does exessive sex lead to weight loss? or anyone ever experience weight loss from execessive sex/ please tell us about that?
does exessive sex lead to weight loss? or anyone ever experience weight loss from execessive sex/ please tell us about that?
are you serious?
Only if you leave your socks on...
actually I can almost hear dukkit chiming in Monday morning.
yes, I'm serious, some years ago someone said in this board or another that there was a study that link exessive sexual activity to weight loss. Am not sure about it that's I'm seeking some clarification.
its a caloric expenditure. at some point why wouldn't it result in weight loss.
Man you just want to hear dirty stories, who do you think you're kidding, perve.
If jerking it lead to weight loss id look like this :
All I know is, if you burn more calories than you take in, you will lose weight. Sex is one way of burning calories.
Great cutting cycle
why not its good cardio if u can last more than 2 minutes that is.
^^ i know what you mean lol..
ask dukkit...he can tell u correct answer.
If you get HIV then you will lose weight!
hiv should work well id like to run a cycle if it helps me lose lol
sex makes u lose weight! fact! many calories expended producing sperm
what a thread....
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