I was thinking boxer... I've had one before and it was like a best friend lol miss him like hell!
Feel free to post pics of your current dogs!
I was thinking boxer... I've had one before and it was like a best friend lol miss him like hell!
Feel free to post pics of your current dogs!
I love labs. would never own anything but a lab. i presently have a 6 month yellow.
i like labs and goldens alot..also had a pit that was a hell of a dog too. She was the kindest , most loyal dog i ever owned. Boxers are cool....english bulldogs are cool too. When u see the right one...youll know imo....
I'm partial to pit bulls. If you raise them right from when they are small puppies, they are the most loyal, intelligent and affectionate dogs in my opinion.
Labs are good all around dogs. I have a 2 year old beagle that i love to death. I like hounds and sporting dogs best. I would love to get an American bulldog. But i think my beagle will kick its ass.
This sight has a shit load of info and can help you get the right dog for you.
Dalmatian. Cute and spotty.. landlords like them, chicks love them. Also vicious and protective when uninvited company arrives.
I would suggest a tin of dog fish, you dont have to walk it, nor feed it. No vet bills, and if it plays up just threaten it with a tin opener..![]()
I think it depends a lot on what you want to use the dog for, how often you are gone from the house, how often you can exercise it, etc.
I have two beagles. You'd swear they were bodybuilders because they will eat everything in sight.
Rottweiler or South African Boerboel
Look into Renascence Bulldogges,
I was looking for a dog for 2 years until I found this breed.
Think of mixing a pitbull and a bulldog, and that's what you get.
My little guy is 14 months old now. He's 19" tall and 84lbs.
He's athletic like a pitbull, but shorter in stature, butn ot as short as a English Bulldog.
He's honestly the most impressive dog I've seen. Built like a little mold of muscle, huge head.
I took him to school and he drew the most attention of any dog there. everyone wanted my breeders name. He was also one of the most obident dogs.
Just the perfect dog for me, he loves attention, loves kids, plays with my cats. Not to mention he's a chick magnet.
I got a half Boxer/half Pit, she's 3 in this pic from Christmas and loves her.
DSM thats a sweet ass dog
That is funny b/c it is the first thing I thought of when I saw your dog's pic is that it looked fit.
The vet told us pretty early that beagles are a breed of dog that literally will eat all the food you give it until it is physically unable to hold more food. I guess that is why there are so many fat beagles. We are pretty careful not to over feed them and that helps, and not to give them table food. We also walk them pretty regularly when the weather is warmer and we have a decent sized yard with an Invisible Fence that they like to roam.
The dog with the big bone in it's mouth is a female and she likes to beat the snot out of the male dog. It is pretty funny sometimes.
Hehe he would not even have a chance. My little bitch was trained how to fight by the best. She grow up playing with a pit boxer and 2 german shepherds. Besides that i also do bite work with her. You want to laugh your ass off?? You need to see a 25 pound beagle hit a bite sleeve..
Besides my dog would not beet up a dog wearing a t-shirt. All most like hitting a guy with glasses i guess.![]()
People say that about the beagles eating a lot. Mine dont do that, she only eats what i give her. I also dont give any table food at all. My wife tends to give her meet or chicken once in a while. piss me off.
People like DMS are funny. They dont know much about hound dogs. Look at his silly comment. His dog can eat mine hahah.
For those of you who have never owned a hound dog none the less a beagle you have no clue how tough they are.
Yes its true a pit could **** one up. But pound for pound there is nothing tougher then a hound dog. Not even a australian cattle dog.
Yeah, I think it is about discipline in how much food you give a beagle. They are very athletic dogs for sure. Pretty smart, but also pretty stubborn.
I agree with the food. Also what your feeding makes a huge diff as well.
Your right on the stubborn part also. That is why hound dogs are so hard to train and deal with. They only what to do what they feel like doing and that there nose approves of.
I have owed a lot of dogs in my past and this one is the hardest. But she also has the most personality as well.
I don't know how to upload pictures, lol.
He is a awsome looking dog though. If you like pitbulls or bulldogs, it's a step up IMO.
He has all the good qualities of each.
take a pitbull, cut off 6-10 inches, add 30lbs, put on bigger head and a wider mouth.
Google "Gargoyle Bulldogges"
Click on post reply and on the bottom there is a button that say "manage attachments". Click that and you can upload your pictures
Those things look like the bodybuilders of dogs!
I have a male Rottweiler..........he's a drug sniffing dog...............I'm trying to get him into rehab! lol
All my pictures are too large of files? This is his granpa (Hugo) though.
This is my kind of dog.
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