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I put some bolts and 2x4s into my ceiling and hung a pair of rings(about 5 ft off the floor) and a bar(about 8ft off the floor). It's right next to my treadmill..
I love my cardio setup, so I'm going to blab about it.
So, I just roll out of bed, and get on the treadmill with my nintendo. After 30-60 mins (depends on the day, how god I am on the nintendo, and how tired I am), I move 3 ft to the right and grab the rings, hoist myself up, and pump out 20 dips. Just to be sure I'm awake, I start the mountaineer jumps (which can be described as deep-jumping lunges in-place). I finish off with the pull-ups because it gives me a nice stretch on my spine and shoulders. Then I shower and have my breakfast.