It's so annoying to be talking to someone on a cell phone and have the stupid thing cut out all the time!!! Anyone have decent service or is it that way with all of the companies?
It's so annoying to be talking to someone on a cell phone and have the stupid thing cut out all the time!!! Anyone have decent service or is it that way with all of the companies?
I use Verizon, and have never had problems .. but then again I live in NYC where there are cell towers all over the damn place. I'll soon be moving to San Francisco and don't want to change providers, so hopefully Verizon's service is good there too.
"Can you hear me now" .. "good"
I used to have decent service in Sprint. Always worked, even way out in the boonies.
Switched to Nextel and the piece of shit works in all the places I dont go and craps out in all the places I'm at. Sucks a serious pooter.
I don't even carry mine all that much anymore, I hate phones in general.
Don't have one at home and rarely answer my cell.
Allthough that new tooth phone looks pretty cool.
Cali....most mobile phone companies use a similar cellular network. It really depends on the physical location as to the quality of service. although Sprint uses a PCS network which is somewhat different from, AT&T, Cingular and Verizon for example. I use Cingular, no problems.
Pheedno, what is a tooth phone?
It's suppose to come out in a year. It's a phone that you have implanted in one of your mollers. It stimulates bones in the ear for recieving.Originally posted by Cali
Pheedno, what is a tooth phone?
Can't call out though.
OMG...the things they think of. Can't they put those people to work on bigger issues than cell phones? And if they're studying people getting cancer from their cell phones what will having a receiver implanted in their teeth do?
Cali , you liove near me...Try Sprint PCS. Clear as a bell.. ( Except by the Airport and on one part of the Courtney Campbell )
Eh I have Nextel. Its decent. I mean the cellular service is nothing to brag about but I dont get cut off, but then again I live in NYC and there are about 1898098 cellular towers here, including one down the street that is dressed up to look like a redwood tree because the people on the hill were complaining and saying it ruined the natural scenery and surroundings. I mean in all reality its 200 feet tall about 20 feet thick and has 3 artificial branches, i dont even think birds wanna shit on it , its so ugly!
I agree with nuke, PCS is the best. Plus their color screen phones are siiiick too. Try the samsung n400, can't beat it
cali- sorry !!! LOL. I always get you and Babyweight mixed up ?? ( Is that bad ?) No Youre both absolutely beautiful....
Well, that's Babyweight in her avatar...It's Anja Langer in mine.![]()
Well, location is everything for cell phones. Some services are better than others for certain cities. I have sprint, and have used it in austin, houston, and fort worth, and it's by far the best in fort worth. In houston it was horrendous.
Cali- So, youre both still beautiful.. Whos talking about outside beauty anyway ?
( Did I save that or what ?) :-)
Are you serious?Originally posted by Pheedno
It's suppose to come out in a year. It's a phone that you have implanted in one of your mollers. It stimulates bones in the ear for recieving.
Can't call out though.
i am anit-cell phone. Still don't have one and don't plan on buying one. When i go out i am out for a reason, cause i do not want to be reached.
Originally posted by The French Curler
Are you serious?
Heres the link to an article for it. The first article I read said it would be ready for marjet as early as 2004. This article doesn't mention that but anyhoo.
Tooth phone
Originally posted by Full Intensity
i am anit-cell phone. Still don't have one and don't plan on buying one. When i go out i am out for a reason, cause i do not want to be reached.
F.I., I'm anti-phone all aorund. I hate phones. The only reason I carry a cell is I have a bad habbit of locking my keys in my car. My keys are too big for one of those magnetic holders so I'm screwed. Locked'em up 7 times last year.
Use it for work sometimes to.
IMO T-Mobile is the company to go with, they have GSM coverage and I never drop calls. It has coverage nationwide and internationally. BTW they have great rate plans. I might be a little partial though, I work for them.![]()
You only live once, so live life to the fullest.
Don't sweat the small stuff.
The greatest pleasure often comes from doing a good deed.
*off topic*
In finland we have europe`s cheapest GSM company, you pay them certain amount of money every month and you can sms/call as much as you want to same company`s phones![]()
I really hate cell phones, I use one strictly for emergency purposes, kind of like pheedno.
The other day this girls phone went off in class right, well you'd think she would shut the thing off and try to play it off.....but she actually answered the phone, got up and walked out of the classroom and took the call... The week before I was in a the mall in a small store looking at shirts...this guy walks in on a cell phone trying to explain to his girlfriend where he was last night. Not trying to lower his voice or be discreet about it, just making his stupid ass business everyone elses....
Sorry, It's late and I can't sleep so I ranted a little bit.
Well, personally the ONE place where cell phones PISS ME OFF is at the gym...
When I go to the gym, I go there to TRAIN! My cell phone stays in the lockers and if anyone calls me, they can leave a damm message. Nothing short of the end of the world is allowed to interrupt my workout.
What really gets my goat is the damm teeny boppers and posers in the gym who spend half the time they are there yapping on their damm cellphone instead of working out. I do my best to ignore them... but what I cannot ignore is the idiots who monopolise a bench or station because they are yapping on their babble box instead of working out. That makes my blood boil.
AHHHHHHHHHHH! Wheres Nobby with his rusty chain when you need him?
Just venting...
I've been a wireless rep for about 4 years now and I can tell you that whoever said they use similar networks is wrong, they all use different networks (that is why you can't use an at&t phone on a cincular network, for example). Sprint is good for nationwide service, cool phones, and clarity. At&t has the most thourogh coverage areas (highly recommended if you live in the hills or something), and Cingular is good if your primarily just want good rates and aren't crazy over getting the best coverage, Nextel just plain stinks unless you mostly need it for the 2-way radio (which only works within your footprint/not nationwide)- othewise, as a phone it's terrible.
What I do is I figure out which service would be best for someone based on their needs and I hook them up with that service.
If anyone needs a new plan of wants something better than what they have, just let me know. I'd be more than happy to help out anyone on this board (probably save you some money too!)
Well, the person I was talking to has AT&T and it kept cutting the connection. Think he was in a hilly area...think that's what he said....couldn't make it out.
........i got a decent cell.......the basic bells and whistles....caller id, vibrate or the ring, voice mail, call forwarding, etc..i pay like $45 a month--500 anytime, 1000 mobile to mobile, 4000 nite@ weekends which you aint never gonna use up..hardly ever drop calls...most times i just keep my home phone forward to for me...
AT&T sucks Cali.
I use to have it but don't anymore.![]()
Well good riddance to bad rubbish, Crash.![]()
and it's okay i guess.had sprint for years even though they fucked up my bill literally every 3 months.i stayed w/ them even though their billing blew, but now i have T Mobile and so far so good.BTW, i'm the annoying guy on the cell in the gym so don't hate me,haha.not all the time but i keep it on me.sorry guys and gals
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