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  1. #1
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    Calling all american brothers who know nfl...

    hey guys im from australia and i was just mucking round with one of my mates thats gettin picked up by a top college in the USA next yr for punting and after seeing me kick said i could do it if i wanted.

    What sorta things should i be aiming for. I only kicked the ball a few times and ive never kicked one before but my best hang time was around 4.5 which went about 45 yards but with a bit of a training i think i could be gettin 5 second hangtime which is pretty good i think? but i can kick an afl ball around 60 yards so im guessing i could kick a nfl ball that far if not more.

    What sorta mix of hang time and distance would they be looking for . Im just aiming to get a scholarship to a college in the usa.

  2. #2
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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  3. #3
    moregunsthanroses's Avatar
    moregunsthanroses is offline Associate Member
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    I'm guessing your talking about punting not fieldgoal kicking?

  4. #4
    Ernst's Avatar
    Ernst is offline Borderline Personality
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    This is part of a series on punting...

    The guy in the video is a great college ball punter. The rest of the series is lined up below.

  5. #5
    StoneGRMI's Avatar
    StoneGRMI is offline Giggity Giggity Giggty!
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    Much more than just distance. They'll want to see accuracy and distance control inside certain yard markers and whatnot. I played soccer and was the kicker/punter for my high school football team and had a few punts over 60 yards but was never even looked at because I didn't have proper training nor was I that accurate. I would do some google searches and learn how to punt an American football properly then you'll have to walk onto a team. Very very very few punters earn scholarships their first year.

  6. #6
    firmechicano831's Avatar
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    yup, stone is correct.

  7. #7
    bodybuilder1107's Avatar
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    you need alot they aren't there just because they can kick, i was aopunter for two years when on special teams and not playing offense and it's pretty hard, i kicked farther than anyone in my section but accuracy, control, placement, and accounting for temp and wind and junk like that takes alot, most of the pros will place the ball exactly where they want it in the freezing cold and 20 mile an hour winds, if your serious go to a local filed or caoch and see what they think maybee they will recruit you or maybee not

  8. #8
    MuscleSportMag's Avatar
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    There was a punter on the Vikings (black guy, I believe named Coleman) some years back that used to say '4' - meaning a 44-yard punt average with 4.4 hang time was his goal.

  9. #9
    T_Own's Avatar
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    no offense, but there are probably more than enough people in the US that can punt just as far but better. i can probably punt one 60 yards but i don't even bother trying to walk on, i stick with soccer

  10. #10
    dg101's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by T_Own View Post
    no offense, but there are probably more than enough people in the US that can punt just as far but better. i can probably punt one 60 yards but i don't even bother trying to walk on, i stick with soccer
    Agreed T, but lets not forget about our boy Sav Rocca. He is Australian and one of, i believe, four Australian punters in the league. But i mean just cause there are some doesnt mean that everyone can make it. Many different variables factor into being a good punter.

  11. #11
    BgMc31's Avatar
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    Actually kicking is the only position that someone can walk off the street and earn a contract. Kickers are a low paying position and are easy to find so most teams will occasionally tryout rugby or soccer players. But with that said, its not power that will get you a contract, its accuracy. And it also depends on whether you want to be a kicker or a punter. Hangtime and accuracy matters as a punter, accuracy and the ability to kick touchbacks is what matters as a kicker.

    By the way, I know because I played 4yrs in the NFL.

  12. #12
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    punting, 35-50 yards, hang-time of 4+ seconds

    But you have to be accurate

  13. #13
    Brown Ninja's Avatar
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    are punters football players? Are kickers more part of the team than punters? W

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    who wins in a fight...Gary Andersen or Morten Anderson? Which one was the fag?

  15. #15
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    so im averaging 4.2 sec hang time and 40 yards... if i build up alot of strength and flexibility would hangtime/distance improve as well? or can u not really work on it? i play aussie rules so ive been kickin all my life. Also do many colleges offer scholarships to punters or only top colleges? dont wanna play college if im a walk on cos i couldnt afford it

  16. #16
    T_Own's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dg101 View Post
    Agreed T, but lets not forget about our boy Sav Rocca. He is Australian and one of, i believe, four Australian punters in the league. But i mean just cause there are some doesnt mean that everyone can make it. Many different variables factor into being a good punter.
    nice location! good old killadelphia, pistolvania.

    bg, if some kickers are paid low, i would hate to see you work a normal job.

    anabolictonic, you would have to be AMAZING to get a scholarship imo. in college, all the good teams hardly ever punt, and bad schools don't have enough money to give a punter a scholarship. the nfl is all different though, but you really have to be great to walk onto a pro team, or have done well enough in college. if you think you are that good, get a loan and consider it an investment. if you make it to the nfl, that 150k for school will look like a joke.

  17. #17
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    yer well il stick at it and see how i go .. one of my mates is about to get a full scholarship to ucla as a punter and he said i could prob make it so it inspired me haha... thanks t

  18. #18
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    to college ball not nfl by the way haha

  19. #19
    T_Own's Avatar
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    yeah i know what ucla is lol... i don't really know, but i would say the market for scholarship punters is small. but go for it

  20. #20
    StoneGRMI's Avatar
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    Colleges don't give full rides to punters their first year unless they're remarkable. Most can get what's called a "proffered walk-on" which they'll give you some money for classes but not all. It's usually less than 50%. Some are called partial scholarships and those players will usually just get their books paid for but no class. Your best bet is to take out a loan, go to a NCAA school that you can get into that is not a top 25 school and try to walk-on. By the way, your buddy may be lying to you. UCLA only has a kicker (not punter) they're offering a scholarship to in the next 2 years and he's from California. There isn't even a Punter on their watch list. That's how rare it is to get a punting scholarship.

  21. #21
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    oh well he finished first at some national camp they just had and hes goin to one of the top ones...i think it was ucla he said they just did a 70 mil upgrade on there stadium?

    so how many of the top schools really offer full scholarships to punters only like the top 10 in the country or somethin????

  22. #22
    T_Own's Avatar
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    no, i'd say maybe 1 gets a full scholarship.. the rest would be like stone said, play the first year and if you are GREAT, they might give you some money to stay.

    and i doubt the coliseum is getting a 70m upgrade

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