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Thread: Gloves or no gloves in the gym?!?!?

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Gloves are for women and pussies.

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    In the gym, getting big.
    Quote Originally Posted by IronReload04 View Post
    my football coach in highschool told us working out biceps and wearing gloves in the gym is for pussies.
    That's because the football culture doesn't see a point in working out biceps because biceps, according to them, are kinda a useless muscle to work for football. I don't like gloves though. The only thing I use is straps for deads and barbell rows. I also put towels over the handles of the dip thingy because it's grip is not that sweat-absorbing rubber material that grips more when sweat is applied to it.

  3. #83
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Der schmutzig Süd
    Quote Originally Posted by drummerofgod87;446***7
    That's because the football culture doesn't see a point in working out biceps because biceps, according to them, are kinda a useless muscle to work for football. I don't like gloves though. The only thing I use is straps for deads and barbell rows. I also put towels over the handles of the dip thingy because it's grip is not that sweat-absorbing rubber material that grips more when sweat is applied to it.

    yah my coaches told me the same... bi's are a "pretty boy" muscle or "Glamour" muscle... fuk dat.. bis rock...

    side notE: not referring to "bisexuals" btw.

  4. #84
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I like to wear gloves.

    I feel it IMPROVES my grip.

    Owning a construction business I think you just get that feeling when doing the work. Hauling roof sheeting you feel you have a stronger grip because you don't have the concern of slivers.

    I just really feel my grip is stronger with the gloves on.

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