Originally Posted by
Ionization detectors only actuate by the chemical reaction taking place in burnt carbons entering the detector head.
Optical detectors actuate via a lazer beam being inturrupted by floating particles, anthing entering the detector head will actuate the alarm.
Heat detectors actuate with the rapid increase in heat, normally used in kitchens or places that have high amounts of airborne particles and/or burnt carbons.
Detectors are there to provide a warning to the possibility of a fire in the building. Some say its an early warning system... people who say that are ill advised because its not an early warning system, its the only warning system.
Should it actuate for real one night it may be the first and last thing that will alert you and everyone else to get the fvck out... if you disconnect the detector and a fire starts in that room, it will have alot more time to develop to a dangerous level before other detector heads actuate.
In light of what ive posted if you bothered to read it of course, leave the detector head alone and stop being such a fvcktard .
Statistically spaking, people who do such things like you are suggesting rarely perish in fire through their own ignorance, they do however aid to causing the death of a number of innocent bystanders and/or rescuer/s.
In such circumstances id jump at the chance to beat the shit out of people like you, and regret forever that i never left you in there with them.