Since the discussions lately have been gym related Idiosyncrasies, I'd thought I'd bring up a most-dreaded type of situation that occurs, sometimes quite often..
You know, when you're walking on your way to the water fountain after a set of 575lb on bench (yea right) and some random (or frequent, which is the worst cuz u already know what to expect) guy says, "yo man, can u gimme a spot". . so, not wanting to appear as a total dick, you oblige the man and casually walk over to his bench. You ask the standard, "Need a lift?" to the guy and he replies, "No Im good."
You then nod, and watch as he removes the bar from rack. He takes a massive breath in as he lets the bar drop to his chest. Meanwhile, you are slightly bent over, with your face perpendicular to his, carefully watching the bar, as this is the first time you are spotting him and you have no idea how strong he is or isnt. THEN, at that moment, he exhales in a giant, furious showoosh of wind. The rotten, most disguisting smell exits his mouth, and heads straight for your nostrils. As you inhale his foul, putrid breath and you are taken back, and you then realize this will not be a very pleasant 8-10 reps.
I hate when that happens, especially when its the SAME dood that you already knows breath smells like shyt... or the guy that drops sweat-bombs on your face while spotting u on incline or flat dumb. flyes...
ugh .. these little things I hate... I deliberately never ask this one guy to spot me because he looks like a walking waterfall.
Bottom line peeps, lets improve all of our gym-hygene. for god sakes brush ur teeth before u go to gym or chew gum like arnold... bring a towel... ETC ETC..
anyone else have any similar experiences?
however, if you are one of these poor souls that spew your shittious venom throughout the gym, take heed in my words my son, take heed.. =)
auf w.