So im chatting on the Phone with a guy from another Board and he's decent sized 6' and 215lbs about 9%BF. And we're talking and he is giving me advice on this and that and all i cant picture is the weather must be overcast and he is in a unlighted room he's got a smokers voice and he keeps telling me to HIT THE ROIDS and never look back yadda yadda, and then he's kinda out to lunch sorta, He makes good points like being Natty it will be hard to gain while doing all the Martial arts then he ask me how bit i wanna get?? im like im 5'9 and i wanna get my LBM up to 175-180 its 155 right now, most of my goals are going to sport specific. And he's on a huge number of different roids and he's like"THATS NOT EVEN BIG,YOU DONT EVEN WANNA GET BIG!!!!, I DONT even think i wanna help you ya fvckin sum kinda fag that doesnt wanna get huge, you just wanna look good naked or sumething WTF is that shit? and im like trying to explain.....and he's like 180-190 u dont wanna get HUGE!!!!
and hangs up LOL