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Thread: how to pick up a chick at the gym.

  1. #1
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    how to pick up a chick at the gym.

    The problem I see with picking up chicks at the gym is that if they're single they probably didn't start working out until their dude left their ass cuz they started gettin fat. More than likely as soon as they hook up again they start their normal excuses for no working out and slowly, but surely start gettin fat again on you. I would LOVE to meet a chick who exercises for herself. Anyway, I often see a hottie at the gym and wonder "how can I approach her". I have picked up a couple of girls at the gym, but their has got to be some good techniques out there. Of course it helps if you can workout at the same time everyday so you can get to know them, unfortunately with my job I work out all different times of the day and night so I need something quick and efficient. I'm not afraid of rejection and since I'm a good sport I promise to share any failed attempts with you. ;-) so, let's hear it. What's your best approach? I have tried the sneak up behind and spot during squats bit. It didn't work out to well. ;-(

  2. #2
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    You said you have picked up a couple of girls at the gym... well let's hear how you did that for starters.
    I've never tried it in my life. Never even considered it an option.

  3. #3
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    same way you would do anywhere else. The place changes nothing.

    Repost of my own:

    Say this, REALLY be honest, clear, bold, be a MAN, no shame at all, pride and honor:

    (deep look to her eyes) "Hey X, You're (cute, nice, beautiful, or what ever YOU feel she is) and for Y reason (honest) I want to get to know you better. I'm having brunch (or where ever you are going to REALLY go with or without her) tomorrow at Z's at Xpm. Hang out with me, it'll be stimulant" END

    This should not take you more that 1 minute to say.


    Volands Warrior's Code.

    Appliable to whole life (including girls).

    Only 3 rules:
    1. A warrior trust himself Knows what he wants, how, when and he commands.
    2. A warrior doesnt give shit what other think/say about you.
    3. A warrior knows he is the most important one in his life and has strict rules that others are to follow. Make sure to do this list of laws. Like: i do not tolerate disrespect, My time, space, intelligence is Very worthy so better fill it with worthy things. And genuinly ask yourself what can someone can bring to you life that can make you really better/happier.

    Truely live by this laws and you can become a king (that inlcudes getting laid).
    You know what the song says "be a slave or be a lord" YOU choose.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    How about if you don't interrupt their workout.

    Oh , and a little tip Don't ever use the line
    "Hey X, You're (cute, nice, beautiful, or what ever YOU feel she is) and for Y reason (honest) I want to get to know you better. "

    Trust me on this.

  5. #5
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    Look up in the sky...
    x2 DSM. ALso forgo the opportuniyt to make an ass out of yourself by saying that whatever you are doing "will be stimulant".

  6. #6
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    Just talk to her, say hello introduce yourself, offer to take her to get a protein smoothie or something

  7. #7
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    Just do what I do and take your shirt off and walk over with your swagga swagga then scope and BAIL!!!!! Its easy. hahahahahaha

  8. #8
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    I never know if these things are serious questions or jokes, but since I'm sure someone is thinking of the same question, my advice is to take it slow and start by making a point of saying "hi" the next time you see them. Then, next time you see them you can say hi again and then make a comment about how annoying all the New Years Resolution noobs are or how they can never keep the temperature comfortable in the gym or whatever. Make up some BS reason to talk to them. You could also tell them they look like the lost weight or added tone or whatever (that is a good one b/c it is a compliment, but also a little bit of a put down). Once you have a rapport, you ask them if they want to grab a smoothie or cup of coffee or whatever after the workout or some other time. If they say no you grab a 45 and fling it at them when they are not looking

  9. #9
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    First, pick a realistic target. The Kate Moss look-alike with the perma-frown who never glances at anything but her own reflection doesn't want to talk to you, and never mind that her translucent white sports bra is telling you otherwise. Girls who want to meet guys will look around, walk around, and even smile. When you see such a creature, make eye contact and grin. Then wait. Next time she's nearby, break the ice with a cookie-cutter comment: "Crowded in here today" or "Wow, it's dead." Then wait until you see her another day. You'll show that you're not desperate. If the idle chatter goes well, bring up a movie and ask if she's seen it. No? Would she like to? Men aren't willing to go slow and feel a woman out. And that's why most are shot down.

  10. #10
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    You love that feeling: both of you drenched in sweat, short of breath, flushed, and spent from exertion. But now you have to think of something to say. It should be natural: The gym seems an ideal spot to find someone to share a smoothie with, considering all the exposed flesh and sexual posturing (she's on the thigh adductor again!), plus a common interest in fitness. And it's not just a guy thing; there's a good chance she has mentally slipped off your CoolMax shorts.

    "A woman's estrogen level rises and sexual fantasies increase during a strenuous workout," says Robert S. Brown, M.D., Ph.D., a professor of psychiatric medicine at the University of Virginia school of medicine. "That, in conjunction with enhanced cheerfulness and arousal, along with lowered hostility, anger, and stress during exercise, makes some women more approachable." Key word: "some." Keep reading to find out what works and what doesn't. How do we know? We asked.

    As a personal trainer at Bally Total Fitness in New York City, Nikki Kimbrough has seen plenty of guys shot down. A guaranteed loser move: interrupting a woman's workout. "That can be insulting because she's there to work out, not necessarily to get hit on." Try these tips to further elevate her heart rate:

    "Wait until I get off the treadmill. Like I'm going to puff and yell to talk, then trip and fall on my face?" -- Angela, 25, artist

    "To work out, I usually wear an old college tee or one I think is funny, so I like when a guy asks about my shirt. It's a conversation starter." -- Maria, 36, editor

    "Find a nonintrusive way to approach me. I'd be impressed by a guy who offered to fill my water bottle." -- Sara, 27, caterer

    "I feel totally flattered if he asks me to spot him. It means he doesn't see me as some dainty weakling." -- Alice, 28, teacher

    "Instead of being all superior and telling me what I'm doing wrong on a machine, nicely ask if I want a better way to work that muscle, so I don't feel like a big loser." -- Jenny, 26, copywriter

    "If she's wearing headphones, staring intently at Tucker Carlson on CNN, or focused on a magazine, not even a shirtless Tiki Barber could get her attention." -- Nikki Kimbrough

    "Sorry, I don't want to talk to you if you're dripping sweat. Wipe yourself off before trying to pick me up." -- Ana, 27, waitress

    "If I've just heard you grunting in the weight room like a walrus, there's no way I'll talk to you." -- Nina, 24, florist

    "I may be confident in my body, but I don't want to hear any comments about it or feel like you're staring down my shirt or at my butt--even if you just saw me do 'downward dog' in yoga." -- Alisha, 30, lawyer

  11. #11
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Shortly after college i worked in a gym for just over 10 years. Like fish in a barrel ..but that i think was as a result of working there and being there 50+yrs a week. Was a simple as saying hello on a regular basis not paying too much attention...and waiting for them to initiate further conversation etc.... Biggest mistake i observed at gym was guys just "trying to hard" or trying to physically impress a woman ...basically immaturity imo any rate can be a good place to meet a woman however beware while there is that common interest...they are just people...much like u would meet anywhere else..same issues and baggage etc.....

  12. #12
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    what u guys really need to do is create a way you approach women every single time. practice it. it should work in every single instance, and it should be your go to move. it's important to have one so you don't EVER pass on an opportunity to grab a number or email. i see WUSSY guys all the time strike up a conversation without finishing. at the gym, the POLICY REMAINS UNCHANGED; be a man, and a gentleman. approach her when she isn't training, if she trains then leaves you have to make an effort to meet her at the door, comment about the weather or whatever, but don't interrupt her. and if you don't go to the gym at the same time everyday, you may have to make an extra effort to go in at the time she's there.

    me, i don't try and hit on girls in the gym. that doesnt mean if a situation presents itself i pass it up. ive talked to girls in the gym before, and its totally platonic and i enjoy those relationships.

    another thing. too many guys see "picking up girls" as a one time thing. it isn't and in my experience it works best in time. say hi. next time, ask her a question (or better yet her opinion on something), next time ask what her goals are, why she's in the gym, show genuine interest in her self-improvement. and then next time say something like this, "you're pretty interesting to talk to in here, i wonder if youre this interesting outside the gym." take your time and let the correct time present itself to you. if it happens sooner, great, if not, it will.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    what u guys really need to do is create a way you approach women every single time. practice it. it should work in every single instance, and it should be your go to move. it's important to have one so you don't EVER pass on an opportunity to grab a number or email. i see WUSSY guys all the time strike up a conversation without finishing. at the gym, the POLICY REMAINS UNCHANGED; be a man, and a gentleman. approach her when she isn't training, if she trains then leaves you have to make an effort to meet her at the door, comment about the weather or whatever, but don't interrupt her. and if you don't go to the gym at the same time everyday, you may have to make an extra effort to go in at the time she's there.

    me, i don't try and hit on girls in the gym. that doesnt mean if a situation presents itself i pass it up. ive talked to girls in the gym before, and its totally platonic and i enjoy those relationships.

    another thing. too many guys see "picking up girls" as a one time thing. it isn't and in my experience it works best in time. say hi. next time, ask her a question (or better yet her opinion on something), next time ask what her goals are, why she's in the gym, show genuine interest in her self-improvement. and then next time say something like this, "you're pretty interesting to talk to in here, i wonder if youre this interesting outside the gym." take your time and let the correct time present itself to you. if it happens sooner, great, if not, it will.
    and i do concur my friend. as we spoke of yesterday. we agree on these things. very nicely said.

  14. #14
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    "I couldn't help but notice your enormous boobs jiggling while you were on the treadmill..."

  15. #15
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    Bend down into a squatting postion. Firmly place your hands around her lower body and thrust upward until she's fully off of the ground.

    Glad that I could help.


  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by ErnstHatAngst View Post
    "I couldn't help but notice your enormous boobs jiggling while you were on the treadmill..."
    I'm Ron Burgundy?

  17. #17
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    All about taking your time, bit of eye contact then a hello. Go from there.

    I think the worst thing and i am a sucker for this. Is to jump straight into the deep end.

    Calm cool and collective. But what Novastepp said is best, be comfortable in a situation which you can use many times for chatting to a girl.

    Good luck, Id not try pulling in my gym. Its all lumps using the treadmill watching TV and ive seen only 1 chick worthy of an approach, in over 6mths at the

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    what u guys really need to do is create a way you approach women every single time. practice it. it should work in every single instance, and it should be your go to move. it's important to have one so you don't EVER pass on an opportunity to grab a number or email. i see WUSSY guys all the time strike up a conversation without finishing. at the gym, the POLICY REMAINS UNCHANGED; be a man, and a gentleman. approach her when she isn't training, if she trains then leaves you have to make an effort to meet her at the door, comment about the weather or whatever, but don't interrupt her. and if you don't go to the gym at the same time everyday, you may have to make an extra effort to go in at the time she's there.

    me, i don't try and hit on girls in the gym. that doesnt mean if a situation presents itself i pass it up. ive talked to girls in the gym before, and its totally platonic and i enjoy those relationships.

    another thing. too many guys see "picking up girls" as a one time thing. it isn't and in my experience it works best in time. say hi. next time, ask her a question (or better yet her opinion on something), next time ask what her goals are, why she's in the gym, show genuine interest in her self-improvement. and then next time say something like this, "you're pretty interesting to talk to in here, i wonder if youre this interesting outside the gym." take your time and let the correct time present itself to you. if it happens sooner, great, if not, it will.

    Go On......Do it......C'mon Nova.....Go Ahead We All Know.....Just Do it...... Come on Bro........

    Brush Your Shoulders Off LOL

  19. #19
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    Come here often? Well alright...

  20. #20
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    nova with the ladies at the gym: then then then then:

  21. #21
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  22. #22
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    Nice choice of smilies

  23. #23
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    Nova will see this soon LOL

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by KatsMeow View Post
    Just talk to her, say hello introduce yourself, offer to take her to get a protein smoothie or something
    Agree with Kats.

    but use some brains. Dont offer her a protein shoot or injection. I dont think that will go over to well.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    nova with the ladies at the gym: then then then then:

    Quote Originally Posted by A2thej2008 View Post
    Nova will see this soon LOL

  26. #26
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    Since you are at the gym, I say that you opt for the cave man approach. Walk over to her, and show her how much testosterone is running through your blood. Bop her over the head with a closed fist, grunt loudly, and throw her over your shoulder. You're in!

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    Since you are at the gym, I say that you opt for the cave man approach. Walk over to her, and show her how much testosterone is running through your blood. Bop her over the head with a closed fist, grunt loudly, and throw her over your shoulder. You're in!

    There are a few guys like that at my gym. Man, I hate them.

  28. #28
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    this is funny

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Voland View Post
    same way you would do anywhere else. The place changes nothing.

    Repost of my own:

    Say this, REALLY be honest, clear, bold, be a MAN, no shame at all, pride and honor:

    (deep look to her eyes) "Hey X, You're (cute, nice, beautiful, or what ever YOU feel she is) and for Y reason (honest) I want to get to know you better. I'm having brunch (or where ever you are going to REALLY go with or without her) tomorrow at Z's at Xpm. Hang out with me, it'll be stimulant" END

    This should not take you more that 1 minute to say.


    Volands Warrior's Code.

    Appliable to whole life (including girls).

    Only 3 rules:
    1. A warrior trust himself Knows what he wants, how, when and he commands.
    2. A warrior doesnt give shit what other think/say about you.
    3. A warrior knows he is the most important one in his life and has strict rules that others are to follow. Make sure to do this list of laws. Like: i do not tolerate disrespect, My time, space, intelligence is Very worthy so better fill it with worthy things. And genuinly ask yourself what can someone can bring to you life that can make you really better/happier.

    Truely live by this laws and you can become a king (that inlcudes getting laid).
    You know what the song says "be a slave or be a lord" YOU choose.
    Ya, that's how I picked up one of them. I was just like, damn you got some guns on you, can I buy you a cup of coffee when you get off work? Worked great. The other one. Was wearing a "as I lay dying hoody and I just started talking to her about it. She ended up working out with me, set up another workout date, and the rest is history. I like the warrior theory.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by higherdesire View Post
    x2 DSM. ALso forgo the opportuniyt to make an ass out of yourself by saying that whatever you are doing "will be stimulant".
    Ha, ya gotta agree with you here.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by KatsMeow View Post
    Just talk to her, say hello introduce yourself, offer to take her to get a protein smoothie or something
    Ya, tried that the other day. Fortunately she was married cuz she looked pretty good from across the gym, but haggard once I began talking to her. :-)

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    How about if you don't interrupt their workout.

    Oh , and a little tip Don't ever use the line
    "Hey X, You're (cute, nice, beautiful, or what ever YOU feel she is) and for Y reason (honest) I want to get to know you better. "

    Trust me on this.
    Ya, I keep an eye on them and try to catch them once their done and offer them a protein shake. And ya, I would def not be like "your beautiful....".

  33. #33
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    [QUOTE=run_n_fool;4367158]I never , my advice is to take it slow and start by making a point of saying "hi" the next time you see them. Then, next time you see them you can say hi again and then make a comment about how annoying all the New Years Resolution noobs are or how they can never keep the temperature comfortable in the gym or whatever.]
    Ya, that's right on, but the problem I have is I workout at all different times. So I don't have time to build repore. I gotta make the move the same day. It just makes it a little tougher.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by KatsMeow View Post
    this is funny
    Thanx for chimin in. It sure is nice to have a woman around here. Uhhhhh...... Can I buy u a smoothie sometime? ;-)

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by KatsMeow View Post
    this is funny
    thanks for being nice and not saying pathetic, lol, though i bet that's what went through your mind

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by WOLFCRAFT View Post
    You said you have picked up a couple of girls at the gym... well let's hear how you did that for starters.
    I've never tried it in my life. Never even considered it an option.
    LOL...your girl's got your account on the forum....


  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockinred View Post
    LOL...your girl's got your account on the forum....

    haha, yep!

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    Since you are at the gym, I say that you opt for the cave man approach. Walk over to her, and show her how much testosterone is running through your blood. Bop her over the head with a closed fist, grunt loudly, and throw her over your shoulder. You're in!
    i'm thinkin more along the lines of push her outta the way when she's looking in the mirror, then proceed to flex all your muscles while she is on the ground. that way she knows you're powerful, strong, and in control, and what ladies don't like those qualities?

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    "Find a nonintrusive way to approach me. I'd be impressed by a guy who offered to fill my water bottle." -- Sara, 27, caterer
    Seriously? Imagine how creepy that would be...

    ME: So, you like water, huh?
    HER: Yeah, it's alright
    ME: Well, I'm going to get some...I could fill your water bottle too if you are interested?
    HER: Uhhhhhhhhhhhh, do I look THAT hopeless?

    Seriously, lamest pickup I've ever heard.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by daem View Post
    Seriously? Imagine how creepy that would be...

    ME: So, you like water, huh?
    HER: Yeah, it's alright
    ME: Well, I'm going to get some...I could fill your water bottle too if you are interested?
    HER: Uhhhhhhhhhhhh, do I look THAT hopeless?

    Seriously, lamest pickup I've ever heard.
    i'm with you on that one, i don't think i could even bring myself to do that

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