Well it’s here, a new year! How did you begin yours?
Well, I attended a benefit New Years Eve party for the City of Angels Children’s Home, an orphanage in Tijuana, Mexico. I donated my time to prepare for the event and made a $100 contribution which was really all I could afford. Sounds good right? Well, I think I ate $300 in food (they had a buffet so that's tougher than you think). I won FIVE of the 10 raffles (anyone want a basket of handmade soap?), incidentally there was over a hundred people there. Not only that, but the handful of orphans speaking at the event were convinced that I was a pro wrestler– I don’t speak Spanish, so I nodded and smiled at just about everything.
All in all, I made out like a bandit. And now I feel guilty. Not guilty enough to adopt anyone (they have enough problems), but I feel the need to put the word out there…. If anyone wants to put a good step forward to begin the year (and make up for my gluttony), here is their website
And if anyone asks, tell them Captain Grengo, professional wrestler sent you!