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  1. #1
    XD40's Avatar
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    Verizon Wireless *Storm*

    Does any one have the Storm? if so do you like it or not and why? i just left at&t and an going to VZW tonight to look @ phones. any preference on the storm? Thanks


  2. #2
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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  3. #3
    freakinhuge is offline Senior Member
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    cool pic

  4. #4
    Doc M's Avatar
    Doc M is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Personally, I hate the phone. I use Verizon and just got one about 3 weeks ago because I thought it looked like it had some great features. But there have been a lot of things I don't like about it, specifically trying to send emails and texts. The active touch screen, or whatever they call it, is a hassle and you can't type all that fast. I went back to my Blackberry 8830 and realized how much I loved that phone. Now I have a Storm, EnVE2, and a BB Pearl, sitting in my desk drawer collecting dust. But to each his own I guess!

    Doc M

  5. #5
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
    RuhlFreak55 is offline Purveyor of Thor's Hammer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc M View Post
    Personally, I hate the phone. I use Verizon and just got one about 3 weeks ago because I thought it looked like it had some great features. But there have been a lot of things I don't like about it, specifically trying to send emails and texts. The active touch screen, or whatever they call it, is a hassle and you can't type all that fast. I went back to my Blackberry 8830 and realized how much I loved that phone. Now I have a Storm, EnVE2, and a BB Pearl, sitting in my desk drawer collecting dust. But to each his own I guess!

    Doc M
    feel free to send me any of those as i only have an ENV

  6. #6
    T_Own's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc M View Post
    Personally, I hate the phone. I use Verizon and just got one about 3 weeks ago because I thought it looked like it had some great features. But there have been a lot of things I don't like about it, specifically trying to send emails and texts. The active touch screen, or whatever they call it, is a hassle and you can't type all that fast. I went back to my Blackberry 8830 and realized how much I loved that phone. Now I have a Storm, EnVE2, and a BB Pearl, sitting in my desk drawer collecting dust. But to each his own I guess!

    Doc M
    AGREED. i have vzw and was at a store with a few friends and tried out a storm and i hated it. the curve is definitely the best blackberry now, but i'm planning on getting the BB Bold when my contract is up in june. afaik, the bold comes out on vzw in may so its good timing. its pretty much a black curve with different gui's.

    but the storm is just like any other touch screen phone imo. even the iphone is hard to text on compared to a phone with t9 or a full keyboard.

  7. #7
    joiningthedarkside is offline Associate Member
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    ehh i just got my storm unlocked for att and so far its pretty cool. for a touch screen its pretty good, it kinda has buttons under the screen so it clicks. its not as easy to type as a keyboard would be tho

  8. #8
    T_Own's Avatar
    T_Own is offline Formula1 Aficionado
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    the buttons aren't under the screen, its just a little vibration and a click noise. otherwise it wouldn't work turned sideways

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