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Thread: Mexico launches rockets across US border.

  1. #1
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    Mexico launches rockets across US border.

    Ok guys. im playing devils advocate here but with the boards obvoius opinion that Israel is in the wrong and they're bastards and these are war crimes and so on and so on.

    what if Tijuana started launching home made rockets across the border into san diego. where your children live. where your girl works. what would you expect the US to do about it. Nothing because we are so much bigger then them? someone please enlighten me...

  2. #2
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    Well, the analogy is completely off. You would have to first stipulate that America invades and occupies Tijuana, blockades it, starves it out, etc. And THEN Tijuana launches rockets. So now what should America do?


    End the occupation. Withdraw troops. Conflict resolved.

  3. #3
    i like the way you think.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuffedGuy View Post
    Well, the analogy is completely off. You would have to first stipulate that America invades and occupies Tijuana, blockades it, starves it out, etc. And THEN Tijuana launches rockets. So now what should America do?


    End the occupation. Withdraw troops. Conflict resolved.
    thats what i was thinking

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by BuffedGuy View Post
    Well, the analogy is completely off. You would have to first stipulate that America invades and occupies Tijuana, blockades it, starves it out, etc. And THEN Tijuana launches rockets. So now what should America do?


    End the occupation. Withdraw troops. Conflict resolved.
    i dont think thats the correct order of events. last time i checked the blockade was as a result of rocket fire?

  6. #6
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    Or put it this way,assuming America doesnt have large military. Mexio decides to occupy California and Americas government cant do anything, will American citizens take arms and start rocket attacks on Mexican soil?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    i dont think thats the correct order of events. last time i checked the blockade was as a result of rocket fire?
    I think he was reffering to occupation in 1946, correct me if i'm wrong

  8. #8
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    The analogy *must* stipulate that America occupies Tijuana. This is not disputed by anyone, including Israel. It is after all called the Occupied Territories. Remember: even if we say that the 1947 resolution to create Israel was valid (which it was not), EVEN THEN Gaza was not a part of it! Gaza was part of the Palestinian half, which Israel invaded. So this is not about questioning the legitimacy of Israel (which I do), because even if one were to say Israel has the right to exist, this is only within its own borders, not occupying neighboring lands.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by auslifta View Post
    I think he was reffering to occupation in 1946, correct me if i'm wrong
    See how they put the carriage before the horse? The occupation of Gaza began in 1948, long before Palestinian terrorism became an issue. In fact, at that time, the only main terrorist groups were Zionist, such as the Stern Gang. But of course Zionists are known for their anachronistic logic: somehow Israel occupied Gaza because of rockets, even though the invasion of Gaza (1948) preceded the rocket attacks by a few decades!

    It is the same way that the Israelis claim that they are doing these atrocities in Gaza now because (supposedly) Hamas kept firing rockets. Yet, we KNOW for a FACT that Hamas honored the ceasefire, and there were NO Hamas rockets fired during the ceasefire, and ZERO Israelis died. Rather, Israel broke the ceasefire, and THEN Hamas responded. Again: carriage before the horse.
    Last edited by BuffedGuy; 01-14-2009 at 10:24 PM.

  10. #10
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    The Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip is not under Israeli occupation. Israel fully redeployed from the Gaza Strip in August 2005, uprooting Israeli 8,000 settlers from their homes and removing its military installations.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuffedGuy View Post
    Well, the analogy is completely off. You would have to first stipulate that America invades and occupies Tijuana, blockades it, starves it out, etc. And THEN Tijuana launches rockets. So now what should America do?


    End the occupation. Withdraw troops. Conflict resolved.
    i knew youd be the first to respond...

    Israel is making efforts to facilitate humanitarian assistance. In the midst of its military operation it opened border crossings to allow essential supplies, such as medicine, basic food and clothing, into Gaza. Additionally, despite the fact that rockets continue to rain down on its citizens, on December 28, members from the Israeli government met with representatives from United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, the Red Cross and World Health Organization to ensure that Gazans were provided with the necessary aid, food and medical supplies. Since that time, more than 10,000 tons of aid have entered the Gaza strip. Israel's Foreign Minister has continued to meet with the heads of humanitarian organizations to ensure the continued flow of aid and necessities into Gaza.

    Hamas is ultimately responsible for the difficult conditions the people of Gaza are enduring. Its refusal to comply with international demands to recognize Israel's right to exist and cease terrorist operations has led to the isolation of Gaza by the international community. It has cynically exploited the harsh conditions in Gaza for public relations purposes, while continuing to expand the hostile activities that created and exacerbated these conditions.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by peachfuzz View Post
    The Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip is not under Israeli occupation. Israel fully redeployed from the Gaza Strip in August 2005, uprooting Israeli 8,000 settlers from their homes and removing its military installations.
    I'll almost guarantee that if America got occupied in 1948 by lets say Russia and Britian, and America citizens waited 30 years before they said thats enough fvckers get out, and started to build home made rockets and launch into Russian occupied land. You wouldnt stop boming till the ****ers left. Its kinda how you got your independence wasnt it?

  13. #13
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    Israel has been dealing with these rocket attacks for YEARS, it just didn't start with a "couple" rockets being launched in the last few months, and it was Hamas that broke the cease fire and now Isreal is doing what they need to do to stop being attacked. You can bet your ass that America wouldn't just sit around and do nothing while being attacked from anyone and America backs Israel for defending themselves.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by auslifta View Post
    I'll almost guarantee that if America got occupied in 1948 by lets say Russia and Britian, and America citizens waited 30 years before they said thats enough fvckers get out, and started to build home made rockets and launch into Russian occupied land. You wouldnt stop boming till the ****ers left. Its kinda how you got your independence wasnt it?
    did you read what you quoted?

    Quote Originally Posted by kaberle_15 View Post
    Israel has been dealing with these rocket attacks for YEARS, it just didn't start with a "couple" rockets being launched in the last few months, and it was Hamas that broke the cease fire and now Isreal is doing what they need to do to stop being attacked. You can bet your ass that America wouldn't just sit around and do nothing while being attacked from anyone and America backs Israel for defending themselves.
    thank you...

  15. #15
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    again guys i want to be clear i am not picking sides...just playing devils advocate.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by peachfuzz View Post
    The Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip is not under Israeli occupation. Israel fully redeployed from the Gaza Strip in August 2005, uprooting Israeli 8,000 settlers from their homes and removing its military installations.
    I don't think you know what occupation means. Let me ask you: Is Gaza a sovereign nation state? Yes or no? If it lacks sovereignty, then who has sovereignty over it? Answer: Israel. Hence, it is occupied.

    As for the settlers, what were they doing there to begin with? Why on earth do we have settlers in this day and age? Hasn't the whole world been discovered already? The fact that the term "settler" is used shows us how apt the analogy is to the Native Americans vs the American settlers, and everyone knows who was in the right and who was in the wrong with that scenario.

    Quote Originally Posted by peachfuzz View Post
    Israel is making efforts to facilitate humanitarian assistance. In the midst of its military operation it opened border crossings to allow essential supplies, such as medicine, basic food and clothing, into Gaza. Additionally, despite the fact that rockets continue to rain down on its citizens, on December 28, members from the Israeli government met with representatives from United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, the Red Cross and World Health Organization to ensure that Gazans were provided with the necessary aid, food and medical supplies. Since that time, more than 10,000 tons of aid have entered the Gaza strip. Israel's Foreign Minister has continued to meet with the heads of humanitarian organizations to ensure the continued flow of aid and necessities into Gaza.
    Ummm...The Red Cross and the United Nation relief agency lashed out at Israel:

    This coming from the Red Cross which historically avoids making such statements.

    So I don't really know what fantasy world you are living in.

    Hamas is ultimately responsible for the difficult conditions the people of Gaza are enduring.
    So let me get this straight. Israel bombs Gaza, and Hamas is responsible for that? As the former Captain of the Israeli air force said: This is exactly what Hamas says when it bombs Israel, namely that Israel is responsible for that. I posted the clip in the news section.

    Its refusal to comply with international demands to recognize Israel's right to exist
    The irony of this is that Israel exists, whereas Palestine does not exist. The UN resolution that created Israel also created Palestine. Where is it, sir?

    And I already dealt with this issue: the bias is clear, since the Likud party refuses to recognize the right of Palestine to exist. Yet, of course the hypocrisy of the Zionists makes them condemn Hamas for what they themselves do, a pattern we see again and again.

    and cease terrorist operations has led to the isolation of Gaza by the international community.
    The international community considers Israel a pariah state right now. Other than the United States.

    It has cynically exploited the harsh conditions in Gaza for public relations purposes,
    This is like saying that the Jews exploited the Holocaust for public relations purposes.

    while continuing to expand the hostile activities that created and exacerbated these conditions.
    Again, you are just bumbling around. Like I told you, Hamas fired zero rockets during the ceasefire. Israel broke the ceasefire by bombing Hamas first. So the claim that the invasion was to stop rockets is false. It's simple logic. Sorry, but this is a message forum, not the media where you can shut us up.

    "Truth is on the side of the oppressed." --Malcolm X

  17. #17
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    Yes i read it, when i said they would be attacked until they left, i didnt mean left as in 05. I meant left as in ceased to exist as pre 48

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by kaberle_15 View Post
    it was Hamas that broke the cease fire
    Please don't lie. Israel is the one that broke the ceasefire which has been stated by multiple sources, including BBC and others. Watch:

    In that clip, you will find a chart which shows how ZERO Hamas rockets were launched during the ceasefire, and then ISRAEL attacked first.

    Here is CNN confirming that Israel broke the ceasefire:

    and now Isreal is doing what they need to do to stop being attacked.
    Yet, this logic fails because Israel was NOT attacked by Hamas during the ceasefire. So if they just wanted to prevent being attacked, then they could just have honored the ceasefire. You do believe in honoring your word, right? Or do Israelis just like to follow the pattern of the American settlers who kept breaking their word to the Native Americans?

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    We do the same thing we did during Hiroshima and Nagasaki. =]

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by auslifta View Post
    I'll almost guarantee that if America got occupied in 1948 by lets say Russia and Britian, and America citizens waited 30 years before they said thats enough fvckers get out, and started to build home made rockets and launch into Russian occupied land. You wouldnt stop boming till the ****ers left. Its kinda how you got your independence wasnt it?
    Exactly. Thank you.

  21. #21
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    If I bombed your house and killed two of your family members, and then I sent an ambulance to help save your remaining family members, would you think I am a hero for that or a villain?

    And let's be honest: we know that Israel just has to do that for PR purposes.

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    ok, did mexico say they were going to kill us at every cost? and eliminate us from the earth? if so ... boom!!!! neat and clean

  23. #23
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    I'm am definatly not biased to either side, this whole situation is wrong. Religion is responsible for so many wars. I'm out! some of you cant imagine if your country was palistine and it happened to you, I dont believe either side is in the right. I'm glad i dont have to deal with this, and my family doesnt. I believe in human race, not religion. I believe in God.

  24. #24
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    I don't understand how some people can take the side of groups that have no value to life and suicide bomb and open fire on innocent civilians and blame Israel for defending themselves against people that want to wipe them off the face of the earth.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by kaberle_15 View Post
    I don't understand how some people can take the side of groups that have no value to life and bomb and open fire on innocent civilians and blame Palistine for defending themselves against people that want to wipe them off the face of the earth.
    Hows your quote look now?

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    ok, did mexico say they were going to kill us at every cost?
    Ummm, Hamas said that they would honor the ceasefire.

    and eliminate us from the earth?
    One sided, as always.

    "When we have settled the land, all the Arabs will be able to do about it will be to scurry around like drugged cockroaches in a bottle." (Raphael Eitan, Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defence Forces, New York Times, 14 April 1983)

    "How can we return the occupied territories? There is nobody to return them to." (Golda Meir, March 8, 1969)

    "There was no such thing as Palestinians, they never existed." (Golda Maier Israeli Prime Minister June 15, 1969)

    "If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti - Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault ? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?" David Ben Gurion (first Israeli PM, quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), pp121.

    "We have to kill all the Palestinians unless they are resigned to live here as slaves." Chairman Heilbrun of the Committee for the Re-election of General Shlomo Lahat, the mayor of Tel Aviv, October 1983.

    "We declare openly that the Arabs have no right to settle on even one centimeter of Eretz Israel... Force is all they do or ever will understand. We shall use the ultimate force until the Palestinians come crawling to us on all fours." Rafael Eitan, Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defense Forces - Gad Becker, Yediot Ahronot 13 April 1983, New York Times 14 April 1983.

    "We must do everything to ensure they [the Palestinian refugees] never do return... The old will die and the young will forget."
    David Ben-Gurion, in his diary, 18 July 1948, quoted in Michael Bar Zohar's Ben-Gurion: the Armed Prophet, Prentice-Hall, 1967, p. 157.

    "We should prepare to go over to the offensive. Our aim is to smash Lebanon, Trans-Jordan, and Syria. The weak point is Lebanon, for the Moslem regime is artificial and easy for us to undermine. We shall establish a Christian state there, and then we will smash the Arab Legion, eliminate Trans-Jordan; Syria will fall to us. We then bomb and move on and take Port Said, Alexandria and Sinai." David Ben-Gurion, May 1948, to the General Staff. From Ben-Gurion, A Biography, by Michael Ben-Zohar, Delacorte, New York 1978.

    "We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population." Israel Koenig, "The Koenig Memorandum"

    "Jewish villages were built in the place of Arab villages. You do not even know the names of these Arab villages, and I do not blame you because geography books no longer exist. Not only do the books not exist, the Arab villages are not there either. Nahlal arose in the place of Mahlul; Kibbutz Gvat in the place of Jibta; Kibbutz Sarid in the place of Huneifis; and Kefar Yehushua in the place of Tal al-Shuman. There is not a single place built in this country that did not have a former Arab population." Moshe Dayan, address to the Technion, Haifa, reported in Haaretz, April 4, 1969.

    "We walked outside, Ben-Gurion accompanying us. Allon repeated his question, What is to be done with the Palestinian population?' Ben-Gurion waved his hand in a gesture which said 'Drive them out!'"
    Yitzhak Rabin, leaked censored version of Rabin memoirs, published in the New York Times, 23 October 1979.

    Rabin's description of the conquest of Lydda, after the completion of Plan Dalet. "We shall reduce the Arab population to a community of woodcutters and waiters"
    Uri Lubrani, PM Ben-Gurion's special adviser on Arab Affairs, 1960. From "The Arabs in Israel" by Sabri Jiryas.

    "It is the duty of Israeli leaders to explain to public opinion, clearly and courageously, a certain number of facts that are forgotten with time. The first of these is that there is no Zionism, colonialization or Jewish State without the eviction of the Arabs and the expropriation of their lands."
    Yoram Bar Porath, Yediot Aahronot, of 14 July 1972.

    "Spirit the penniless population across the frontier by denying it employment...Both the process of expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly."

    Theodore Herzl, founder of the World Zionist Organization, speaking of the Arabs of Palestine,Complete Diaries, June 12, 1895 entry.

    "I don't know something called International Principles. I vow that I'll burn every Palestinian child (that) will be born in this area. The Palestinian woman and child is more dangerous than the man, because the Palestinian child’s existence infers that generations will go on, but the man causes limited danger. I vow that if I was just an Israeli civilian and I met a Palestinian I would burn him and I would make him suffer before killing him. With one hit I've killed 750 Palestinians (in Rafah in 1956).... I wanted to encourage my soldiers by raping Arabic girls as the Palestinian women is a slave for Jews, and we do whatever we want to her and nobody tells us what we shall do but we tell others what they shall do."
    Ariel Sharon, former Prime Minister, in an interview with General Ouze Merham, 1956

    And just recently, four leading rabbis issue "fatwas" to the Israeli troops to kill civilians:

    f so ... boom!!!! neat and clean
    Overly simplistic. Nothing else.
    Last edited by BuffedGuy; 01-14-2009 at 11:00 PM.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by kaberle_15 View Post
    I don't understand how some people can take the side of groups that have no value to life and suicide bomb and open fire on innocent civilians and blame Israel for defending themselves against people that want to wipe them off the face of the earth.
    And I can't believe you don't realize how ironic your statements are, because you are the one justifying the bombing of civilians in Gaza. Just reverse everything and you will realize your hypocrisy...well, at least everyone else will.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BuffedGuy View Post
    Ummm, Hamas said that they would honor the ceasefire.

    One sided, as always.

    "When we have settled the land, all the Arabs will be able to do about it will be to scurry around like drugged cockroaches in a bottle." (Raphael Eitan, Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defence Forces, New York Times, 14 April 1983)

    "How can we return the occupied territories? There is nobody to return them to." (Golda Meir, March 8, 1969)

    "There was no such thing as Palestinians, they never existed." (Golda Maier Israeli Prime Minister June 15, 1969)

    "If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti - Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault ? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?" David Ben Gurion (first Israeli PM, quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), pp121.

    "We have to kill all the Palestinians unless they are resigned to live here as slaves." Chairman Heilbrun of the Committee for the Re-election of General Shlomo Lahat, the mayor of Tel Aviv, October 1983.

    "We declare openly that the Arabs have no right to settle on even one centimeter of Eretz Israel... Force is all they do or ever will understand. We shall use the ultimate force until the Palestinians come crawling to us on all fours." Rafael Eitan, Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defense Forces - Gad Becker, Yediot Ahronot 13 April 1983, New York Times 14 April 1983.

    "We must do everything to ensure they [the Palestinian refugees] never do return... The old will die and the young will forget."
    David Ben-Gurion, in his diary, 18 July 1948, quoted in Michael Bar Zohar's Ben-Gurion: the Armed Prophet, Prentice-Hall, 1967, p. 157.

    "We should prepare to go over to the offensive. Our aim is to smash Lebanon, Trans-Jordan, and Syria. The weak point is Lebanon, for the Moslem regime is artificial and easy for us to undermine. We shall establish a Christian state there, and then we will smash the Arab Legion, eliminate Trans-Jordan; Syria will fall to us. We then bomb and move on and take Port Said, Alexandria and Sinai." David Ben-Gurion, May 1948, to the General Staff. From Ben-Gurion, A Biography, by Michael Ben-Zohar, Delacorte, New York 1978.

    "We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population." Israel Koenig, "The Koenig Memorandum"

    "Jewish villages were built in the place of Arab villages. You do not even know the names of these Arab villages, and I do not blame you because geography books no longer exist. Not only do the books not exist, the Arab villages are not there either. Nahlal arose in the place of Mahlul; Kibbutz Gvat in the place of Jibta; Kibbutz Sarid in the place of Huneifis; and Kefar Yehushua in the place of Tal al-Shuman. There is not a single place built in this country that did not have a former Arab population." Moshe Dayan, address to the Technion, Haifa, reported in Haaretz, April 4, 1969.

    "We walked outside, Ben-Gurion accompanying us. Allon repeated his question, What is to be done with the Palestinian population?' Ben-Gurion waved his hand in a gesture which said 'Drive them out!'"
    Yitzhak Rabin, leaked censored version of Rabin memoirs, published in the New York Times, 23 October 1979.

    Rabin's description of the conquest of Lydda, after the completion of Plan Dalet. "We shall reduce the Arab population to a community of woodcutters and waiters"
    Uri Lubrani, PM Ben-Gurion's special adviser on Arab Affairs, 1960. From "The Arabs in Israel" by Sabri Jiryas.

    "It is the duty of Israeli leaders to explain to public opinion, clearly and courageously, a certain number of facts that are forgotten with time. The first of these is that there is no Zionism, colonialization or Jewish State without the eviction of the Arabs and the expropriation of their lands."
    Yoram Bar Porath, Yediot Aahronot, of 14 July 1972.

    "Spirit the penniless population across the frontier by denying it employment...Both the process of expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly."

    Theodore Herzl, founder of the World Zionist Organization, speaking of the Arabs of Palestine,Complete Diaries, June 12, 1895 entry.

    "I don't know something called International Principles. I vow that I'll burn every Palestinian child (that) will be born in this area. The Palestinian woman and child is more dangerous than the man, because the Palestinian child’s existence infers that generations will go on, but the man causes limited danger. I vow that if I was just an Israeli civilian and I met a Palestinian I would burn him and I would make him suffer before killing him. With one hit I've killed 750 Palestinians (in Rafah in 1956).... I wanted to encourage my soldiers by raping Arabic girls as the Palestinian women is a slave for Jews, and we do whatever we want to her and nobody tells us what we shall do but we tell others what they shall do."
    Ariel Sharon, former Prime Minister, in an interview with General Ouze Merham, 1956

    And just recently, four leading rabbis issue "fatwas" to the Israeli troops to kill civilians:

    Overly simplistic. Nothing else.

    the info is great you asked my opinion about mexico... just set that situatuion up ... and i will comment on the other thread about I and P

    to your final statement, nope just that simple...

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    ok, how bout this i draw a line an say i am bombing every thing west of it... you who are not bad guys can go there, any and i mean any... so much as a bottle rocket leaves the east side and we are going to put a woop ass down on all of you(hopefully that will scare the good guys in to telling on the bad guys, so we are not kill the good guys)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    We do the same thing we did during Hiroshima and Nagasaki. =]

    blow them off the face of the earth.

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    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    ok, how bout this i draw a line an say i am bombing every thing west of it... you who are not bad guys can go there, any and i mean any... so much as a bottle rocket leaves the east side and we are going to put a woop ass down on all of you(hopefully that will scare the good guys in to telling on the bad guys, so we are not kill the good guys)
    I'm afraid that we don't live in a video game.

    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post

    blow them off the face of the earth.
    I've heard this from a lot of Americans (mostly fundamentalist Christians) and Zionists. So let me get this straight: when Usama bin Ladin says this about you guys, then he's a terrorist. But when you guys say it, you are in the right? Please explain your hypocrisy and double-standards. Sounds almost as weird as invading a country using WMDs for that country having WMDs...oh wait a second...

    Anyways, the rhetoric of the Zionists is the same as that of the extremists amongst the Muslims: just bomb them all to hell, combatants and non-combatants. But it's ok, because you are Jewish or American, and we're just brown Muslims.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post

    blow them off the face of the earth.
    save us from all the propaganda... boom and now we have more natural resorces than we did before... i say we allow aas to be given out at the border and make it the vegas type for body builders...

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    Just remember to keep it civil boys (so far so good)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale View Post
    Just remember to keep it civil boys (so far so good)
    Thank you for the reminder. I was too harsh in earlier posts. I will try to be softer.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BuffedGuy View Post

    I've heard this from a lot of Americans (mostly fundamentalist Christians) and Zionists. So let me get this straight: when Usama bin Ladin says this about you guys, then he's a terrorist. But when you guys say it, you are in the right? Please explain your hypocrisy and double-standards. Sounds almost as weird as invading a country using WMDs for that country having WMDs...oh wait a second...

    Anyways, the rhetoric of the Zionists is the same as that of the extremists amongst the Muslims: just bomb them all to hell, combatants and non-combatants. But it's ok, because you are Jewish or American, and we're just brown Muslims.
    edited....just forget it

    Kale is lurking lol
    I have to be nice
    Last edited by xlxBigSexyxlx; 01-14-2009 at 11:30 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    edited....just forget it

    lets keep this going with mexico... as i was saying boom!!! now what?

  37. #37
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    so did the mexicans launch rockets at us or not?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Brown Ninja View Post
    so did the mexicans launch rockets at us or not?
    Only after we devastated their country by dropping bombs on them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post

    lets keep this going with mexico... as i was saying boom!!! now what?
    and now they quit their rocket shooting shenanigans

    Quote Originally Posted by Brown Ninja View Post
    so did the mexicans launch rockets at us or not?
    Yes, its time to man up and head for the border!

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    amcon is offline physical pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside... The pain of quiting will lasts forever!!
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    in the freaking cold
    Quote Originally Posted by BuffedGuy View Post
    Only after we devastated their country by dropping bombs on them.
    im confused ... first you said mex bombed us, did they ? or not? and of coarse we will crush them ... if they deserve it for bombing us lets smack them...

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