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  1. #1
    Aaron-the-pitbull is offline Junior Member
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    Any you guys been in this situation?

    This is more of a rant then a question and abit of discussion, i just didn't know which board to put this in.

    Last night we had a little party at a friends house, there was about 9 people there all drinking and having a laugh. We got onto the discussion of me and my training, i mentioned im willing to do steroids and will be starting my first cycle soon. With that they all dug in me giving me shit about it. All i got all night was "Steroids are addictive" "steroids will kill you or give you cancer" "steroids just make you big not strong". All night i had to listen to this and started to wish i had never even opened my mouth. At one point someone even said to me "in 10 years you will be mentally ****ed, youll phycholgy lose the plot because it messes with your mind and makes you go crazy and very aggressive" Seriously, by this point i felt like i had "Roid rage " before id even done my first cycle, i was so angry people wouldn't let it go "You're cheating, do it naturally" Who the bloody hell am i cheating? I don't do professional sports and nor do i plan on doing so, so who the heck am i cheating?

    3 hours later i just lost it, bare in mind as these guys was saying it there all skinny twigs are fat twats and all of them are out of shape and have no plan to turn there bodys around, theyve all attempted weights at home and non of them stuck with it, i loaded some injected videos up by BC (Bare in mind if i ever meet you BC im going to lick your face, you saved my ass) then they all started again before i put the videos on "Yeah but thats site just people in support of steroids, none of them are against it, it will just show positive videos" So the first video i loaded was "Steroids and teens" where BC actually advises teens NOT to do steroids and gives good reasons why, so that first shut them up, the second i showed was "Cops and steroids, who cares?" and it made a very valid point (if you haven't seen that video i highly reccommned it, it makes much sense)

    Now one thing i have noticed on this site is how well people on here get on, when i come on this site i feel at home and feel free to browse around and ask questions to build up my knowlage, not only on steroids, but on training and nutrition also. Even if people are against steroids, which is fair enough, i'm not asking that everyone accept them because everyone's entitled to thier own opinoin, but jeez, at least take time to know what the hell you're on about before lecturing. But if the people who critise steroids took 5 minutes to take alook around our site they will see how strongly we're united and how well we all bond, i only have to ask one question and within 5 minutes there's already like 4 replys giving me advise and answering my questions. In life people never stop to help someone struggling, we're they're always to quick to judge, but if more people was more like us guys on here the world would be a much better place, we always help each other here, when one man struggles we all help in anyway we can, we all try to help each other in best we can, we all share our knowlage and we enjoy to see people succeed and give complemaints to each other when we see someone doing well. I could tell you guys "i did my first cycle and i couldnt please my woman and then my willy fell of" now you may have a giggle behind the computer but i would get nothing but support and advise, if i told my friends the same thing they disgard me as thier friend and rip the piss put of me untill the day i died.

    Anyway this is my rant/discussion over with, if any of you guys have experienced this feel free to share your storys or your thoughts on this.

    I may edit a few bits on this if i think of something to add or if i think i may add something that needs adding.
    Edited-please read the rules before you post again
    Last edited by Aaron-the-pitbull; 02-08-2009 at 09:35 AM.

  2. #2
    (1*)'s Avatar
    (1*) is offline Member
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    you should keep hushed about this. why would you broadcast?

  3. #3
    UncleD's Avatar
    UncleD is offline Associate Member
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    lol there all just jealous real freinds would respect what your wanting to do and leave u alone, they might show concern but if you say "im doing this" they should say "ok its your life" and leave u alone and not hammer u...did u ask for there opinion?? NO then tell them to fck off lol...some people just like to ride people about shit cause they got nothin else in there life exciteing..

  4. #4
    UncleD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by (1*) View Post
    you should keep hushed about this. why would you broadcast?
    yea maybe it was best not to say anything.. my gym bros know i juice and what i take.. they juice to.. its not a big deal.. but normies (aka) skinny wimps might not understand lol

  5. #5
    D7M's Avatar
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    aaand this is why I don't talk to people (co-workers, family, friends) about it.

    honestly, what did you expect...with the media portrayal of steroid use , etc...

  6. #6
    jamminJohn is offline Junior Member
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    With people uneducated and uninterested in steroids , you're never going to win them over. Don't even bother trying. Your best to keep your steroid use to yourself, or only share it with people really close to you. My wife (girlfriend at the time) was not real happy when I first told her that I did steroids. But after I educated her, she was fine with it. Most people will never understand. It's best to only tell people that are open minded enough to listen to both sides. For anyone that insists on giving you grief, ask them to show any legitimate , documented proof of the dangers of steroids and they will back down because there is none. Most people are clueless. It's best to just leave it that way.

  7. #7
    Aaron-the-pitbull is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by (1*) View Post
    you should keep hushed about this. why would you broadcast?
    They're all very close friends, i'm from England and steroids isn't a big problem here, i've only ever known one person on steroids. plus they are Legal to take in this country so i'm breaking no laws.

  8. #8
    johnnybigguns is offline Banned
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    This should be in the lounge.
    Anyone thats against them you shoudl just have watch bigger stronger faster

  9. #9
    Aaron-the-pitbull is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnnybigguns View Post
    This should be in the lounge.
    Anyone thats against them you shoudl just have watch bigger stronger faster
    Funny you say that, i'm watching it at the moment i'm 18 minutes into it lol

  10. #10
    johnnybigguns is offline Banned
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    make sure you watch all the deleted scenes too they are about 45 minutes I think. Everyone that I know that watched was against the use of AS now they all wanna use it. Everyone believes all the media hype and no one really knows the truth about it.

  11. #11
    skeldno's Avatar
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    i had someone say to me that they dont make you stronger but i bet if i took them down the gym (on my last cycle) i would be benching over 100kg and they wouldnt top 60kg!!!

    Take the lads down the gym wiv you and make them look like twats!

  12. #12
    amcon's Avatar
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    ya keep it close to you dont tell any one but you true close friends and even then i wouldnt say... i actually lost friends that were talking crap about me the same way behind my back... with the media saying what is say about aas - they all think it is like taking heroin, coke and a 5th of jack a day... like your some strung out junky - as for addictive of coarse it is (lets be honest) but so is coca cola or mountain dew!!! keep it to your self - call them all back and tell after the conversation - "they were right, you are reconsidering taking a over the counter from gnc" then go take 200 cc of test and tren ... lol

  13. #13
    kona dawg's Avatar
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    Lie til u die!!!!!!!!!

  14. #14
    skeldno's Avatar
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    no one see's it as a problem down where i live.

  15. #15
    binsser's Avatar
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    id say **** em m8 if there on the puff which is supose to cause mental problems cocaine which is mixed with so much shit nowa days it completely ****s with ur heart and pills that r just full of rat poisen thats y it makes ur jaw stick out like ur names bruce and ur eyes feel like uve just super glued them shut i would honestly say **** UM they maybe ur m8s but there double standereds make em all full of shit dont know what there on about wankers (on the other hand if there off there nut then they wont remember it anyway lololol)enjoy urself m8 be sensible **** them listen and learn to the people on here and ull be ok and if they do ask u if ur on something just reply YES MATE 15 EGGS A DAY 7 DAYS A WEEK WITH PROTIEN SHAKES and then tell em to **** off or if there still standing there frowning at u with a joint hanging out of there mouth my honest opinion would be to do what i would do and just wlak up to them and punch em in the face lololol hope this helps m8!

  16. #16
    Aaron-the-pitbull is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by binsser View Post
    id say **** em m8 if there on the puff which is supose to cause mental problems cocaine which is mixed with so much shit nowa days it completely ****s with ur heart and pills that r just full of rat poisen thats y it makes ur jaw stick out like ur names bruce and ur eyes feel like uve just super glued them shut i would honestly say **** UM they maybe ur m8s but there double standereds make em all full of shit dont know what there on about wankers (on the other hand if there off there nut then they wont remember it anyway lololol)enjoy urself m8 be sensible **** them listen and learn to the people on here and ull be ok and if they do ask u if ur on something just reply YES MATE 15 EGGS A DAY 7 DAYS A WEEK WITH PROTIEN SHAKES and then tell em to **** off or if there still standing there frowning at u with a joint hanging out of there mouth my honest opinion would be to do what i would do and just wlak up to them and punch em in the face lololol hope this helps m8!
    Hahaha, thanks for the support mate, very true about being double standered.

    Thanks to all you guys for the support, and like you all say, i'm just gonna keep my mouth shut, they can eat there words in 2 years when i'm ripped like a bitch and have the streangth to lift them up into the air.

  17. #17
    *RAGE*'s Avatar
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    never tell the truth doing the gear is like cheating on your wife.....denie everything...and make counter actuation......

  18. #18
    binsser's Avatar
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    theyll figure it out for there selfs m8 and prob look at u and ask where they can get some lolol but like u im english as well down in southampton m8 so not breaking any laws having it is also a bonus!

  19. #19
    Kratos's Avatar
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    what's to gain by telling people about your steroid use ? learn to shut it and you'll face less opposition.

  20. #20
    Matt's Avatar
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    What are steroids ?

  21. #21
    Aaron-the-pitbull is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    What are steroids?
    Indeed, that's exactly what i'm going to use, if anyone asks what's happened to my body i'll say i've been eating my 5 aday

    I'm not ashamed of it but like someone just said, if i keep shut i'll get less beef from other jelouse people

  22. #22
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    i would never tell a room full of drunk people that i was on steroids . Hell i don't even tell anyone that is questionable in the drinking department that i use them, you never know what the morons will let slip out while they're drunk

  23. #23
    *RAGE*'s Avatar
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    I agree with MAD on this one he dont even tell hisself

  24. #24
    Kratos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    i would never tell a room full of drunk people that i was on steroids. Hell i don't even tell anyone that is questionable in the drinking department that i use them, you never know what the morons will let slip out while they're drunk
    well, that would assume you know a room full of people, so yeah, that aint gonna happen.

  25. #25
    lole is offline New Member
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    lol ya im uk too bro and i know a lot of pp that are no no about it but you know what bro hold your head up smile and shut the fxxk up. just look better than them and say like i do i just do pushup lol

  26. #26
    Nooomoto's Avatar
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    Unless for some reason you NEED to tell someone, then don't. Most people are uneducated and choose to remain ignorant on the subject of AS. God forbid these people do some fking research.

    Only 4 people know that I use AS, and it's only that many because I needed someone to shoot my butt and one person or the other wasn't around at the time.

    If I were you, I'd never mention it again, and just do what you're going to do. The results, if you do this correctly, will speak more than your words ever could.

  27. #27
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    well, that would assume you know a room full of people, so yeah, that aint gonna happen.
    i do too know a room full of people

  28. #28
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    deny deny deny

  29. #29
    Brown Ninja's Avatar
    Brown Ninja is offline Anabolic Member
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    Sucks to be in that position but you were asking for it by bringing it up like that. What did you think they would say?

  30. #30
    anabol88 is offline New Member
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    When I was young my father told me something I will never forget, he said: a wise man speaks because he has something to say, a fool speaks because he has to say something.

    The people you were hanging out with were not wise men.

  31. #31
    MMArmour's Avatar
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    there are about....7 people on the planet that know for a fact im on steroids . which is 7 people too many.

  32. #32
    No One Knows's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anabol88 View Post
    The people you were hanging out with were not wise men.
    Neither is he for blabbering about using steroids .. Why would you tell anyone if you know the response that comes along with it? I never tell anyone b/c i dont want them undermining my hard work by saying "you just took steroids"

  33. #33
    Boedog's Avatar
    Boedog is offline New Member
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    Where do you get those movies, cops and steroids ?

  34. #34
    gymnerd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron-the-pitbull View Post
    This is more of a rant then a question and abit of discussion, i just didn't know which board to put this in.

    Last night we had a little party at a friends house, there was about 9 people there all drinking and having a laugh. We got onto the discussion of me and my training, i mentioned im willing to do steroids and will be starting my first cycle soon. With that they all dug in me giving me shit about it. All i got all night was "Steroids are addictive" "steroids will kill you or give you cancer" "steroids just make you big not strong". All night i had to listen to this and started to wish i had never even opened my mouth. At one point someone even said to me "in 10 years you will be mentally ****ed, youll phycholgy lose the plot because it messes with your mind and makes you go crazy and very aggressive" Seriously, by this point i felt like i had "Roid rage " before id even done my first cycle, i was so angry people wouldn't let it go "You're cheating, do it naturally" Who the bloody hell am i cheating? I don't do professional sports and nor do i plan on doing so, so who the heck am i cheating?

    3 hours later i just lost it, bare in mind as these guys was saying it there all skinny twigs are fat twats and all of them are out of shape and have no plan to turn there bodys around, theyve all attempted weights at home and non of them stuck with it, i loaded some injected videos up by BC (Bare in mind if i ever meet you BC im going to lick your face, you saved my ass) then they all started again before i put the videos on "Yeah but thats site just people in support of steroids, none of them are against it, it will just show positive videos" So the first video i loaded was "Steroids and teens" where BC actually advises teens NOT to do steroids and gives good reasons why, so that first shut them up, the second i showed was "Cops and steroids, who cares?" and it made a very valid point (if you haven't seen that video i highly reccommned it, it makes much sense)

    Now one thing i have noticed on this site is how well people on here get on, when i come on this site i feel at home and feel free to browse around and ask questions to build up my knowlage, not only on steroids, but on training and nutrition also. Even if people are against steroids, which is fair enough, i'm not asking that everyone accept them because everyone's entitled to thier own opinoin, but jeez, at least take time to know what the hell you're on about before lecturing. But if the people who critise steroids took 5 minutes to take alook around our site they will see how strongly we're united and how well we all bond, i only have to ask one question and within 5 minutes there's already like 4 replys giving me advise and answering my questions. In life people never stop to help someone struggling, we're they're always to quick to judge, but if more people was more like us guys on here the world would be a much better place, we always help each other here, when one man struggles we all help in anyway we can, we all try to help each other in best we can, we all share our knowlage and we enjoy to see people succeed and give complemaints to each other when we see someone doing well. I could tell you guys "i did my first cycle and i couldnt please my woman and then my willy fell of" now you may have a giggle behind the computer but i would get nothing but support and advise, if i told my friends the same thing they disgard me as thier friend and rip the piss put of me untill the day i died.

    Anyway this is my rant/discussion over with, if any of you guys have experienced this feel free to share your storys or your thoughts on this.

    I may edit a few bits on this if i think of something to add or if i think i may add something that needs adding.
    Edited-please read the rules before you post again

    Honestly none of the sides they are talking about sound too bad LOL.

  35. #35
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