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Thread: new years gym go-ers

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    new years gym go-ers


    i dunno how to start this thread...except for, today at the gym was the worst gym experience i've had....


    so i get there...there's tonnes of new people.

    the weight rack is mixed. no weights are in pairs. LITERALLY. everything everywhere, mad amounts of dumbells on the floor too... not even on the rack.

    i was using the cables. 2 outta 3 sets done. i didn't walk away - i was still in the middle, and a guy walks up, changes the height and weight and i said to him "WHAT THE FVCK!?"

    his responce "oh, don't worry, i wont be long" ..i said "you're right, cuz you wont even be starting, till im finished"

    i readjusted it, and finished.


    all the new kids who are 140lbs are walking around in wifebeaters......

    talking about how huge they are gonna be, how much juice they are gonna do, their max 1 rep, yadda yadda yadda....

    so annoying.

    i dont think i can tolerate 2-4 more weeks of this, till they all thin back out...

    anyone else dealing with this?


    and on another note....why do people need new years as a motivation to do something to better their life?

    what's different jan 1st compared to dec 1st of the year before? why can't people do it, without some excuse to start on new yrs.....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    dsm made a thread like this. its those new years resolutions that are so fake

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    If they are at your gym farting around, it means there is less of a chance for them to find this site and ask questions about drinking winstrol or d-bol only cycles

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by daem View Post
    If they are at your gym farting around, it means there is less of a chance for them to find this site and ask questions about drinking winstrol or d-bol only cycles
    you mean the dbol only cycle im on isnt a good idea?

  5. #5
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    who cares about the dball cycle your on ?? lets just drink some shots of test and get huge !! What does test cyp taste like? *L*

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    On the Moon
    dude i had the same at my gym,

    I wanted to get there early but i train with a friend so we started around 3pm. id say there was around 6 or 7 people id never seen before. all doing a single exercise on each machine then moving on. WTF

    week or 2 and it will pass. I HOPE lol

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    who cares about the dball cycle your on ?? lets just drink some shots of test and get huge !! What does test cyp taste like? *L*
    tastes like chicken. i thought you were supposed to break up dbol and smoke it off a spoon?

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    On the Moon
    na lads, dbol is purely for snorting. The after burn means its the real stuff... lol

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    i hate the gym at new years. especially when it comes to cardio. There are lines for machines. I hate it

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    between the flaps
    you're all wrong wrong wrong... dbol is meant to be inserted rectally as a suppository

    another thought: i saw first of the year my gym has promotions to get new members. they get half off the enrollment fee if they sign up in January. How you like that? and they dont do any promotions at all the whole rest of the year.

  11. #11
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    Dbol is not suppose to be injected in your pee pee to make it bigger???????????. Someone lied to me .. omg

    And yea a bunch of fatty were at the gym today... im sure it wont last more than two weeks

  12. #12
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  13. #13
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    hi my new years resolution is to get huge. I'm 6'2 130 lbs and 16 years old.

    If I take roids for like 6 months how big will I be? Thanks

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    who cares about the dball cycle your on ?? lets just drink some shots of test and get huge !! What does test cyp taste like? *L*
    How about some Tren Bombs Lmao

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    do what i do.....get the key to the gym and go when its out , lock u and go home.or ppl at all

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nicotine View Post
    you mean the dbol only cycle im on isnt a good idea?
    i want to know the answer to that as well.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by big_k View Post
    hi my new years resolution is to get huge. I'm 6'2 130 lbs and 16 years old.

    If I take roids for like 6 months how big will I be? Thanks
    16 yrs ur too old for juice ...normally ppl start at 12.

  18. #18
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    none new in my gym really still all the same people but they are all there more now the cardio room was packed this morning, lol, cheesecake love handles baby!!! mmmmmmmmmm

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by scibble View Post
    you're all wrong wrong wrong... dbol is meant to be inserted rectally as a suppository

    Ha, I bet this would actually work.

  20. #20
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    My post in another similar thread:

    Yeah, a super crowded gym can be a bit frustrating. But, it's important that we remain patient with the new faces because I think most of us really do want to see people overhaul their lives physically. The fact of the matter is, the gym may be your forte so these news faces pose a threat to when, where and how long it takes for you to workout. But on the flip side, these new faces may have strengths outside of the gym that you're not so good at that may inconvenience them as well.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dobie-BOY View Post
    Ha, I bet this would actually work.
    come on now thats messed up! what would you do if you were in the changing room and seen a guy fart pink powder??????: LOL icon_roll

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by bodybuilder1107 View Post
    come on now thats messed up! what would you do if you were in the changing room and seen a guy fart pink powder??????: LOL icon_roll
    I would smell his fart for a few free mgs of Dbol. haha, sometimes I think I should grow up. Then Im like, "Naaaa"..

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    On the upside...hopefully some people do stick with it and change their lives. Obesity does cost the US a lottt of friggin money, so the more people who dedicate themselves the better.

    On the downside, what do you guys think of my bulking diet? I eat a tonnn of food everyday and I do not know why i cant gain weight...

    Breakfast- protein shake
    Lunch- 2 big macs and fries, with a soda...
    PWO meal- protein shake
    Dinner- nothing, i dont have time...

    id say im getting like 8,000 calories a day...

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    On the upside...hopefully some people do stick with it and change their lives. Obesity does cost the US a lottt of friggin money, so the more people who dedicate themselves the better.

    On the downside, what do you guys think of my bulking diet? I eat a tonnn of food everyday and I do not know why i cant gain weight...

    Breakfast- protein shake
    Lunch- 2 big macs and fries, with a soda...
    PWO meal- protein shake
    Dinner- nothing, i dont have time...

    id say im getting like 8,000 calories a day...
    haha what a great diet godfather. You should add a frostie in there to man to get super jacked.

    Hey in response to the money question. Who the hell needs money when you can print it right. Obama can print all the money so we medicare wont cost us anything What about the fat people who cant afford fast food now how come they haven't got a bail out?

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    between the flaps
    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    On the upside...hopefully some people do stick with it and change their lives. Obesity does cost the US a lottt of friggin money, so the more people who dedicate themselves the better.

    On the downside, what do you guys think of my bulking diet? I eat a tonnn of food everyday and I do not know why i cant gain weight...

    Breakfast- protein shake
    Lunch- 2 big macs and fries, with a soda...
    PWO meal- protein shake
    Dinner- nothing, i dont have time...

    id say im getting like 8,000 calories a day...
    from two protein shakes you dont get much more than 1500 and that's if you're talking about the highcarb weight gainer style shakes. two BM with F and an S give you 6500 cals? i dont think that can be right. i googled a big mac with cheese has 700 cals, times two is 1400. that's 2900 without the fries and drink.

    does not sound to me like that much food. gotta make time for more meals

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