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I’ll get right to the point.
Girl 1, I love, she’s my ex. I was with her for 6 years. I still love her.
The good:
She is very caring, always supportive of my choices. Stands behind my business choices and honestly looks up to my accomplishments in a weird sort of way. Her family is awesome, they adore me. She is also absolutely stunning. As pretty as can be, she is a 9 in looks, a 7 in the body. The happiest times of my life were spent with her. When I use to come home, she would glow upon my entering, she was always so excited to see me and it made me feel great. Our relationship was pretty good. Oh, she is AWSOME with children, selfless girl, almost to a flaw.
The bad:
I don’t like her “best” friends. She’s kind of a “fag hag” and her best friend is a pill head, she has to pay more attention to him than me or he gets upset. Before anyone ask….no she is not “doing him” and never has, just trust me on that. She’s kind of messy, or a pig, leaves plates all over and stuff. Does not have a ton of time to spend with me, and I like to be spoiled. She can be emotional to an unstable point.
Girl 2: I was dating her for about 4 months, just never gave her a chance, but am considering it.
The good:
Spoils me with attention, all the time. Always wants to see me, but is patient also. Really mature, yet still 21 years old. Career is going good for her. Amazing body and really cute, looks a 7/8 and body a 10. Seriously, I have an accurate eye and can’t find anything wrong with it. She has her own transportation, apartment ect. Gets along really good with all my friends, they love her. She’s fun and I get along with all her friends also.
The bad:
She’s 21, I’m 28. I like her Dad a lot, but her Mom was not the best mother to her, and I don’t really like her lifestyle. She has “gotten” with one of my friends before me. My best boy slept with her mom. That’s really about all the bad.
I’m kind of leaning toward girl 2, but I still love girl 1. Girl 2 just suits me better, we have more in common, we can do things with friends in a group setting and still spend time alone too. I still just love girl 1 and we are different in a lot of ways, but it kind of balances us out I guess?
Been thinking about it all week. Not sleeping with either or anything. I know I don’t “need” a girlfriend. But I want one.