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Thread: Little Girl Kicks Shoe, Cop Kicks Ass

  1. #1
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    Little Girl Kicks Shoe, Cop Kicks Ass

  2. #2
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    Punk ass cop. I was drunk onetime and they were asking my name and told him that i ****ed his wife. He went for the tazer so I tackled him and both of his budys tazed me. Funny thing is tho, I had him in a rear naked choke. So when i got tazed i just about broke his neck. Uncles a city judge so it was all throw out but i did spend two weeks in jail

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by ampx View Post
    Punk ass cop. I was drunk onetime and they were asking my name and told him that i ****ed his wife. He went for the tazer so I tackled him and both of his budys tazed me. Funny thing is tho, I had him in a rear naked choke. So when i got tazed i just about broke his neck. Uncles a city judge so it was all throw out but i did spend two weeks in jail
    Lol thats some funny stuff.....

  4. #4
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    in a dilapidated apt.

  5. #5
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    I spent quite a bit of time in Ad Seg because I tried to break a seargents jaw for screaming in my face one time. I got several assault on an officer cases. I did five extra years for them but I feel even better about it after seeing this video than I did then. I hate that shit.

  6. #6
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    that is fued up and some bullshit...

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by prone2rage View Post
    that is fued up and some bullshit...
    i agree, my bro kody and i got tazed once for nothing, cops pulled up and one of the guys we were with had a warrant out for him so he ran but we just stood there and the cop said "GET ON THE GROUND!" so we get on the ground and they tazed me and kody while we were laying there, plus is was wet out and i was soaked so my entire body got a good dose

  8. #8
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    I wanna be a C.O. that looks like fun. Do they get to do that stuff all the time?

  9. #9
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    whats that feel like? ever get OC sprayed?

  10. #10
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  11. #11
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    Real ****en tuff guy Its mandatory when you go into cells you take your shoes off WTF did she do wrong to warrant being treated that way.

  12. #12
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    wow, pretty crazy, even slammed her head into the wall, tough guy

  13. #13
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    People who work jails tend not to be the best and brightest. And anyone who wears a badge is on some kind of power trip to begin with too.

    Fcuk that guy. You know he probably won't get in trouble either.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by braer4 View Post
    whats that feel like? ever get OC sprayed?
    yes when i was in the navy i had too for the tranning i was in. Put it this way I went threw the gas camber with no mask after that.

  15. #15
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    Oh my god thats alittle out of line its only a young girl dam.

  16. #16
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    I LOL'ed

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    I LOL'ed
    You would.....

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    ****ed up, I know...

  19. #19
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    That technically is assault her kicking like that...

  20. #20
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    he'll be working at home depot by next month,, and possibly some jail time..

    what a piece of shiiit to do that to a tiny girl.

  21. #21
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  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Voice of Reason View Post
    I wanna be a C.O. that looks like fun. Do they get to do that stuff all the time?
    1) you must not like money! Atleast in Texas it pays shit
    2) not all of them are girls or weak enough in the mind to allow the badge to discourage us from taking care of business. CO's like that, in prison atleast, will get the beating of a lifetime at some point. I mean life changing stuff.
    I think you were kidding about the do they get to do that all the time stuff, but a word to the wise: if you get ot be a CO then I promise you that respecting the men and women first will go the fartherst.
    Stuff like what we just saw can lead to a disability check, and should lead to charges against the prick.

    Too bad she wasn't a minority becasue then something would be done about it by the system itself.

  23. #23
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    The police are dirty scum, i hope they all die of cancer and their famlies..

  24. #24
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    that guy has serious problems to beat down a girl like that

  25. #25
    That will teach her to kick lol

    A little over reacting by the cop i would say...............

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by derek7m View Post
    that guy has serious problems to beat down a girl like that
    I agree. His main problem is being a fvckin' coward.

  27. #27
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    That was way out of line damn. I have no tolerance for the subject actually, I have a friend who had alot of mental issues was on alot of meds and stuff. Well one day he was acting strange and the neighbors called the cops when they showed up he had taking all his clothes off and was not making any sense so what do the cops do they try to phisicly restrain him but are unable to do it (6'7 320lbs) so he runs up to his apt where the cops chase him up there where they beat him and then shot him 3 times in the back and killed him they said he had some kind of sharp weapon and they couldnt restrain him. Now the ****ed up part they next door neighbors heard the whole thing and they said he was yelling that he surrenders for them to stop beating him the cowards caved the back of his skull in and shot him in the back and the cop got off. The moral of that story never put your fate in the hands of a cop.

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    La Cocina
    Damn...makes me angry to watch that! Could you imagine if that was your wife, daughter, sister...etc? I hope that video BITES HIM IN THE ASS! What a tough guy

  29. #29
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    Fvck that, none of you have a clue whats going on.
    Thats EXACTLY what NEEDS to happen.

    Prison/jail is an environement 95% of people can't comprehend till they've lived there themself. I've seen COs get pumbled to tears and inmates get put in wheel chairs, it goes both ways.

    But what you're NOT seeing is what happens when CO's handle things the "right way", or are "nice" like people always want to see, nice and peachy like real life right? No, fvck that.

    Scenario 2 (unlikely)
    Cops kick the shoe back in the cell and just lock the cell door and leave.
    Now girl has a "leniancy mentality" and next time cops open the door instead of a shoe flying out its a pencil flying into the COs eye.
    Tiny female inmates are not harmless, as delicate as they look.

    Scenario 3
    Cops now become concerned about treating inmates "kindly" and not restraining them when they throw shit or kick shit at them.
    Its the new prison mentality. (unlikely)
    **OTHER** inmates see this, they begin to fear COs less, and the overall violence rate between COs and Inmates rises drastically. (likely)
    This is how prison works or any criminal instituion (jails, pen, prisons, half-way houses, etc) There is something called a ***0 Tolerance Level***. Inmates are made aware of this by realizing you do not get treated in jail like you do at your grandmothers house.

    And they were pretty easy on that girl.
    I saw dudes get clubbed down for just CURSING at a CO and not obeying orders. This bitch got away easy, she didn't even have to deal with the boom squad that comes out when officers are assualted.
    Which is about 14 cops with helmets and gear sprinting across the prison to tackle one inmate. Thats the *normal* response.
    Last edited by Bojangles69; 03-01-2009 at 12:36 PM.

  30. #30
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    Maybe it was an old girlfriend of his??

  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    Fvck that, none of you have a clue whats going on.
    Thats EXACTLY what NEEDS to happen.

    Prison/jail is an environement 95% of people can't comprehend till they've lived there themself. I've seen COs get pumbled to tears and inmates get put in wheel chairs, it goes both ways.

    But what you're NOT seeing is what happens when CO's handle things the "right way", or are "nice" like people always want to see, nice and peachy like real life right? No, fvck that.

    Scenario 2 (unlikely)
    Cops kick the shoe back in the cell and just lock the cell door and leave.
    Now girl has a "leniancy mentality" and next time cops open the door instead of a shoe flying out its a pencil flying into the COs eye.
    Tiny female inmates are not harmless, as delicate as they look.

    Scenario 3
    Cops now become concerned about treating inmates "kindly" and not restraining them when they throw shit or kick shit at them.
    Its the new prison mentality. (unlikely)
    **OTHER** inmates see this, they begin to fear COs less, and the overall violence rate between COs and Inmates rises drastically. (likely)
    This is how prison works or any criminal instituion (jails, pen, prisons, half-way houses, etc) There is something called a ***0 Tolerance Level***. Inmates are made aware of this by realizing you do not get treated in jail like you do at your grandmothers house.

    And they were pretty easy on that girl.
    I saw dudes get clubbed down for just CURSING at a CO and not obeying orders. This bitch got away easy, she didn't even have to deal with the boom squad that comes out when officers are assualted.
    Which is about 14 cops with helmets and gear sprinting across the prison to tackle one inmate. Thats the *normal* response.

    I don't really care about any of this , but that made me laugh.

  32. #32
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    the true north
    i agree with bo. i got no sympathy for her what so ever. you guys comlain about the law and jail around here. compared to other parts of the world jail in north america is like daycare where they allow spankings

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    Fvck that, none of you have a clue whats going on.
    Thats EXACTLY what NEEDS to happen.

    Prison/jail is an environement 95% of people can't comprehend till they've lived there themself. I've seen COs get pumbled to tears and inmates get put in wheel chairs, it goes both ways.

    But what you're NOT seeing is what happens when CO's handle things the "right way", or are "nice" like people always want to see, nice and peachy like real life right? No, fvck that.

    Scenario 2 (unlikely)
    Cops kick the shoe back in the cell and just lock the cell door and leave.
    Now girl has a "leniancy mentality" and next time cops open the door instead of a shoe flying out its a pencil flying into the COs eye.
    Tiny female inmates are not harmless, as delicate as they look.

    Scenario 3
    Cops now become concerned about treating inmates "kindly" and not restraining them when they throw shit or kick shit at them.
    Its the new prison mentality. (unlikely)
    **OTHER** inmates see this, they begin to fear COs less, and the overall violence rate between COs and Inmates rises drastically. (likely)
    This is how prison works or any criminal instituion (jails, pen, prisons, half-way houses, etc) There is something called a ***0 Tolerance Level***. Inmates are made aware of this by realizing you do not get treated in jail like you do at your grandmothers house.

    And they were pretty easy on that girl.
    I saw dudes get clubbed down for just CURSING at a CO and not obeying orders. This bitch got away easy, she didn't even have to deal with the boom squad that comes out when officers are assualted.
    Which is about 14 cops with helmets and gear sprinting across the prison to tackle one inmate. Thats the *normal* response.
    Sorry but this is just about the biggest load of shit ive read in a long long time..

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    Fvck that, none of you have a clue whats going on.
    Thats EXACTLY what NEEDS to happen.

    Prison/jail is an environement 95% of people can't comprehend till they've lived there themself. I've seen COs get pumbled to tears and inmates get put in wheel chairs, it goes both ways.

    But what you're NOT seeing is what happens when CO's handle things the "right way", or are "nice" like people always want to see, nice and peachy like real life right? No, fvck that.

    Scenario 2 (unlikely)
    Cops kick the shoe back in the cell and just lock the cell door and leave.
    Now girl has a "leniancy mentality" and next time cops open the door instead of a shoe flying out its a pencil flying into the COs eye.
    Tiny female inmates are not harmless, as delicate as they look.

    Scenario 3
    Cops now become concerned about treating inmates "kindly" and not restraining them when they throw shit or kick shit at them.
    Its the new prison mentality. (unlikely)
    **OTHER** inmates see this, they begin to fear COs less, and the overall violence rate between COs and Inmates rises drastically. (likely)
    This is how prison works or any criminal instituion (jails, pen, prisons, half-way houses, etc) There is something called a ***0 Tolerance Level***. Inmates are made aware of this by realizing you do not get treated in jail like you do at your grandmothers house.

    And they were pretty easy on that girl.
    I saw dudes get clubbed down for just CURSING at a CO and not obeying orders. This bitch got away easy, she didn't even have to deal with the boom squad that comes out when officers are assualted.
    Which is about 14 cops with helmets and gear sprinting across the prison to tackle one inmate. Thats the *normal* response.
    I don't think they were COs, they were just cops booking her at the county jail, were they not?

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    Sorry but this is just about the biggest load of shit ive read in a long long time..
    Biggest load of shit why?
    Cause you don't understand things?
    Its really not hard to understand buddy, fundamental first grade type stuff.

    And in general life when you refuse a single point you offer a rebuttal, otherwise you just look like someone who enjoys making noise. This is how normal communication works, try it.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDawg1536 View Post
    I don't think they were COs, they were just cops booking her at the county jail, were they not?
    Yeh I still think thats pretty standard training for anyone working in a jail though. Even the nurses are taught to deal with inmates a certain way, which I won't get into because other people who haven't spent a minute in a jail seem to be tempted to disagree with people who have.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    Fvck that, none of you have a clue whats going on.
    Thats EXACTLY what NEEDS to happen.

    Prison/jail is an environement 95% of people can't comprehend till they've lived there themself. I've seen COs get pumbled to tears and inmates get put in wheel chairs, it goes both ways.

    But what you're NOT seeing is what happens when CO's handle things the "right way", or are "nice" like people always want to see, nice and peachy like real life right? No, fvck that.

    Scenario 2 (unlikely)
    Cops kick the shoe back in the cell and just lock the cell door and leave.
    Now girl has a "leniancy mentality" and next time cops open the door instead of a shoe flying out its a pencil flying into the COs eye.
    Tiny female inmates are not harmless, as delicate as they look.

    Scenario 3
    Cops now become concerned about treating inmates "kindly" and not restraining them when they throw shit or kick shit at them.
    Its the new prison mentality. (unlikely)
    **OTHER** inmates see this, they begin to fear COs less, and the overall violence rate between COs and Inmates rises drastically. (likely)
    This is how prison works or any criminal instituion (jails, pen, prisons, half-way houses, etc) There is something called a ***0 Tolerance Level***. Inmates are made aware of this by realizing you do not get treated in jail like you do at your grandmothers house.

    And they were pretty easy on that girl.
    I saw dudes get clubbed down for just CURSING at a CO and not obeying orders. This bitch got away easy, she didn't even have to deal with the boom squad that comes out when officers are assualted.
    Which is about 14 cops with helmets and gear sprinting across the prison to tackle one inmate. Thats the *normal* response.
    I am x2 on this being a crock of shit. By the way I like you Bo but you are way off on this one. First of all. we ARE in America so that is what is relevant, not some other country's policy or lack thereof. Second of all they were not easy on the girl. He punched her oin the face, took her down, banged her head on the floor, and then when he picked her up off the f##kin floor her picked her by her hair only. Those are the highlights.
    There is no excuse to treat a person that way in a county holding cell that is obviously not a threat to the safety of the insitution or themselves.
    That was flat out assault. I will bet you your commissary money he no longer works for the county at all. I am no sure how to verify it though.
    I agree with you that 95% or more of the people cannot relate, but I am quite qualified to speak on lock up etiquette. This was an outrage and may well have started a riot in places where I have been. we used to make the CO's ask if they could come in and count. I am a little biased but I don't think we can settle for an "attaboy" for this prick beefing on a defensless girl.
    Last edited by higherdesire; 03-01-2009 at 01:43 PM. Reason: spelling

  38. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by canadian meat View Post
    Real ****en tuff guy Its mandatory when you go into cells you take your shoes off WTF did she do wrong to warrant being treated that way.
    no its not. ive been in one several times.

  39. #39
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    Oh BTW I have had the goon squad extract me on a couple of occassions just because I had been on 23's too long and wanted a trip down the friggin hall for a peak at a different view. It felt like making parole being wheeled down the hall way hogtied on a gurney going to the infirmary to get medical after an extraction, but it beat the shit out of having to sit there another day doing the same thing that day. Just a wild hair, and I never filed any grievances over what I put myself into. I wasn't about them assaulting me, they were doing thier job at that point. These guys in the video were making up for bad marragies or little dicks.

  40. #40
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    Ive spent many many years in prisons, ive spent nearly as long locked up in police stations..So ive been there seen it all.
    Many years ago Strangeways prison in Manchester UK was one of the hardest prisons in our country. The screws ran the prison with an iron fist, prisoners were beaten for the smallest of things. The first sign of any trouble and the screws went in hard and fast, broken limbs were the norm. So what did this achieve, well it kept the prisoners in order, and the prison ran like clock work. However, what we now know is that when these prisoners were being released, after 1/2/3/4 years+ of being bullied they did infact become the bullies and the reoffending rate at the time for prisoners leaving Strangeways was 76%.
    So in the early 1980's the prisoners had had enough, and they went on the rampage, one of the worst prison riots in our prison history. The Wolf report concluded that the riot was a product of years of abuse and violence towards the prison population.
    I have been to Strangeway's since the riot and alot has changed, one example, if a screw treated me like that girl was treated then he would himself be on charges. The screws arnt allowed to use any kind of violence towards inmates unless they themselves are in serious, and i mean serious harm. This in turn has created a prison where prioners and screws respect each other, work in peace with each other. The reoffending rate for Strangeway's prison in 2003 was 12%.
    If we go down the road you think we should then hell, why stop there? Why not go back to the good old day's? Lets hang people in public for the smallest of crimes, flog the kids in the town squares and cut of limbs for stealing bread..
    Prison officers and the police are paid and trusted to uphold the law, not to break it..
    Last edited by Matt; 03-01-2009 at 01:57 PM.

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