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Thread: getting green card to join military

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    getting green card to join military

    hey guys :

    i am not american , but i always wanted to join the US army etc...

    basically the navy seals always appealed to me since i was a kid , its been my dream to become one of these guys and take this challenge.

    anybody knows how can i get there i need to get a green card , what is the fastest way in your opinion ?

    any non-american around this forum actually got his green card and joined the US military ??

    i really need some real life input on this guys .


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    The 7th Circle of Hell
    where do you live and what is your citizenship?

    you should know that the Navy SEALS are in the Navy, and not open to members of the other services (Army, Marine Corps, etc.)

    i do not recommend enlisting in the Navy with the expectation of becoming a SEAL, unless you do not mind spending 4 years scraping rust off the side of a ship in the event that you do not complete the training.

    just my $.02

  3. #3
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    Jan 2008
    lebanese hehe , i live in lebanon - middle east.

    i thought people apply to BUD/S directly through a recruiter ~~~?(!)

    anyway that was not the question , which was how can i legally get a green card without marrying a US citizen in the shortest time possible , does the navy help with that or something like that etc people live over there and you know how stuff works .

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Contact a recruiter and ask. I'm sure it's been done before. Best of luck!

    PS: I just got back from a Lebanese restaurant I frequent. Delicious!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by StoneGRMI View Post
    Contact a recruiter and ask. I'm sure it's been done before. Best of luck!

    PS: I just got back from a Lebanese restaurant I frequent. Delicious!

    hey thanks man i appreciate that bro hehe

    well ,actually i am not in the US , but i can go its not a very big problem , but i dont wanna go for nothing , i cant contact a recruiter from here can i ?? you mean i can telephone from here and talk to the recruiter ?? i have the numbers actually.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by SilverTest View Post
    hey thanks man i appreciate that bro hehe

    well ,actually i am not in the US , but i can go its not a very big problem , but i dont wanna go for nothing , i cant contact a recruiter from here can i ?? you mean i can telephone from here and talk to the recruiter ?? i have the numbers actually.
    You should be able to contact a recruiter by phone or email to answer questions. Should give you a start.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    hey thanks man !

  8. #8
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    Im a member of MI5, MI6, the SAS, CIA, FBI, and a trained ninja, so i shall put a good word in for you SilverTest....

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    To join any part of the US military you have to have American Residencey (Green Card) or be a citizen.

    To gain Green Card you can do that several ways:

    1- Get married to an American citizen.
    2- Get sponsored by a business (professional career).
    3- Asylum (religious or political).
    4- Lottery green card. Check it out online.
    There might be other way, you can check the US homeland security webpage fir more accurate info at:

    The only service the US military can offer to you in the regards of immigration in accelarate you citizenship application. But nothing on green card, it is mandatory to have that to be able to join.

  10. #10
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    My friend was in the Navy Seals. He even has a rolex that he received when he passed the training.

  11. #11
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    Sorry dude, but to be in the Navy SEAL you have to be born in the good ol USA. At least that was the way it was about two years ago. PM CSAR, he was in BUD/S

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Smokethedays is right.

    And, if you do join the Navy planning to be a Seal, plan on being disappointed. It's like young guys signing up for the Marines planing to be Recon: its a rarity.

  13. #13
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    I believe non-green card holders can contact the local US embassy or consulate and explain your desire, and they can start the process for you to enlist in the US military.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fordfan01 View Post
    Sorry dude, but to be in the Navy SEAL you have to be born in the good ol USA. At least that was the way it was about two years ago. PM CSAR, he was in BUD/S
    He is right I was in the Army SF and you have to be born in the US to get a top secret clearance.(to be a seal)....sorry you still can be one of the few the proud.....Marines...good training unlike luck

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    Im a member of MI5, MI6, the SAS, CIA, FBI, and a trained ninja, so i shall put a good word in for you SilverTest....


    i think i will just contact the US embassy maybe they can help me on this .

    And by the way , yes i think i can get clearance if i get a green card , it is mentioned in the official website of the Seals as one of the requirements .

    to be an OFFICER in the seals , yes you have to be born in the US.

    but a person who gets the green card can join enlisted.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by SilverTest View Post

    i think i will just contact the US embassy maybe they can help me on this .

    And by the way , yes i think i can get clearance if i get a green card , it is mentioned in the official website of the Seals as one of the requirements .

    to be an OFFICER in the seals , yes you have to be born in the US.

    but a person who gets the green card can join enlisted.
    Yah, you can still join enlisted, but you ain't gonna get the clearance you need to be in an elite branch (Seals, SF, Recon, whatever) unless you're a US National

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by derek7m View Post
    Yah, you can still join enlisted, but you ain't gonna get the clearance you need to be in an elite branch (Seals, SF, Recon, whatever) unless you're a US National
    Thank you, people dont like it when you tell them what you know they just what to hear what they want to hear....

  18. #18
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    I know. They don't get it until 5 other people chime in with the same thing.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Id like to be a Navy seal.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Scylla and Charybdis
    the military channel's been running a special on BUD/ that, then tell me if you still wanna do it.

  21. #21
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    watching the show on DSC vs sitting in the ice cold pacific ocean in winter are two different things. Fvck it, if he wants to join the Navy I'd say let him. But it is a very long 4 years if you do not pass BUD/S

  22. #22
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    Good luck with the green card. Im British and bought a business in the USA, took me 2 years and $20,000 in lawyers fee's to get my visa!

  23. #23
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    you can get your green card from joining the military. but you have to service a full contract before you get it.. i went to basic with people that were doing it from mexico.. and i'm in iraq right now with a soilder that is from spain and he joined because he wanted he wanted to be and american..

    it doesn't happen once you sign up, nor very fast, but yes you can get it through joining the military

  24. #24
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    Jan 2008
    wrong , again . I CAN get enlisted in the SEALS if i have a green card read up :

    AND i actually asked the Embassy here and they told me yes i can but i have to apply for green card first .

    not trying to be cocky or something but please check your info before you talk to me like i am somekind of a kid dreaming a fairy tale, i know what military is, i did my military service here where i live in the navy commandos , which are actually trained by the US navy seals.

    there are right NOW six US navy seals training them , i met them and talked to them.

    so i know what its like.

    big thanks to the help guys

  25. #25
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    Enlistment into the U.S. Navy, or any branch of the U.S. military, by citizens of countries other than the United States is limited to those foreign nationals who are legally residing in the United States and possess an Immigration and Naturalization Service Alien Registration Card (INS Form I-151/551 - commonly known as a "Green Card").

    Applicants must be between 17 and 35; meet the mental, moral, and physical standards for enlistment; and must speak, read and write English fluently.

    Note: The U.S. military branches cannot assist foreign nationals in obtaining admittance into the United States.

    Questions concerning immigration to the United States should be asked of the U.S. Embassy.

    Only after immigration procedures are completed and an applicant is legally residing in the United States may an application for enlistment be accepted.

    In order to be commissioned an officer in the U.S. Navy, one must be a native-born or naturalized United States citizen.

    The U.S. government agency which is responsible for immigration and naturalization is the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

    Where does it say that you can be a seal in that, I told you you can enlist but you cant be a seal or an officer. the officer part is stated above. so please show me where it says you can be a seal and based on your last statement how old r u.....and if you are a navy commando who have been trained by seal then you must already be there so I am so sorry. If you had all this information why did you ask the question in the first place??????????????

  26. #26
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    [QUOTE=SilverTest;4377263]wrong , again . I CAN get enlisted in the SEALS if i have a green card read up :

    AND i actually asked the Embassy here and they told me yes i can but i have to apply for green card first .

    not trying to be cocky or something but please check your info before you talk to me like i am somekind of a kid dreaming a fairy tale, i know what military is, i did my military service here where i live in the navy commandos , which are actually trained by the US navy seals.

    there are right NOW six US navy seals training them , i met them and talked to them.

    so i know what its like.

    You do not know what it is like you know what it sounds like you will not know what it is like till you get there and go through it.....I watched navy seals on the military channel.....I have trained seveal foreign military units in my six yours in the military and we treaded them likes babys......but good luck I hope you make it......

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    How do i sign up to become a ninja??

  28. #28
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    well if you know six seals then you are half way there....lmfao

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    so ur saying the embassy is wrong huh ?

    the almighty US embassy ?

    i was hoping encouragement since you seem to had your share of military training too, too bad.

    i'm 23 .

    ok check this out , this is what the embassy replied :

    I appreciate your desire to join the U.S. Navy Seals, however, there is
    no program for Non-Green card holders to join the U.S. Military. What
    you would have to do is apply for a U.S. Green card, then find a U.S.
    Navy recruiter and apply for the Navy. When you get to this stage
    ensure that since you want to become a Navy Seal that the recruiter is
    aware and works this into your application package. Of note do not let
    them tell you that you can just apply later, ensure that you are lined
    up for the schooling as necessary prior to signing anything.
    Last edited by SilverTest; 01-15-2009 at 11:24 PM.

  30. #30
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    Silvertest Please send me a pm and I will give you the low down and be a little more open minded. I have done my time six your in the army sf....I will try and explain to you what I know..

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    How do i sign up to become a ninja??
    MATT whats your obsession with Ninja's?? haha

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