ya and you wind up getting off track cause others are interuppting
ya and you wind up getting off track cause others are interuppting
this thread has so many different pictures in it....they would put us in a mental hospital if they read it....
every one pm lawstudent... what could we say?
quite masterbating to the thread and come talk to us
some people are so fat they get fat tumors that look like they are growing new limbs... one girl was 600 lbs and she got preg... who was the lucky dude???
Hey prone they are doing a poll on my home page as to wether or not american troops should remain in I raq after 2010. What do you think? I hope I'm not out of line here.
i say bring them all HOME
Will they be strong enough to resist a resurgent taliban which is inevitable.
we need to stay and open our guns on the ones that get out of line... take the natural resources, and pay of our dumb ass debt from our dumb ass politians!!! or just get them the freak out and stop giving any one money... put all 100k troops on the mexican border shoulder to shoulder with locked and loaded ak47s and just sit and wait till something moves... shoot first talk later - wait ... shoot low and check for gear/aas then ask questions after they bleed out...
thats not out of line is it?
when the war first started i though hell yea get sudom out of power but when you are leading a country full of retard inbread homo's you have to kill them because that is all they understand.....i hate to say that but it is true......iraq will fall and iran will take over....
its just seems to be a no win situation no matter how you look at it
i think bush did it all to just line his pockets with money
look at how much we r spending over there, but places like New Orleans can sink in the ocean before we spend a penny to rebuild our own country
arrrrggghh this is a no win subject
I put in for a contract in mexico dont know if i will get it but trying like hell it will be a good job if i do...
do you guy remember about 15 years ago when they want the military to start patrolling the borders to keep all the illegals out of the country....I though that was a great idea but it never happened..
its all politics.....whatever is best for them, that is all that matters
alright bros i out ... im falling asleep - i just woke up and had drewel all over my lap top... hope i didnt jerk off and fell asleep and forgot to clean up...
night bros
I am going to hit the bed myself good to talk at all ya nigh night
Night night amcon. Say g'night to the brady bunch for me...lol
30 pages, we are set in history!!!!
goodnight my lover !!! sleep well
Oh come on I'll have no one to play with. Night night prone, kiss your wife for me (on the nipple please)
Why not your'e not all tren'd up too are you??
Pics prone too!!! you would if you cared.
Not sure where you are T but I'm out catch ya later.
have a good night
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