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Thread: Old Member saying Hello again

  1. #1

    Old Member saying Hello again

    Hello all,

    I assume this is the board that used to be Anabolic Review. I was a member about 5 years ago when I was 21. I had been training about a year then and was thinking about doing a cycle. After doing a bunch of research and talking to the guys on the forum I decided against the juice until I was older. Thanks for that if anyone is still around.

    So... I'm 26 now and have been training preatty hard for the last 2 years. I'm at about

    187 lbs

    Ht: 5 ft 9 in

    BFP: about 10.5

    I'd post some pictures if i could figure out how.

    So the obvious reason i'm back is....Thinking about doing a cycle this summer. Been doing lots of reading the last couple weeks. Including forum posts. Anways....I know i've got to put in my dues before I get trusted here, I've been through it before. I'll start out by saying Hi.

    My goals are to maintain or cut my bfp while putting on 10-15lbs of lean mass. I'm most interested in keeping that hard defined look its taken me so long to create. I'll go into workout details when i have a little more time.

    So... Whats new guys? I assume by now they've created some juice that gives huge, sustainable, rock hard gains that causes no sides and requires no pct.....oh and its free right?

    Peace out

  2. #2
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Welcome back to AR

    we will move this to the new member section

  3. #3
    Ok, thanks t-mos, must have missed the new member section. Although, not exactly a new member.

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