I was friends with this girl who was pretty damn tiny. She was 4'11", 80 lbs or so. Hot as hell though. Had a great body (relative to its size), and she really cared for me too. She was a strong Christian even, which is my number one thing with girls. I knew she liked me, but I slowly stopped hanging around her because I thought that it would look so awkward dating someone who weighed less than a third of what I did and was so much shorter. So we grew apart, and I started regretting things afterwards.
I changed my mind and decided that it was shallow to look at the size difference and that I should've looked past that. Plus, hey, she would've been tight as hell in bed as well as more easy to maneuver. By the time I tried to mend things, it was too late. She was already getting close to some other guy and she was kind of bitter towards me. I deserved it.
What do you guys think, as exceptionally large men, about dating exceptionally small women who are under 5' and less than 100 or even 90 lbs? Has anyone experienced this?