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Thread: What Would You Do?

  1. #1
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    Question What Would You Do?

    OK, so I just turned 44 yesterday......

    and I have been thinking lately what does my future hold in the way of my bodybuilding?

    I have competed Naturally before and won a few trophies....

    but I do not want to compete anymore especially after using steroids.

    I am 5'11" and float between 230-240 lbs, bodyfat is a respectable 15-18% with abs always showing.

    I have done 6-8 cycles and feel I have reached my size goals, so where do I go from here???

    I am always told I look huge, even though I don't see it, (damn body dysmorphic disorder)

    Do I settle for being 230-240 and in great shape and just do TRT and maintain what I have or do I keep getting bigger?

    At 44 do I really need to look like I obsess about my body and be below 10% bodyfat? , I think women sometimes think that is TOO much and think the guy is TOO into himself as opposed to just a great body and 15% so it shows that I take care of my body but NOT obsess about it

    SO, what do you guys think? What would you do? What WILL you do when your goals are reached and there is still more to do?

    Thanks for your input.....just trying to decide if I am going to start another cycle now or not.....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    If it were me,

    balls to the wall, baby!

    Hop on another cycle and rip it up, T-Mos!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    No source checks
    Happy birthday bro, you kept that quiet.

    I dont know if i will ever reach my size goal so i wouldnt know what to do except keep trying.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Scylla and Charybdis
    Oh yah, happy birthday.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    It doesn't matter what women think. Chances are you'll get plenty of tail regardless.

    More importantly, bodybuilding does not need to be an end with a specific destination or goal to fulfill. Sure, people want to get bigger/leaner/stronger/etc., but you wouldn't be busting your ass everyday if you didn't in fact enjoy hitting the weights, taking care of your diet and shooting that test day after day, year after year. It is in fact a process and experience that you've embraced and enjoyed for the past X number of years. So whatevever it is that you're doing, if you're enjoying it, keep on going!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    If I was you I would just do TRT and maintain what you have. Just for the simple fact your life might be less stressfull and more enjoyable than obsessing over every single meal and ALL spare time is spent working out. But then... I dont even know you, lol
    Happy birthday.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    The Shire
    i would do what u wanna do regardless of what women may think about your body. if you've reached your goals as far as bodybuilding is concerned then maybe maintaining what you have wouldn't be a bad idea, it all comes down to what you want

    Happy Birthday
    Last edited by jnewton86; 03-17-2009 at 06:30 PM.

  8. #8
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Surreal View Post
    It doesn't matter what women think. Chances are you'll get plenty of tail regardless.

    More importantly, bodybuilding does not need to be an end with a specific destination or goal to fulfill. Sure, people want to get bigger/leaner/stronger/etc., but you wouldn't be busting your ass everyday if you didn't in fact enjoy hitting the weights, taking care of your diet and shooting that test day after day, year after year. It is in fact a process and experience that you've embraced and enjoyed for the past X number of years. So whatevever it is that you're doing, if you're enjoying it, keep on going!
    well , thats just it, I would still continue to do what I love doing, and still cycle at least at a TRT level, but the decision is do I just workout to maintain, which is still heavy iron mind you, or do I keep pushing tons and tons of steel to get to say 260 or 270

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Training Hardcore Style
    first off, as stated, Happ B-Day bro!

    You know you are your own man and just want to bounce opinions around to weigh them against yours.

    Here's mine... I only lift for myself... I am a few inches shorter than you and maintain around the same weight and bf%... I don't lift for body building competitions, I don't lift for powerlifting competitions, I only lift for my own satisfaction. I do go balls to the wall and sometimes I get asked are you going to compete or are you a powerlifter (cause of some of the weight i have on), but I just say, nah I do it for fun.

    It is a hobby and lifestyle. I am sure there will come a point where you have to tone it down and maybe that's where you are at... tone it down some and just have some fun bro. I do it for healthy living and for fun. Also, I go at it hardcore because that is what is part of the hobby I like. what part do you need to tone down? Is it the diet? Is it the intesity? Is it the weight? Is it the amount of time you go workout? well, I think you would need to decide those things... one category or all? my example would be,I can take it to the next level of bf, like a lot of the bros here do, but for me it is all about balance in my life... I don't eat sloppy, but I do have my wifes home cooking pasta or lasagna if I want.... keeps the pressure off and balance on in things you want to enjoy.

    Didn't really tell you anything you already know, but it is just an opinion. I am not young and I don't get paid for it, so just go out and have some fun. that is the way I view it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    first happy birthday.

    second props to reaching and achieving your final goal. (do we ever really have a final goal?)

    third point is kind of a question: are you happy with your current look? (forget what the women are thinking for a minute, hard i know) point is i know this guy, he is a mailman, about your same age and size. the guy looks awesome and he tells me this and i will always remember.
    "it took me long time to finally meet my goal, now that i have its all about the maintenance"

    point is, if you have reached your goal and you are satisfied just maintain...if not well then there is only one thing to do...GEAR UP BABY!

    good luck with whatever you choose

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Happy Birthday Superman!
    If I were you I'll just maintain what I have.
    Anyway you are already huge.
    You are not getting any younger bro...
    Don't stress your body too much.

  12. #12
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    I could be happy with another 10-15 lbs of lean muscle.....LOLO

    until i get that, then probably would want more.....LOLOL

    I just think at some age I am gonna say, (like i am thinking a little now) when is it enough....and just maintain and enjoy what i have?

    I know the journey never ends, but it may take a different road every now and then


    love this place

  13. #13
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockinred View Post
    first off, as stated, Happ B-Day bro!

    You know you are your own man and just want to bounce opinions around to weigh them against yours.

    Here's mine... I only lift for myself... I am a few inches shorter than you and maintain around the same weight and bf%... I don't lift for body building competitions, I don't lift for powerlifting competitions, I only lift for my own satisfaction. I do go balls to the wall and sometimes I get asked are you going to compete or are you a powerlifter (cause of some of the weight i have on), but I just say, nah I do it for fun.

    It is a hobby and lifestyle. I am sure there will come a point where you have to tone it down and maybe that's where you are at... tone it down some and just have some fun bro. I do it for healthy living and for fun. Also, I go at it hardcore because that is what is part of the hobby I like. what part do you need to tone down? Is it the diet? Is it the intesity? Is it the weight? Is it the amount of time you go workout? well, I think you would need to decide those things... one category or all? my example would be,I can take it to the next level of bf, like a lot of the bros here do, but for me it is all about balance in my life... I don't eat sloppy, but I do have my wifes home cooking pasta or lasagna if I want.... keeps the pressure off and balance on in things you want to enjoy.

    Didn't really tell you anything you already know, but it is just an opinion. I am not young and I don't get paid for it, so just go out and have some fun. that is the way I view it.
    YEP, you gave me a lot to think about THANKS !!! thats mostly how I feel, and like stated, just needed to bounce it off my guys here !!


  14. #14
    Join Date
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    To put it simply I think you should do whatever the hell you want and stop worrying about it.
    Age means nothing man.
    Happy birthday nonetheless!!

  15. #15
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    I am about 6 months behind you and I have not plans on stopping, I can't it is not in the cards. I have lived a competitive life and that will never change. I am on trt right now and can't go to the gym due to injuries and it kills me more and more everyday. I think. I know alot about you and it is not about the women it is about always bettering yourself. I don't even think you can walk away from it if you wanted to. I think you plan your next diet and cycle and get ready for the next competition. You have a lot of great years a head of you and stopping now is cheating yourself. so what I am saying is grab that needle and stick it in your ass....and lets go workout......just my two cents

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by prone2rage View Post
    I am about 6 months behind you and I have not plans on stopping, I can't it is not in the cards. I have lived a competitive life and that will never change. I am on trt right now and can't go to the gym due to injuries and it kills me more and more everyday. I think. I know alot about you and it is not about the women it is about always bettering yourself. I don't even think you can walk away from it if you wanted to. I think you plan your next diet and cycle and get ready for the next competition. You have a lot of great years a head of you and stopping now is cheating yourself. so what I am saying is grab that needle and stick it in your ass....and lets go workout......just my two cents
    I think prone might change my opinion. hehe...

  17. #17
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by prone2rage View Post
    I am about 6 months behind you and I have not plans on stopping, I can't it is not in the cards. I have lived a competitive life and that will never change. I am on trt right now and can't go to the gym due to injuries and it kills me more and more everyday. I think. I know alot about you and it is not about the women it is about always bettering yourself. I don't even think you can walk away from it if you wanted to. I think you plan your next diet and cycle and get ready for the next competition. You have a lot of great years a head of you and stopping now is cheating yourself. so what I am saying is grab that needle and stick it in your ass....and lets go workout......just my two cents

  18. #18
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    okay, maybe another 10 years or so, before I slow down.... *grabs needle* ahhhhhhh

    thats better.....lolol

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    OK, so I just turned 44 yesterday......

    and I have been thinking lately what does my future hold in the way of my bodybuilding?

    I have competed Naturally before and won a few trophies....

    but I do not want to compete anymore especially after using steroids.

    I am 5'11" and float between 230-240 lbs, bodyfat is a respectable 15-18% with abs always showing.

    I have done 6-8 cycles and feel I have reached my size goals, so where do I go from here???

    I am always told I look huge, even though I don't see it, (damn body dysmorphic disorder)

    Do I settle for being 230-240 and in great shape and just do TRT and maintain what I have or do I keep getting bigger?

    At 44 do I really need to look like I obsess about my body and be below 10% bodyfat? , I think women sometimes think that is TOO much and think the guy is TOO into himself as opposed to just a great body and 15% so it shows that I take care of my body but NOT obsess about it

    SO, what do you guys think? What would you do? What WILL you do when your goals are reached and there is still more to do?

    Thanks for your input.....just trying to decide if I am going to start another cycle now or not.....
    Shut up and come back to bed...

  20. #20
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Shut up and come back to bed...
    damnnn you caught me again......* cumming honey* pun intended....lolol

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