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Thread: Pumps on EQ + Shin Splints

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Pumps on EQ + Shin Splints

    I just started adding in cardio to cut on a EQ base cycle. 16 weeks. I'm in week 8 through the bulking (get fat) phase and went from 187 to 221lbs.

    Normally, running is a strong point for me, a 4 mile run is not a big deal.

    I did my first 4 miles after a lot of 2 mile runs because I it's been awful trying to run for much over 30 minutes.

    My shins KILL when I'm running now. I'm sure it's from the extra weight some, more impact.

    But shin splints are normally just from a pump, I feel it in my caves too.

    I thought about wrapping my shins, but it would look ridiculous. Any tips?

  2. #2
    check out POSE style running

  3. #3
    oh And why would you continue to run by tapping your shins? That will not solve the problem. Is there a reason that you HAVE to run? I can think of a million different kinds of cardio that I would do if I had shin splints. They will not get better if you keep running on them.

    If you do have to run (your training for something) I've read that tapping might help. Is this a running fashion show? hahaha

  4. #4
    i know what you mean. lace up your shoes tight and make an effort to place as little emphasis on the calfs as possible.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Running is my favorite kind of cardio, I don't like steppers or olypicals. Bikes, I just like running better.

    I try to keep my feet in different positions to do just like jigga said, the pumps are just unreal and it just hurts. I was really hurting after the 2 mile mark last night, but just tuffed it out.

    600mgs of Ibuprofen probably helped.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    3 to go

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Look up in the sky...
    I suffer with shin splints and have found that when i do the stair climber machine where it is like an ascelator for 15 minutes prior to running, I do not have them flair up during my run. So I only do that when they are flairing up, since they don't always act up.

  8. #8
    Rowing too is great cardio if your having shin splints. It sounds like to me you are running incorrectly. The best way to train yourself to run properly is to actually run barefoot or in running flats. NOT these so called running shoes that are sold today with so much cushioning that you can get away with running improperly until eventually, what do you get? You guess it! Shin splints!

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