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Thread: bisexual girls wtf?

  1. #1
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    bisexual girls wtf?

    alright I dont want to be the jackass that looks a gift horse in the mouth but is it me or are there more and more bisexual girls these days. It's really pissing me off, I cant stand attention whores and Im getting the feeling that these girls just play bi to get attention. I cant stand dudes that encourage it too, somebody tell me I'm imagining it..

  2. #2
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    Yes, most are attention whores. But guess what? They got my attention.

  3. #3
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    Attention whores. But as long as your not looking for a wife who cares. Shyt go with and have some threesomes.
    Imagine waking up in the morning with two girls sucking you off .... oh man good memories...

  4. #4
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    ^^^ Thats the start of a beautiful day^---bro just let em get down with each other. its a beautiful thing..

  5. #5
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    As long as the hot ones stay bi and the ugly ones straight gay I have no issues with it.

  6. #6
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    I agree. It's annoying as piss. Another reason I'll never have children. I don't want to have a daughter and have her grow up in this Mtv-soaked bullshit world that encourages women and young girls to act like whores to appeal to dumb men.
    Lindsey Lohan, Girls Gone Wild, Rap videos... all of it.
    Think of how weak minded you have to be to do that shit when you're not really bi.
    I wouldn't make out with another dude no matter how cool everyone told me it was or how many chicks wanted to see me do it.
    I'm with you dude. I don't care if it's hot. It's lame.

  7. #7
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    Oops, so nice I said it twice.
    Last edited by WOLFCRAFT; 01-16-2009 at 01:54 AM.

  8. #8
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    It seems to be more common than ever, it's trendy to be bi these days.

    If it's the way you are, that's fine. But if you are doing it for attention, no guy is going to honestly take you seriously, you are just a treat. If you are doing it to be trendy, that's even more pathetic.

  9. #9
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    Show her up. Next time two chicks hook up at a bar turn to your buddy and such his face. You'll show them !

  10. #10
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Show her up. Next time two chicks hook up at a bar turn to your buddy and such his face. You'll show them !
    How to make a half a bar fuc'n puke !

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by MR_T View Post
    alright I dont want to be the jackass that looks a gift horse in the mouth but is it me or are there more and more bisexual girls these days. It's really pissing me off, I cant stand attention whores and Im getting the feeling that these girls just play bi to get attention. I cant stand dudes that encourage it too, somebody tell me I'm imagining it..
    I have to agree, I find it trashy

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    im with ya

    im sick of goin to parties and all these lil girls are making out
    grabbing boobs

    its annoying.

    grow up

    pick a side

  13. #13
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    To be honest, why do some of you guys like just watching girls make out/ les porn?

    First, if 2 girls are just making are stuck just watching anyway, why is it so hot? Why is it so appealing? I've always felt it was just because "you" talked them into it. I've never thought it was too awsome though, if there are some hot chicks, I want them all over me,not each other.

    And about the lesb porn. Girls bodies are amazing, and I kind of understand some of it. BUUUUUTTTTT how can you imagine yourself there....if there is no penis in the video?

  14. #14
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    shouldnt this be in the "things i love about america" thread *L*

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by gst528i View Post
    Attention whores. But as long as your not looking for a wife who cares. Shyt go with and have some threesomes.
    Imagine waking up in the morning with two girls sucking you off .... oh man good memories...
    that gave me chillz......too bad i don't see it happening

  16. #16
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    Agreed, it's fake ass attention seeking bullshit. I've known genuine bi-sexual girls, and they never behave like that at social events (unless they're getting wasted).

    It's done now because it's "cool".

  17. #17
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    Sorry but i want to more rug munchin.....

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by J-Dogg;437***9
    To be honest, why do some of you guys like just watching girls make out/ les porn?

    First, if 2 girls are just making are stuck just watching anyway, why is it so hot? Why is it so appealing? I've always felt it was just because "you" talked them into it. I've never thought it was too awsome though, if there are some hot chicks, I want them all over me,not each other.

    And about the lesb porn. Girls bodies are amazing, and I kind of understand some of it. BUUUUUTTTTT how can you imagine yourself there....if there is no penis in the video?
    +2 I have the same issue.

  19. #19
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    Only guys who aren't getting the 'invite' are complaining about this! LOL!!!

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    Only guys who aren't getting the 'invite' are complaining about this! LOL!!!
    LOL yeah you're probably right.

  21. #21
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    threesome ftw and i gotta agree, if your complaining about girls making out with other girls your either gay or not getting any from them(or anyone else for that matter)

  22. #22
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    Holy shit I'm gay. Thanks godkilla, without your insight I may never have known.
    You genius you.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by godkilla View Post
    threesome ftw and i gotta agree, if your complaining about girls making out with other girls your either gay or not getting any from them(or anyone else for that matter)
    I'm totally busted!!!

    I'm GAY because I don't find it very appealing watching 2 drunk chicks make out to impress me.

    You are right, I probably would rather just watch 2 drunk guys make out.

  24. #24
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    I am with the out crowd on this one. It has lost it's rightness in my mind. It is no longer exciting and it is annoying. If that makes me gay then HAAAAAYYYYY!

  25. #25
    Its my mission to make sure girls are never that desperate.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by WOLFCRAFT View Post
    I agree. It's annoying as piss. Another reason I'll never have children. I don't want to have a daughter and have her grow up in this Mtv-soaked bullshit world that encourages women and young girls to act like whores to appeal to dumb men.Lindsey Lohan, Girls Gone Wild, Rap videos... all of it.
    Think of how weak minded you have to be to do that shit when you're not really bi.
    I wouldn't make out with another dude no matter how cool everyone told me it was or how many chicks wanted to see me do it.
    I'm with you dude. I don't care if it's hot. It's lame.
    I'm totally with ya on that one.
    That's why I plan on having a boy, LOL

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rugger02 View Post
    I'm totally with ya on that one.
    That's why I plan on having a boy, LOL
    Keep your socks on. Studies show guys that keep their socks on during sex had a better chance of having a boy.

  28. #28
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    LOL, I learn the most useful little tid-bits from you DSM.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by WOLFCRAFT View Post
    Holy shit I'm gay. Thanks godkilla, without your insight I may never have known.
    You genius you.
    Quote Originally Posted by J-Dogg View Post
    I'm totally busted!!!

    I'm GAY because I don't find it very appealing watching 2 drunk chicks make out to impress me.

    You are right, I probably would rather just watch 2 drunk guys make out.
    i am just saying how can two drunk girls(assuming they are good looking) making out not make your dick hard, but instead anger you for some reason. it doesnt make much sense to me is all

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by godkilla View Post
    i am just saying how can two drunk girls(assuming they are good looking) making out not make your dick hard, but instead anger you for some reason. it doesnt make much sense to me is all
    yepppp....full on hard on would be the result of me witnessing that, regardless of what i may or may not think about it rationally lol

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by godkilla View Post
    i am just saying how can two drunk girls(assuming they are good looking) making out not make your dick hard, but instead anger you for some reason. it doesnt make much sense to me is all
    Because weak stupid minded people make me angry.
    Pretty simple.
    If they're doing it in public they're doing it for show, to make dumb guys like them or think they're cool. I think that's lame.

  32. #32
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    Lots of haters in here.... or gay guys...

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by FallenWyvern View Post
    Lots of haters in here.... or gay guys...
    What does being gay have to do with it ? I like when girls kiss girls

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by WOLFCRAFT View Post
    Because weak stupid minded people make me angry.
    Pretty simple.
    If they're doing it in public they're doing it for show, to make dumb guys like them or think they're cool. I think that's lame.
    That's a ridiculous statement!!! Bi's and Gays can't show public displays of affection? C'mon man, seriously you've got some issue!!!

  35. #35
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    yeah i dont give a damn why they do it ..i still like it...

  36. #36
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    First off BULLS**T....Period. I work at a bar/club and see this crap all the time. 99.9% of these skanks are NOT bi-sexual. They want positive attention from guys, and from reading this forum their getting it. I personally hate when girls do that s**t, especially when its some guys girlfriend with him encouraging it. To me, if my girl did that, I would consider it cheating. Yes I've had my share of three-somes (and for you smart-asses out thier it was always with 2 girls), but not with these hoes that dike it out for attention at a bar.
    Last edited by Wheelie_Rider_R6; 01-17-2009 at 01:46 AM.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    that gave me chillz......too bad i don't see it happening
    you could see it happening if you really want it. Dude if you can dedicate your life to bb and achieving goals that you have, threesome is like a piece of cake.

    Like lifting 25lbs
    ......can u lift 15lbs ruhl? if yes than u can have three some, just gotta work on it.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    That's a ridiculous statement!!! Bi's and Gays can't show public displays of affection? C'mon man, seriously you've got some issue!!!
    You're misreading what I'm saying.
    Bis and gays can TOTALLY show PDA... that's not a problem at all.
    I think what we're all taking about here are these stupid girls gone wild idiot chicks.
    Let's be serious, no real gay girls are going to be making out in front of a bunch of horny dudes.
    You really think I was saying gays can't show PDA? How could you even get that from anything I said?

  39. #39
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    theres a line i think between being trashy and being trashed. just tonight i walked in a party and this girl was wasted and within the first 2 minutes wanted to make out (she already had with two other guys in about an hour) and i didn't (hooked up with he before though) and put my arm around her so she wouldn't fall over again lol..

    but some girls that do it definitely do it for attention. like some girls that think they are so sweet for hooking up with frat boys and think very highly of themselves. nothing wrong with watching it though

  40. #40
    1 more vote for nasty and annoying.

    If they aren't homosexual then chances are it's for attention. Well, the public making out thing. Girls just giving one of their best friends a kiss or something like that isn't the same thing. The whole "watch me i'm drunk and i'll tongue this chick" is just trash.

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