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what u guys really need to do is create a way you approach women every single time. practice it. it should work in every single instance, and it should be your go to move. it's important to have one so you don't EVER pass on an opportunity to grab a number or email. i see WUSSY guys all the time strike up a conversation without finishing. at the gym, the POLICY REMAINS UNCHANGED; be a man, and a gentleman. approach her when she isn't training, if she trains then leaves you have to make an effort to meet her at the door, comment about the weather or whatever, but don't interrupt her. and if you don't go to the gym at the same time everyday, you may have to make an extra effort to go in at the time she's there.
me, i don't try and hit on girls in the gym. that doesnt mean if a situation presents itself i pass it up. ive talked to girls in the gym before, and its totally platonic and i enjoy those relationships.
another thing. too many guys see "picking up girls" as a one time thing. it isn't and in my experience it works best in time. say hi. next time, ask her a question (or better yet her opinion on something), next time ask what her goals are, why she's in the gym, show genuine interest in her self-improvement. and then next time say something like this, "you're pretty interesting to talk to in here, i wonder if youre this interesting outside the gym." take your time and let the correct time present itself to you. if it happens sooner, great, if not, it will.