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Thread: Could ANYONE become a pro bodybuilder?

  1. #1
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    Could ANYONE become a pro bodybuilder?

    Taking the mental aspect out of it ie. drive, motivation, persistence etc(you get the idea)...
    Could anyone physically obtain the physique required to be a pro bodybuilder?
    Im fully aware of varying bodytypes and genetics eg. ecto endo etc, but could anyone with enough training, diet and correct/safe use of steroids become a pro?

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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    elaborate if you dont mind
    this is a discussion lol

  5. #5
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    If you have noticed, not all pro's have broad shoulders, but they pack on enough muscle to make up for it. Not all pros have great abs in terms of symmetry, but they bring up other bodyparts to compensate. What im saying is that all pros are not the same bodytypes, and quite possibly everyone has the ability to obtain such a physique PHYSICALLY.

  6. #6
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    Come on guys give me more than just a 'no'! Its easy to say yes or no without backing it up with evidence/ opinions.

  7. #7
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    Is that you in the avatar pic??

    If it is you would know.

  8. #8
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    No way. You want evidence?

  9. #9
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    lol wtf... theyre not even the same size as well

    Its Frank Mcgrath in my dp!

  10. #10
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    I don't think so. No amount of juice can make up for good 'ol genetics. I think anyone has the ability to get big, maybe not to the size of any pro's. You have to remember bone strength also and the ability to handle the stresses from the weight as you get bigger. Bone strenghtens but just like connective tissue, not at the rate of muscle growth when on anabolics

  11. #11
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  12. #12
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    The main factor here is: Does the person have the genetics?

    When I say genetics, these guys will build muscle easily on most workout programs and respond to AS, even at low doses.

    You could be the most consistant bodybuilder, eat religiously clean, workout intense and use all the AS and peptides out there and probably get ALOT of size, but you still dont have the genetics to be a pro.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dizz28 View Post
    I don't think so. No amount of juice can make up for good 'ol genetics. I think anyone has the ability to get big, maybe not to the size of any pro's. You have to remember bone strength also and the ability to handle the stresses from the weight as you get bigger. Bone strenghtens but just like connective tissue, not at the rate of muscle growth when on anabolics
    Good post
    And i see what you mean

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    The main factor here is: Does the person have the genetics?

    When I say genetics, these guys will build muscle easily on most workout programs and respond to AS, even at low doses.

    You could be the most consistant bodybuilder, eat religiously clean, workout intense and use all the AS and peptides out there and probably get ALOT of size, but you still dont have the genetics to be a pro.
    So genetically gifted people reach their goals quicker and easier? Average people might have the physical ability but by the time they would have enough size/definition they've probably passed their peak?
    I guess thats why you get some freaks who get their pro cards at 19/20 years old and yet there are people training their asses off till much much later and might not even turn pro?
    Good input man!

  15. #15
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  16. #16
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    Read my blog
    its genetics on muscle growth and you cant forget the body shape. The thin waist with broad shoulders to get the "V" shape in ur back.... there is a certain body shape that is trying to be achieved, and with somepeople its not the muscle growth, its the shape and size of the muscle also, which points back to the skeletal system.... which makes sense cause they roll hand in hand

    its all genetics, look at pro athletes, then compare them to someone who uses book smarts for their job, look at the body sizes and types, shaq is more gifted to be a pro bballer than the guy working on ur truck at the auto shop... its alot of genetics, but alot of work ethic also...
    Last edited by Lemonada8; 01-06-2009 at 04:48 PM.

  17. #17
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    I hate to bring up the G word again, but if you dont have even the basic genetics you will never be a pro. There is a lot of competition at the national level. Although some very minor genetic faults can be overcome (no peak on biceps, high calf insertion) if you suffer from much more then that you won't have a chance. I compete very competitively at the State level. But, I had my first run at a national show this year, and it was an eye opener. All of the competitors were spot on. No room for error.

    Anyone can compete, and most can do well at the local level. There, judges are looking for "strong" points to compare competitors. At higher levels, when competition is tough, they're looking for "weak" points to differentiate the winners from the losers.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    its genetics on muscle growth and you cant forget the body shape. The thin waist with broad shoulders to get the "V" shape in ur back.... there is a certain body shape that is trying to be achieved, and with somepeople its not the muscle growth, its the shape and size of the muscle also, which points back to the skeletal system.... which makes sense cause they roll hand in hand

    its all genetics, look at pro athletes, then compare them to someone who uses book smarts for their job, look at the body sizes and types, shaq is more gifted to be a pro bballer than the guy working on ur truck at the auto shop... its alot of genetics, but alot of work ethic also...
    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post

    I hate to bring up the G word again, but if you dont have even the basic genetics you will never be a pro. There is a lot of competition at the national level. Although some very minor genetic faults can be overcome (no peak on biceps, high calf insertion) if you suffer from much more then that you won't have a chance. I compete very competitively at the State level. But, I had my first run at a national show this year, and it was an eye opener. All of the competitors were spot on. No room for error.

    Anyone can compete, and most can do well at the local level. There, judges are looking for "strong" points to compare competitors. At higher levels, when competition is tough, they're looking for "weak" points to differentiate the winners from the losers.
    Solid posts

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by rich1234 View Post
    Solid posts
    How about my post ?

  20. #20
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    You can have the best programs, knowledge, drugs and partners but if you did not pick your parents well. Then you will not go very far.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    How about my post ?
    Yours was great too DSM , maybe lacking in content a bit...

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    You can have the best programs, knowledge, drugs and partners but if you did not pick your parents well. Then you will not go very far.
    wait, you got to pick your parent?!?!?

    As for the OP, I would elaborate on my "No..." , but it seems like everyone else did that for me.

  23. #23
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rich1234 View Post
    Yours was great too DSM , maybe lacking in content a bit...
    He gave you the cliffnotes version...

  24. #24
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    Drugs can manipulate genes, so can radiation, and time, (look at gene doping, proves that genes are subject to change).

    So I say f all you failed pessimistic non pro bastards. =] (with all due respect)

  25. #25
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    ANYONE....No!...but with hard/smart training and the right supplements imo some can become pro, i personally know a lot of cats who with a little more disciplined training and maybe some more money couldve very well have got their pro card......but if thats what your after dude, dont let anyone tell you otherwise....i just hope your not 5'1'' 98lbs.....good luck bro

  26. #26
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    Hey Rich,

    I say, if you really want to be a PRO or close to it, so be it.

    Also, as you probably know this already, the levels of dedication, time available, funds, knowledge, training etc. that these guys have, are unreal to most people. It is like spending their life on it to achieve such goals.

    Genetics sure play a huge role in how one will look, how fast will grow etc. but sh!t man, to be honest with you, when I read this post (and hundreds of others like it) and started seeing most of these ****ing one word classic replies - "NO" , "Nope... ", "Genetics!", "All genetics" ... Blah blah blah, it is like hearing the most negative mother****ers on this planet.

    I never ask people stuff like that. I know you asked and it is for a reason, not just for the hell of it, but most likely because you would like to be the same way as for instance the guy in your avatar, or even close to it.

    So, hearing responses from most people can bring you down. You sure have to be realistic about it and keep it all in mind but don't let that discourage you. Don't take it the wrong way.

    I am 25 right now, I did start lifting late, because at age of 20, took me 5 years to learn what I know now and it is still not close to what I need to know to be at the level that I am aiming for.

    Do I have the genetics for it? I don't know for sure until I will REALLY go all out. What I know is that I am 6'3 @ 254 with 17% bulker. I am 100% natural and I never had a great diet set up. I was never able to have a perfect time to eat all my meals on time, I didn't always have time to be consistent with all of it. I train as hard as I can and I try to eat as best as I know how to. So I do have a reason to believe that I can go very far in body building.

    I will finish school in no time and have a really good job, just can't wait. Then, I will have a lot of time and enough money that I will spend on fantastic diet, training, gear, hiring a pro trainer (not your local bally's certified dumb ass) and nutritionist.

    If you really want it, go for it and see what happens. I am sure that anyone can achieve amazing body. Make the best out of it. I know I will...

    Take care man!

  27. #27
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    Thanks for your input man. Luckily i was blessed with decent genetics in terms of muscles responding to training and arm size among with other things. However for example i lack width in my shoulders which im trying to work on. I see friends who have only just started working out, and are the same width as me in their shoulders but hold nowhere near as much muscle mass. Therefore i was asking if anyone can achieve pro statues, even if they're lacking in certain bodyparts ie. having different bodytypes.

    Thanks for your well thought out and structured post man!

  28. #28
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    my head says no ...everything i ever thought and been taught and observed says no....but has anyone seen kevin levrone lately??? thats enough to make anyone wonder this question......

  29. #29
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    u know those people who tell you that you do anything you want in life if you try? well they are fulla shit lol some things you just cant do. if that were the case then there wouldnt be any amatures, they'd all be pros, and im pretty sure those amatures do everythign they can to get pro and some just cant.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    my head says no ...everything i ever thought and been taught and observed says no....but has anyone seen kevin levrone lately??? thats enough to make anyone wonder this question......
    Actually, I think he has amazing genetics. When Levrone competed, he would take a long break each year, kind of like Arnold did. During his time off, he didn't even look like a bodybuilder. But when it was nearing competition time, he would blow up and come back better then ever. I believe muscle memory was a big part of this. Once again, genetics.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by rich1234 View Post
    Thanks for your input man. Luckily i was blessed with decent genetics in terms of muscles responding to training and arm size among with other things. However for example i lack width in my shoulders which im trying to work on. I see friends who have only just started working out, and are the same width as me in their shoulders but hold nowhere near as much muscle mass. Therefore i was asking if anyone can achieve pro statues, even if they're lacking in certain bodyparts ie. having different bodytypes.

    Thanks for your well thought out and structured post man!
    Phil Heath is knocked for shoulder width. I think this falls in the minor category, specially if you can pack on mass to compensate. Placing third in his first Olympia aint too bad.

    I have a wide waist. Luckily I can add mass and my back is my best bodypart which gives me a pretty dramatic V-taper. As long as the judges don't come up on stage and measure, Im alright.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    Actually, I think he has amazing genetics. When Levrone competed, he would take a long break each year, kind of like Arnold did. During his time off, he didn't even look like a bodybuilder. But when it was nearing competition time, he would blow up and come back better then ever. I believe muscle memory was a big part of this. Once again, genetics.
    ???? maybe your are right....he certainly doesnt look like the body type i would expect to be genetically predisposed to bodybuilding on a pro level. However his sucecss doing it says otherwise. His ability to go up and down effectively in size would support your statement....i just dont make the equation when i see his body now.... when i see him i dont see the stereotypical "geneticially gifted" bodybulider body type....

  33. #33
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    Tryin to get Abs
    Quote Originally Posted by rich1234 View Post
    Taking the mental aspect out of it ie. drive, motivation, persistence etc(you get the idea)...
    Could anyone physically obtain the physique required to be a pro bodybuilder?
    Im fully aware of varying bodytypes and genetics eg. ecto endo etc, but could anyone with enough training, diet and correct/safe use of steroids become a pro?
    I know i could! i have awesome genetics but i wouldnt want to play the MASS game, i like the Aesthetic look more than the look most BBers have now days
    Could anyone be a Body Builder??? Sure. A Pro? that really depends on the dedication and genetics on the individual, but no one can you what you can or cannot do. If you want to be a pro just know thats your full time job and primary priority, its diet 24/7 and training and having the money to do so.


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