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I have very mixed emotions about the religious threads. On one hand I love to learn new things and to be enlightened. Buff Guy's thread is a great example of that. In the geographical areas that this board is most popular, Christianity in general, Catholicism, and Judaism are polular. I personally know Jew's, Baptists, Catholics, etc. I don't know any Muslims, and therefore find that Buff Guy's thread gives me honest insight into something I am not otherwise exposed to, and it's fascinating.
On the other hand, this site is obviously primarily focussed on physical fitness. My parents are very religious, and spend time on some popular religious boards. Although these boards have the equivalent of a lounge section, there are never any steroid related questions. No one says "so after Church last Sunday, I kicked off my test/tren/mast cycle, Lord willing I'm hoping for huge gains..." I mean this is steroid.com, but right now there are 4 threads on the front page dealing with religion in one way or another. It seems that threads like Buff Guy's make members of other religions feel a need for similar "air time" if you will.