchandise:and they shall break down thy walls, adn desrtoy thy pleasant houses:and they shall lay thy stones and thy timber and thy dust in the midst of the water.)

    about the time line - the study of time line and begats who can understand any of that i do know this moses wrote Genesis some time around 1450 and 1410 bc (remember the date count down at this time) so that part is correct... ??? i dont know what the issue is here? they are trying to twist something that most people cant not disprove, the time line thing would take years to research for ones self.

    moses wrote 5 books - nobody questions that - non jews alike
    & moses and christians???? hu? much time passed between that time they are not directly linked except thru Jesus and when he went to the mount and a few apostles came with Jesus to view Elija and Moses as they appeared to Jesus. God later said this is my son listen to him - or something very close to that - i just went from memory

    as for the rest of what you said - i could post tons of things proving the bible and with ur request i will (how ever) and the bible is very clear on people who have the stance you do ... good luck - but please dont take how you were given God growing up and apply it to your present day life ... stop and try to get that crap out of you head and read the bible for your self - start in mathew you'll love it!

    this is the God i know: (new testoment is applied to us - the Gentile, not old test that applies to the jew...) "when i was child, i spake as a child, i understood as a child, i thought as a child: but when i became a man, i put away childish things." " for now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to vace: now i know in part; but then shall i know even as also i am known." this is the best part do you know the grate comandment? is is of love, love you God, love the people around you... " and now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity." charity = love. the greaatest of these is Love... that sound like a mean God? is it mean to disipline you children or do we look back and say "wow, i got away with a lot growing up, i really should have been corrected for that"...??

  13. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronReload04 View Post
    if you are going to entertain this thought...Think outside the box a little more.
    Please explain, your reply suggests you are angry or that you think im ignorant. I am not. I don't believe in God or an Afterlife, if that makes me ignorant than so be it. I am stating a fact. Look at any paleomap of earths history and you will see that there have been 5 mass extinctions. That is a fact. Everything happens in a series of cycles, so its a sure bet that a mass extinction will happen again in the near or distant future. A mass extinction is a big thing, im talking about hundereds of volcanoes erupting at once. Humans, along with most other species will not survive a Mass Extinction if one occured. My point is probably a bit petty, but I am just saying that God, whether He exists or not, will not save us. Why are we anymore important than 90% of all other life that is not alive today?

  14. #134
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    Just like another said, part of the carbon cycle.

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    sicence has proven that the big bang theory is not a valid explination, and evolution would have you belive that if you wait long enough you computer will eventual just evolve on its own and be a plane or a spaceship - that doesnt seem valid either ... i will post some more stuff on that ltr after dinner and some ice cream... heheheh

  16. #136
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    I - STAR CLUSTERS—There are many star clusters in the universe. Each one is a circular ball composed of billions upon billions of stars, each with its own orbit. Science tells us that some of these clusters—with their stars—are moving so rapidly, together, in a certain direction that it should be impossible for them to remain together if the universe were very old.
    2 - LARGE STARS—Some stars are so enormous in diameter that it is thought that they could not have existed for even a few million years, otherwise their initial larger mass would have been impossibly large. These massive stars radiate energy very rapidly—some as much as 100,000 to 1 million times more rapidly than our own sun. On the hydrogen basis of stellar energy, they could not have contained enough hydrogen to radiate at such fast rates for long ages, because their initial mass would have had to be far too gigantic.
    3 - HIGH-ENERGY STARS—Some stars are radiating energy so intensely that they could not possibly have survived for a long period of time. This includes the very bright O and B class stars, the Wolf-Rayfert stars, and the P Cygni stars. Radiation levels of 100,000 to 1 million times as much as our own sun are emitted by these stars! Yet, by the standard solar energy theory, they do not contain enough hydrogen to perpetuate atomic fusion longer than approximately 50,000 to 300,000 years.
    4 - BINARY STARS—Many of the stars in the sky are binaries: two stars circling one another. But many of these binary systems point us to a young age for the universe, because they consist of theoretically "young" and "old" stars circling one another.
    5 - HYDROGEN IN UNIVERSE—According to one theory of solar energy, hydrogen is constantly being converted into helium as stars shine. But hydrogen cannot be made by converting other elements into it. *Fred Hoyle, a leading astronomer, maintains that, if the universe were as old as Big Bang theorists contend, there should be little hydrogen in it. It would all have been transformed into helium by now. Yet stellar spectra reveal an abundance of hydrogen in the stars, therefore the universe must be youthful
    ok, so now all we know is that the hyposthises that are out there are just total wild guess and not hold water…


    6 - SOLAR COLLAPSE—Research studies indicate that our sun is gradually shrinking at a steady rate of seconds of arc per century. At its rate of shrinkage, as little as 50,000 years ago the sun would have been so large that our oceans would boil. But in far less a time than 50,000 years, life here would have ceased to exist. Recent studies have disclosed that neither the size of the sun, nor our distance from it, could be much greater or smaller—for life to be sustained on our planet.
    "By analyzing data from Greenwich Observatory in the period 1836-1953, John A. Eddy [Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and High Altitude Observatory in Boulder] and Aram A. Boornazian [mathematician with S. Ross and Co. in Boston] have found evidence that the sun has been contracting about 0.1% per century during that time, corresponding to a shrinkage rate of about 5 feet per hour. And digging deep into historical records, Eddy has found 400-year-old eclipse observations that are consistent with such a shrinkage."— *"Sun is Shrinking," Physics Today, September 1979.
    Extrapolating back, 100,000 years ago, the sun would have been about twice its present size, making life untenable.
    7 - SOLAR NEUTRINOS—In 1968 it was discovered that the sun is emitting hardly any neutrinos. This evidence points directly to a very youthful sun. These neutrinos ought to be radiating outward from the sun in very large amounts, but this is not occurring. This fact, coupled with the discovery that the sun is shrinking in size, point to a recently created sun.
    8 - COMETS—Comets, journeying around the sun, are assumed to have the same age as our world and solar system. But, as *Fred Whipple has acknowledged, astronomers have no idea where or how comets originated. Yet we know that they are continually disintegrating. This is because they are composed of bits of rocky debris held together by frozen gases and water. Each time a comet circles the sun, some of the ice is evaporated and some of the gas is boiled away by the sun’s heat. Additional material is lost through gravitational forces, tail formation, meteor stream production, and radiative forces. The most spectacular part of a comet is its tail, yet this consists of material driven away from its head by solar energy. All the tail material is lost in space as the comet moves onward.
    A number of comets have broken up and dissipated within the period of human observation. Some of those regularly seen in the nineteenth century have now vanished. Others have died spectacularly by plunging into the sun.
    Evidently all the comets should self-destruct within a time frame that is fairly short. Careful study has indicated that the effect of this dissolution process on short-term comets would have totally dissipated them within 10,000 years.
    Ok, so the point should be made …

    evolution of a multi billion year old earth did not exsist

    evolution ---) (--- proof evolution does not exist

  17. #137
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    ok this is over kill... but still on topic i will prove that their is with out a reasonalble dought only one real God, heaven, and hell...

    9 - COMET WATER—It has only been in recent years that scientists have discovered that comets are primarily composed of water, and that many small comets are continually striking the earth. Yet each strike adds more water to our planet. Scientific evidence indicates that, if the earth was billions of years old, our oceans would be filled several times over with water.

    10 - SOLAR WIND—As the sun’s radiation flows outward, it applies an outward force on very, very small particles orbiting the sun. All of the particles smaller than 100,000th of a centimeter in diameter should have long ago been "blown out" of our solar system, if the solar system were billions of years old. Yet research studies by satellites in space have shown that those small particles are abundant and still orbiting the sun. Therefore our solar system is quite young.

    11 - SOLAR DRAG—This is a principle known as the "Poynting-Robertson Effect." Our sun exerts a solar drag on the small rocks and larger particles (micrometeoroids) in our solar system. This causes these particles to spiral down into the sun and be destroyed. The sun, acting like a giant vacuum cleaner, sweeps up about 100,000 tons [82,301 mt] of micrometeoroids each day. The actual process by which this occurs has been analyzed. Each particle absorbs energy from the sun and then re-radiates it in all directions. This causes a slowing down of the particle in its orbit and causes it to fall into the sun. At its present rate, our sun would have cleaned up most of the particles in less than 10,000 years, and all of it within 50,000 years.

    Yet there is an abundance of these small pieces of rock, and there is no known source of replenishment. This is because each solar system would lock in its own micrometeoroids so they could not escape to another one, and the gravity on each planet and moon would forbid any of its gravel to fly out into space.

    Next we shall consider EVIDENCE FROM THE OTHER PLANETS IN OUR SOLAR SYSTEM that the solar system is quite young:

    12 - COMPOSITION OF SATURN’S RINGS—*G.P. Kuiper reported, in 1967, that the trillions of particles in the rings circling the planet Saturn are primarily composed of solid ammonia. Since solidified ammonia has a much higher vapor pressure than even ice, reputable scientists recognize that it could not survive long without vaporizing off into space. This is a strong indicator of a young age for Saturn’s rings.

    13 - BOMBARDMENT OF SATURN’S RINGS—Meteoroids bombarding Saturn’s rings would have destroyed them in far less than 20,000 years.

    14 - MORE RING PROBLEMS—NASA Voyager treks have disclosed that Jupiter and Uranus also have rings encircling them! (In addition, a 1989 Neptune fly-by revealed that it also has rings—four of them.) These discoveries have only augmented the problem of the evolutionists, for this would indicate a young age for those three planets also.

  18. #138
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    Where are you getting these "facts"

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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    Please explain, your reply suggests you are angry or that you think im ignorant. I am not. I don't believe in God or an Afterlife, if that makes me ignorant than so be it. I am stating a fact. Look at any paleomap of earths history and you will see that there have been 5 mass extinctions. That is a fact. Everything happens in a series of cycles, so its a sure bet that a mass extinction will happen again in the near or distant future. A mass extinction is a big thing, im talking about hundereds of volcanoes erupting at once. Humans, along with most other species will not survive a Mass Extinction if one occured. My point is probably a bit petty, but I am just saying that God, whether He exists or not, will not save us. Why are we anymore important than 90% of all other life that is not alive today?
    Quote Originally Posted by youngNhungry View Post
    Just like another said, part of the carbon cycle.
    pretty much how i see it.

  20. #140
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    Quote Originally Posted by gst528i View Post
    Where are you getting these "facts"
    over the years i have found this stuff - and under stand the only point i am making here(so far) is that evolution in just a guess at what happen to the earth... some is from hovind, some is by dif authors that if you read alot of info about evolution this will pop up.

  21. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    If your not religious, where do you go when you die?
    You have to go somewhere, right?
    This is a good question, and though I'm only reading this first page, and answering it directly, my reference for responding is strictly Biblical in nature:

    The term, 'religious' has multiple meanings. At its essence it simply means to believe in a greater power, but that could be the God of the Bible, or any other book because obviously they aren’t all the same, or simply in a higher power than man (even aliens), and for some in a lower power as they consider holy, and to some extent worship cows, sheep, and other farm animals.

    So let's not use that word for the sake of this conversation, and instead say:

    If you don't believe in the God of the Bible, where do you go when you die?
    Now if this interpretation of your question incorrect please qualify it for me, but if so read on.

    According to the Bible, which both defines and supports itself, when a Christian (a person who believes in the deity of Christ, i.e. God the Son, the only way to God as illustrated in numerous verses) dies they go to what is called the Paradise, also referred to as the third heaven or a place of rest/sleep until the day of judgement.
    Luk 23:42
    And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.
    Luk 23:43
    And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise.
    2Cr 12:4
    How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.
    Rev 2:7
    He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.

    So where do those who do not believe in the God of the Bible, and the teachings of the book in which the Old Testament foretells the coming of the Christ, and in which the New Testament tells of His life, works, sacrifice and redemption of mankind into right standing with God go after death? -- To a place that is cut off from the glory of God, an outer darkness of eternal suffering so great that there is continual wailing and gnashing of teeth.

    Mat 8:12
    But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
    Mat 13:42
    And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
    Mat 13:50
    And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
    Mat 24:51
    And shall cut him asunder, and appoint [him] his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
    Mat 25:30
    And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
    Luk 13:28
    There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when ye shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the kingdom of God, and you [yourselves] thrust out.

    So the dead in Christ go to Paradise/a restful sleep, and the dead out of Christ go immediately to Hell to await judgment after which they all receive their due and eternal reward or punishment.

    Rev 20:13
    And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.
    Rev 20:14
    And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

    Now this all begs the question of ghosts (spirits with alleged unfinished business that supposedly and in stark disorder) roam the earth…do they exist, is it possible? According to the Bible, “Absolutely not.” Such disorder, simply wouldn’t be tolerated by God, nor is there any Biblical precedent for it.
    Master Pai Mei of the White Lotus Clan

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  23. #143
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    in the ground

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    Worm food..

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  26. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    sex toys shop
    I wish, id come back as a dildo..

  27. #147
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fat Guy View Post
    This is where my atheist butt is going and I don't care what all you bible thumpers say...

    Someone must have a name for this angel!

  28. #148
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    I heard you will go the UK if your were bad//////////////lol

  29. #149
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    Quote Originally Posted by prone2rage View Post
    I heard you will go the UK if your were bad//////////////lol
    Now that is punishment lol

  30. #150
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    If your not religious, where do you go when you die?

    You have to go somewhere, right?
    only two places to end up in the afterlife.

  31. #151
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    Now that is punishment lol
    I knew it I better be good for the next couple of years.....

  32. #152
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    god she is hot.......

  33. #153
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Not sure if you know this but all dogs go to heaven.
    i don't know why but i truely just started laughing out loud for real when i read this.. DSM i duno who but you always come up with the random things to say

  34. #154
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    i don't see it as a view, or factual in nature. it's whether or not you have faith.

  35. #155
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    What everyone needs to question, regardless of their beliefs. Is why and how human beings have the capabilities and capacities to ponder about where we go when we die and if thier is a God, and the origins of the universe.

    What everyone needs to realize is that there are concepts about the universe that the human brain does not have the capacity to understand. For if something such as infinity can not be comprehended by a human, the possabilities are endless.

  36. #156
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronReload04 View Post
    What everyone needs to question, regardless of their beliefs. Is why and how human beings have the capabilities and capacities to ponder about where we go when we die and if thier is a God, and the origins of the universe.

    What everyone needs to realize is that there are concepts about the universe that the human brain does not have the capacity to understand. For if something such as infinity can not be comprehended by a human, the possabilities are endless.
    How do you know animals don't think of afterlife? Last time i checked we couldn't read brains.
    course i don;t think they can but u never know.
    Humans are afraid of death and afraid of nothing after death. Thats why we need to believe in an afterlife.
    I would love it if there was an after life and everyone learns every religion is the wrong one and that god had nothing to do with any religions. I would just love that...

  37. #157
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  38. #158
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    hahahahahahahahaha ^^^^^^^ dude nice post

  39. #159

  40. #160
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    Too bad there were'nt camera's back than. God chose the perfect time " to talk to prophets"

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