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Thread: What do you do for a living?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    New Joisey

    Question What do you do for a living?

    This orginally was going to be a useless rant but I turned it into something that would be more useful.


    What do you do for a living? (please list a few sentences about it)

    How long have you been doing it for?

    Do you really, genuinely, and TRULEY like your job/career? (please be honest -don't talk yourself into liking it right now if in reality you can't stand it)

    How much do you make a year? (optional)

    And lastly, in an ideal situation (even if it can't happen) is there another "dream job" you'd take over your current one, and what would it be?

    Thanks! - Bo

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    I am a full time student. Currently looking for a part time job. Have an interview Monday.

    My dream job would be to be in the NBA. That obviously isn't going to happen, so a more realistic dream job, for me, is to be a wildlife biologist. Not too "dreamy", as they get paid shit, but being an animal guy, I think it would be tons of fun.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    This orginally was going to be a useless rant but I turned it into something that would be more useful.


    What do you do for a living? (please list a few sentences about it)

    How long have you been doing it for?

    Do you really, genuinely, and TRULEY like your job/career? (please be honest -don't talk yourself into liking it right now if in reality you can't stand it)

    How much do you make a year? (optional)

    And lastly, in an ideal situation (even if it can't happen) is there another "dream job" you'd take over your current one, and what would it be?

    Thanks! - Bo
    1. Regional Sales Manager. Head a Team of Global Account Managers who sell high tech networking equipment into large Global Accounts who are headquartered in APAC.

    2. This job just a year and a half. But in the Industry for 35 years.

    3. I love it !!!

    4. $400K a year on average

    5. Good question, I had to think about that. I would like to run a really high end health resort.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    The Man With A Plan to sc
    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    This orginally was going to be a useless rant but I turned it into something that would be more useful.


    What do you do for a living? (please list a few sentences about it)

    How long have you been doing it for?

    Do you really, genuinely, and TRULEY like your job/career? (please be honest -don't talk yourself into liking it right now if in reality you can't stand it)

    How much do you make a year? (optional)

    And lastly, in an ideal situation (even if it can't happen) is there another "dream job" you'd take over your current one, and what would it be?

    Thanks! - Bo
    1. own a vacation rental company
    2. 10 years
    3. yeah i like it.. pretty laid back
    4. gross 1.8 last year
    4. cant think of anything

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    [QUOTE=Bojangles69;4381483]This orginally was going to be a useless rant but I turned it into something that would be more useful.


    What do you do for a living? (please list a few sentences about it)

    How long have you been doing it for?

    Do you really, genuinely, and TRULEY like your job/career? (please be honest -don't talk yourself into liking it right now if in reality you can't stand it)

    How much do you make a year? (optional)

    And lastly, in an ideal situation (even if it can't happen) is there another "dream job" you'd take over your current one, and what would it be?

    Thanks! - Bo

    Private Military Contractor, I have worked all over the world...

    ten years....

    I love my job

    paid....real good...

    Porn star...J/K retired.....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    New Joisey
    Awesome, I find this stuff really interesting for some reason. Keep it going guys!

    And Kale 400k a year?! Jesus christ. Good for you.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Bojangle-my friend from the socalled post "why do meatheads walks like a robots?" LOL
    what's up with this new post? Plse, tell me u are not thinking of committing a Sucide? I will be the first to misse u? LOL

    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    This orginally was going to be a useless rant but I turned it into something that would be more useful.


    What do you do for a living? (please list a few sentences about it)

    How long have you been doing it for?

    Do you really, genuinely, and TRULEY like your job/career? (please be honest -don't talk yourself into liking it right now if in reality you can't stand it)

    How much do you make a year? (optional)

    And lastly, in an ideal situation (even if it can't happen) is there another "dream job" you'd take over your current one, and what would it be?

    Thanks! - Bo

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    This orginally was going to be a useless rant but I turned it into something that would be more useful.


    What do you do for a living? (please list a few sentences about it)

    How long have you been doing it for?

    Do you really, genuinely, and TRULEY like your job/career? (please be honest -don't talk yourself into liking it right now if in reality you can't stand it)

    How much do you make a year? (optional)

    And lastly, in an ideal situation (even if it can't happen) is there another "dream job" you'd take over your current one, and what would it be?

    Thanks! - Bo
    1. Work for uncle sam

    2. 3+ years

    3. no, i absolutely hate it

    4. 24-40k a year

    5. i would teach if the pay was decent

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Cool idea for a thread...

    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    [B]This orginally was going to be a useless rant but I turned it into something that would be more useful.


    What do you do for a living? (please list a few sentences about it)

    How long have you been doing it for?

    6 years
    Do you really, genuinely, and TRULEY like your job/career?

    Depends on the night, but usually it's cool. I get to hang out with alot of friends, talk shit to people, get hit on by chicks, drink if I want, and walk away with a pocket full of cash.

    How much do you make a year? (optional)

    Shit who knows...
    And lastly, in an ideal situation (even if it can't happen) is there another "dream job" you'd take over your current one, and what would it be?

    Get the tv show I've been writing produced.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    well i'm in a ... different situation but basically i'm a student (only 19)

    work part time at mcdonalds, and oh yeah, its the dream job. make 7.15 an hour lol but it pays what i need it for. do i like it no but i like having money so its worth it.

    my dream job... probably own a resort on an island... but what i want to do thats more realistic is investment banking. or something along the lines of my parents

    mom - chemist, been doing it for 21 years, she likes her new job more, makes ~150k then bonus can be up to 30k

    dad - works with pharmaceutical companies computer systems, not really sure what he does but not just writing code. he owns his business and has since 95, he can make from 160k to 320k depending on who he works for (in 2-3 year contracts)

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Middle East
    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    This orginally was going to be a useless rant but I turned it into something that would be more useful.


    What do you do for a living? (please list a few sentences about it)

    Sales Manager for a medical supply company. I manage a small sales team and deal with a few large accounts. I work 100% on commission, and I do everything from home, visiting our large clients 1-2 times per year. I work this around my schedule as a full time student!

    How long have you been doing it for?

    4 years

    Do you really, genuinely, and TRULEY like your job/career? (please be honest -don't talk yourself into liking it right now if in reality you can't stand it)

    I dont particularly enjoy it...

    How much do you make a year? (optional)

    Alot more than any other full time college student, and probably most adults in their 'careers'...

    And lastly, in an ideal situation (even if it can't happen) is there another "dream job" you'd take over your current one, and what would it be?

    I'm applying to medical school next year, so being an attending physician is my dream job, and hopefully it will be a reality in the near future..

    Thanks! - Bo
    I responded in bold...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    Job = Drug producer
    How long= 10 years
    Wage= 750,000 in uk money, per year.

    Would never swap my job...............

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Phoenix, AZ
    What do you do for a living? Counselor

    How long have you been doing it for? 6 years

    Do you really, genuinely, and TRULEY like your job/career? Yes. I do, however, have to work pretty hard at remaining patient with people that continue to revisit their mistakes of the past.

    How much do you make a year? I make a good living from a monetary stand point. But the true payoff in my job is not really measured in dollars and cents.

    And lastly, in an ideal situation (even if it can't happen) is there another "dream job" you'd take over your current one, and what would it be? Probably not because even our dream jobs have just as many cons as they do pros.

  14. #14
    1. Firefighter
    2. 8 years
    3. I am up and down about it, i find that postings get stale and I end up hating what I am doing if I dont move around every few years.
    4. £30000p.a

    4. Not really any other dream job since my working life cannot get easier. I have ALOT of time to myself in work so i use well and study alot. Have covered alot of IT stuff over the last 3 years, thinking of starting a degree in Architecture in September. At the moment i am working on becoming a registered personal trainer because rates in London are on average of £50-80 per hour with a higher tier of up to £300ph with the right kind of client and a part time job in this industry would suit me down to the ground.
    Last edited by Odpierdol_sie!; 01-18-2009 at 06:44 AM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    what I do

    Quote Originally Posted by fit4ever View Post
    What do you do for a living? Own/operate a small commercial roofing and coatings company.

    How long have you been doing it for? 10 years

    Do you really, genuinely, and TRULEY like your job/career? Yes. I work outdoors, generally in good weather. No cardio required to lose weight from spring through fall. There is quite a satisfaction in making a business you started grow and prosper. But, when things go bad, there's no one else to blame but yourself.

    How much do you make a year? In 2007, I made $250K. But in 2008 I'll be lucky to break $75K after the dust settles.

    And lastly, in an ideal situation (even if it can't happen) is there another "dream job" you'd take over your current one, and what would it be? My dream is to become a pro bodybuilder. One of the Pros who actually makes money.
    Or I'll take Kale's job.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Scylla and Charybdis
    1. Teach at a university
    2. 1 yr
    3. No. None of the students listen/care, and are usually on their computers (prob on this forum) while I'm teaching.
    4. Not enough, but enough to be comfortable.
    5. Re-enlist. Pay is not as good, but I was happy.

  17. #17
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    May 2008
    1. Full Time Student - I was working for Hospice doing Triage and On Call, now I'm working part time at a hospital in cardiac medical

    2. I was at Hospice for 4 years, and just started the job at the hospital last month

    3. No, I hate my job, it's just temporary until I finish school this year

    4. Not enough...about 40K

    5. Housewife...LOL J/K I can think of many things I would like to do, Forensic Scientist, Criminal Investigations, Teaching, Nursing, running something...

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    1. firefighter
    2. 7 years
    3. love my job, but hate running b.s. calls.
    4. made 52k in 08
    5. running my own business...not sure what

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by warchild28 View Post
    1. firefighter
    2. 7 years
    3. love my job, but hate running b.s. calls.
    4. made 52k in 08
    5. running my own business...not sure what
    Dude is that your basic pay?

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    between the flaps
    nine years
    i dont like to work, period, but as jobs go, i like it; i get tired of people who look something up on the net and suddenly think they know more than i do; i also get exasperated have to beg to be paid by insurance companies
    over 100K
    i'd like to be wealthy and not have to work at all, but if i had to choose a job, not a bs job, but really involving work, i'd be a plumber

  21. #21
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    I work for the federal government in construction management. I've been here going on 21 years. Salary is not what I think it should be, but I make a comfortable living. I enjoy my job to a point, as in I don't dread going to work and there is a great feeling of accomplishment associated, but I don't like it so much that I would do it even if they didn't pay me. My hobby is tinkering with hotrod cars and bikes, and I plan to open my own shop and let that carry me into my twilight years, that will be my equivalent of a dream job.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Odpierdol_sie! View Post
    Dude is that your basic pay?
    no thats like 5-7k overtime. if i make engineer its like 60k base pay

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Fulltime student, for the third and final time.

    I enjoy school and learning but I want money.

    My dream job would have been a fighter pilot, but things didnt work out with some vision issues just before I was to enter flight school. So my backup plan was to be a pro baseball player. But things didnt work out with a bunch of shoulder issues. Wish I would have known about roids in my playing days....LOL

    After those didnt pan out I wanted to be a research scientist, probably obvious to most on here, But I am like Big I fell in love with hotrods and fast cars. And being a research scientist in the fields that I was most interested in did not pay all that well. Building cars is very expensive. Now I am doing something different than science in the medical realm that will hopefully pay much better.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    This orginally was going to be a useless rant but I turned it into something that would be more useful.


    What do you do for a living? (please list a few sentences about it)

    How long have you been doing it for?

    Do you really, genuinely, and TRULEY like your job/career? (please be honest -don't talk yourself into liking it right now if in reality you can't stand it)

    How much do you make a year? (optional)

    And lastly, in an ideal situation (even if it can't happen) is there another "dream job" you'd take over your current one, and what would it be?

    Thanks! - Bo
    I post on these forums.

    Since 05.

    As long as i stick to the lounge its not so bad.

    Nada. Being able to share my wisdom is enough payment in itself.

    To be BIG's b/f

  25. #25
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    yea but who dosen't want to be BIG's bf?

  26. #26
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    between the flaps
    what does bo do, etc?

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by warchild28 View Post
    yea but who dosen't want to be BIG's bf?
    he's mine damnit!

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    This orginally was going to be a useless rant but I turned it into something that would be more useful.


    What do you do for a living? (please list a few sentences about it)

    How long have you been doing it for?

    Do you really, genuinely, and TRULEY like your job/career? (please be honest -don't talk yourself into liking it right now if in reality you can't stand it)

    How much do you make a year? (optional)

    And lastly, in an ideal situation (even if it can't happen) is there another "dream job" you'd take over your current one, and what would it be?

    Thanks! - Bo

    r you spy, or trying to spy on us.

    memebers b aware of this

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    The world in my head.
    What do you do for a living? IT/network admin.. I program and monitor routers and switches (mostly lvl 3 devices)

    How long have you been doing it for? actually paying full time job, only a year now.

    Do you really, genuinely, and TRULEY like your job/career? I do, I do it for the military. So though at times i miss the bang bang fun of being in the feild. I enjoy coming home at night to my wife and daughter (soon to be daughters)...that is when i'm not deployed

    How much do you make a year? after everything 54K a year

    And lastly, in an ideal situation (even if it can't happen) is there another "dream job" you'd take over your current one, and what would it be? When i retire from full time work i think i'd like to teach.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    What do you do for a living?

    work at a failing supplement store.

    How long have you been doing it for?

    2 months.

    Do you really, genuinely, and TRULEY like your job/career?
    I hate my career (sciences of communication) cos its all office job and i like to be and FEEL free.
    I like the part of my job where i help people with their diet/rutine/mindset so much that some times i dont even charge for it although i should but i hate selling product that are a fraud, is dishonest and being told to lie in order to sell which is absolutly against my laws.

    How much do you make a year? (optional)


    And lastly, in an ideal situation (even if it can't happen) is there another "dream job" you'd take over your current one, and what would it be?

    be retired with loads of money, but if i had to work it'll be working in something involving taking care of nature, like parks or help people who diserve it improve their lifes in some way, writting music, books, painting, mind, free soul stuff. Anything that is office, phones, paperwork, numbers...i hate it.

  31. #31
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    Jan 2008
    1. Professional student, but I have a part time security job.
    2. Been doing security for about 2 years.
    3. My job really couldn't get any easier. Heck I'm at work right now.
    4. Like 9 an hour.
    5. Male stripper?

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    This orginally was going to be a useless rant but I turned it into something that would be more useful.


    What do you do for a living? (please list a few sentences about it)

    How long have you been doing it for?

    Do you really, genuinely, and TRULEY like your job/career? (please be honest -don't talk yourself into liking it right now if in reality you can't stand it)

    How much do you make a year? (optional)

    And lastly, in an ideal situation (even if it can't happen) is there another "dream job" you'd take over your current one, and what would it be?

    Thanks! - Bo
    im in the military us coast guard, been in for 4 yaers and i hate it lol i hate how one person can control u.... but i do like that im 21 and i ahve 28 people working under me lol and being able to drive boats all day if i wanted to... but all and all i hate it lol.. i make 38k lol what shitty pay. oh hell ya id love to play football lol

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Look up in the sky...
    Manufactured homes sales and small time investing on the side
    10 years
    yes for the most part
    last two years over 150k (this year I am have opened my own company and expect to do much better)
    ideal job is a motivational speaker

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    The Bay, California
    Secret Service
    8 years
    I do, I like to sleep inside the white house when no one is watching and take a big dump in the bathroom once in a while.
    Dream job would be to own the white house and turn it into a playboy mansion. LOL

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    In the Lab
    5 Years
    Some days
    Retired/Own my own gym

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by firmechicano831 View Post
    Secret Service
    8 years
    I do, I like to sleep inside the white house when no one is watching and take a big dump in the bathroom once in a while.
    Dream job would be to own the white house and turn it into a playboy mansion. LOL
    Did you go out of country in the beginning of last year?

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Australia (VIC)
    1. Used to be a contract software architect & team manager. Now I'm doing nothing.
    2. About 10 years.
    3. It's ok but not fulfilling(Helping people that you don't admire to make millions of dollars and not have any share in it yourself.....)
    4. It fluctuates....good year 150K+, not so good 70-80k.

    5. Dream job. Maybe a plastic surgen with a sense of humour.. "Oh I get it wanted implants in BOTH breasts!". But I sure aint going through medical school so it's off the list. I really don't know yet....I guess I'm working that out atm!

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    This orginally was going to be a useless rant but I turned it into something that would be more useful.


    What do you do for a living? (please list a few sentences about it)

    Full Time Student/full time Staff Accountant

    How long have you been doing it for?

    6 months

    Do you really, genuinely, and TRULEY like your job/career? (please be honest -don't talk yourself into liking it right now if in reality you can't stand it)

    its enjoyable but itl be better when I graduate and start making real money

    How much do you make a year? (optional)

    currently a little over 30k

    And lastly, in an ideal situation (even if it can't happen) is there another "dream job" you'd take over your current one, and what would it be?

    owning my own investment corp

    Thanks! - Bo
    in bold

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    In the Lab
    who would of thought we had so many ballers in here. So real earning power from a couple of you guys. Anyone want to help pay for my next cycle?

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    New Joisey
    Thanks a lot guys! Its really interesting to see what all you do and makes me feel like you're all less a stranger to me.
    For the 2 joke responses I can only assume you both don't work, have never worked, and don't plan on working. =]

    I did forget to add mine though.

    1. I'm a full time student but I'm off this semester, trying to get a masters in psychology.
    I haven't had a real conventional 9-5 type job in 4 years which is why I posted this thread, I've been making money to get by fine doing all kinds of things on the side (caddying, yardwork, pressure watching, advertising, websites, etc) and am getting more and more tired of the fact (even in school) that I couldn't live indepently yet w/out having serious financial issues (share a town house with 2 brothers).

    2. NA

    3. I LOVE freedom to decide how I'm going to make money and gaining new skills, but at the same time its getting too unpredictable and the only real skills I'm gaining are from school, and can't be used yet. ( masters for a license in counseling)

    4. Varies way too much every year but is not a lot at all. Enough to pay rent, and have some money on the side for gym, car insurance, clothes, food, etc.

    5. Dream job is what I'm in school for now which would be counseling. My ultimate goal would be to do psychotherapy with a PHD but I don't think logistically the PHD will happen, so I'll settle for a masters in counseling.
    2nd dream job would be getting paid decent to work in any studio for almost any reason. Radio stations, movies, anything where I could play with a soundboard all day would be my 2nd dream job.

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