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  1. #1
    gagabobo is offline New Member
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    Unhappy Am i prone to male pattern baldness?

    Im 20 years old and a roid virgin

    I've geared up with test and deca for my first cycle although i have been very hesitant to start my first cycle because of my fear of hair loss.

    on the dark side:
    My dad is naturally bald (he became bald at 30)
    I have salt and pepper hair (i dont know if this is a sign of potential MPB)
    I kinda look like my dad

    on the lighter side:
    I am the hairy type, hair grows all over my forearms, my shins and i do have some chest hair (my dad isn't hairy, although he claims he was hairy when he was my age )
    I never shed hair before (im still 20 years old though)

    will the juice badly affect my hair in one cycle?? (test and deca 8 weeks nolva, clomid, proviron PCT 3 weeks)

  2. #2
    Emondo's Avatar
    Emondo is offline Junior Member
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    deca on your 1st cycle?? and test for only 8 weeks? doesn't sound like a good cycle

  3. #3
    Matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gagabobo View Post
    Im 20 years old and a roid virgin

    I've geared up with test and deca for my first cycle although i have been very hesitant to start my first cycle because of my fear of hair loss.

    on the dark side:
    My dad is naturally bald (he became bald at 30)
    I have salt and pepper hair (i dont know if this is a sign of potential MPB)
    I kinda look like my dad

    on the lighter side:
    I am the hairy type, hair grows all over my forearms, my shins and i do have some chest hair (my dad isn't hairy, although he claims he was hairy when he was my age )
    I never shed hair before (im still 20 years old though)

    will the juice badly affect my hair in one cycle?? (test and deca 8 weeks nolva, clomid, proviron PCT 3 weeks)
    You may want to post this in the q&a forum my friend to get a better response. However at this time im thinking your alittle young for steroids ...

  4. #4
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    #1 fix your crappy cycle
    #2 maybe, most likely it will speed up hairloss

  5. #5
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
    JiGGaMaN is offline Banned
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    change your name to Prone2MPB

  6. #6
    Polska's Avatar
    Polska is offline Anabolic Member
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    You won't know until you try. All those theories... ie, look at your mother's father's hair... etc... don't mean shit. You can get the baldness gene from either side of the family, and it can even skip generations and you can still go bald. If you have the gene, you will without a doubt lose hair eventually. The steroids will simply speed it up. And you don't have to necessarily see lose hairs in your hands. The hair doesn't fall out and not grow back. It falls out and grows back thinner, and thinner until it disappears. This process can take a long time or it can happen really fast. Again, genetics.

    That said, I think your cycle is poorly planned. Visit the steroid forum and get a better cycle planned out. If you're going to do this, at least do it right

  7. #7
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    Before I answer whether or not alopecia prematura is stalking you I need some stats:

    1) is your hair falling out?
    2) is your hairline receding?

  8. #8
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    sounds like you'll either be a q-tip or a cue-ball
    so you might want to put a hot chick on lockdown while you're still young

  9. #9
    firmechicano831's Avatar
    firmechicano831 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    change your name to Prone2MPB
    sorry bro but "gagabobo" had me

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