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Thread: another airplane question: domestic flights

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    another airplane question: domestic flights

    I'll be travelings in canada on a small domestic flight, but with leave threw toronto. (toronto-other destination)

    Now here's my question!

    in the bag(s) I check in, am I safe to put bascaily anything in there I want if its packed away with a little bit of caution? Will the bags that check in be scanned or anything? Bascialy, will they do anything to them before chucking them onto the plane. I'll be bringing juice and non-metal substances on board.


  2. #2
    Yes, they still scan bags before they put them on the plane - they just don't let you see that part. You could sneek a peek if you hopped on that little conveyor belt behind the counter.

    Now if you get one of those security markings (they'll mark your ticket with a pink highlighter usually), then they'll take you and your bags off to the side, to a huge x-ray machine. You get to watch. TIf they don't have an x-ray machine, then they'll open your bags up on a table and look through everything, mostly skimming. They say the computer picks people at random, but it will most certainly pick you if you purchase a ticket one day in advance, or a few days in advance and one-way.

    It will help if you have a frequent flyer card / number. I once had a one-way ticket purchased and was able to by-pass the security searching while my friends got all their shit looked through.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    what if the items are hidden very well within the baggage?

    here, I'll PM you with my idea's

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