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  1. #1
    Test pilot is offline Junior Member
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    Some of you are kinda jerks...

    I'm posting this here so that people will actually read it, I guess I'll see how long it lasts...

    I have been on here for something like a month and I have to say that I'm a little disappointed in some of the members.
    It seems like the standard answer to any post questioning the wisdom of steroid doctrine is met with derision instead of explanation. All too frequently I see the answer "you're not ready for aas, so don't do them". I'm not sure how many of you remember when someone told you not to take steroids because they were dangerous - clearly none of us listened. My point is that telling someone on this board to just not do something is like telling kids not to have sex - it's gonna happen, all you can do is try to give them the tools to stay safe.
    I think most of the senior members hearts are in the right place - they just want to keep the rookies safe, but maybe the approach is a scaring off more newbies than it is saving. And some of the individuals who like to ram advice down our throats are just gym-rat meatheads parroting what they have managed to crib from this site with absolutely no knowledge of the reasoning behind it. I'm only writing this because I am fed up with being talked to like I'm an idiot just because I want to know why. I'm college educated - I knew what HPTA was before I came to! And I don't think that I am the only one.
    What I would like you all to think about is more of an informed consent approach. The purpose of medical informed consent is to advise the patient of the risks, benefits, and alternatives to a given course of treatment. For example, if an individual wants advice on doing a cycle over 20% bf, why would it be so awful to advise him of higher risk of various side effects along with what he can do to control those sides and maybe cycle advice that fits his situation. Because telling him to kill himself to drop 8% is going to go in one ear and out the other. He sees huge guys in the gym and wants to get there now.
    I know everyone has the idea that if they keep telling individuals to do more research, read more, wait to start cycling then their conscience can be clear if something bad happens. The reality is that we are dispensing medical advice on this site, whether it be for entertainment purposes or otherwise. As such, we have a responsibility to do a minimum of harm to the "patient". If the advice we are giving (or refusing to give) pushes someone to go it alone and just make something up then we are hurting that person more than if we had given the advice that was asked for, and you have to take the responsibility for that as well. This is why doctors learn medical ethics for 2 years.

    I won't make any further replies to this post. Flame away as you see fit - but maybe take a minute to think about it first.

  2. #2
    jamyjamjr is offline Banned
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    R.I.P. T-MOS

    we've had issues like this in the past...

    it's not a matter of us just giving out robotic replies to the same stupid questions everyday.. i help out alot in the diet forum, u wanna talk about repetition...

    people come here and wanna be spoon fed everything without taking the time to research properly.. just because you knew what hpta is doesn't mean everyone else did...

    we ,as co-members, are looking out for the BEST of all...

    u think we're some meat heads who dont get it and have had 8% bf all our lives??

    i started using gear at 26%bf, u wanna talk about getting your ass handed to you for asking quesitons.. i wasn't happy about it.. they all said the same thing, dont do gear...

    and i did.. i did it and said i would PROVE THAT I COULD w/o consiquence...

    if i could go back and change things, i would... it was wrong for me to do gear at that bf.. even though i did it as safely as possible, and it really changed my life/lifestyle for the better..
    when i say safely as possible i mean doc supervision, bloodwork, anc. drugs, nazi diet and training routine to get the best out of the situation...

    i dont see alotta people able to put that much dedication at a high bf (im talking about the safety measures taken)....

    the initial advice i was given was the right advice to be given... these guys have something, it's called moral fiber...

    so before you go about in a pissy rant (we've all been there), think about what your saying..

  3. #3
    warchild's Avatar
    warchild is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamyjamjr View Post

    we've had issues like this in the past...

    it's not a matter of us just giving out robotic replies to the same stupid questions everyday.. i help out alot in the diet forum, u wanna talk about repetition...

    people come here and wanna be spoon fed everything without taking the time to research properly.. just because you knew what hpta is doesn't mean everyone else did...

    we ,as co-members, are looking out for the BEST of all...

    u think we're some meat heads who dont get it and have had 8% bf all our lives??

    i started using gear at 26%bf, u wanna talk about getting your ass handed to you for asking quesitons.. i wasn't happy about it.. they all said the same thing, dont do gear...

    and i did.. i did it and said i would PROVE THAT I COULD w/o consiquence...

    if i could go back and change things, i would... it was wrong for me to do gear at that bf.. even though i did it as safely as possible, and it really changed my life/lifestyle for the better..
    when i say safely as possible i mean doc supervision, bloodwork, anc. drugs, nazi diet and training routine to get the best out of the situation...

    i dont see alotta people able to put that much dedication at a high bf (im talking about the safety measures taken)....

    the initial advice i was given was the right advice to be given... these guys have something, it's called moral fiber...

    so before you go about in a pissy rant (we've all been there), think about what your saying..

  4. #4
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
    Immortal Soldier is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test pilot View Post
    I'm posting this here so that people will actually read it, I guess I'll see how long it lasts...

    I have been on here for something like a month and I have to say that I'm a little disappointed in some of the members.
    It seems like the standard answer to any post questioning the wisdom of steroid doctrine is met with derision instead of explanation. All too frequently I see the answer "you're not ready for aas, so don't do them". I'm not sure how many of you remember when someone told you not to take steroids because they were dangerous - clearly none of us listened. My point is that telling someone on this board to just not do something is like telling kids not to have sex - it's gonna happen, all you can do is try to give them the tools to stay safe.
    I think most of the senior members hearts are in the right place - they just want to keep the rookies safe, but maybe the approach is a scaring off more newbies than it is saving. And some of the individuals who like to ram advice down our throats are just gym-rat meatheads parroting what they have managed to crib from this site with absolutely no knowledge of the reasoning behind it. I'm only writing this because I am fed up with being talked to like I'm an idiot just because I want to know why. I'm college educated - I knew what HPTA was before I came to! And I don't think that I am the only one.
    What I would like you all to think about is more of an informed consent approach. The purpose of medical informed consent is to advise the patient of the risks, benefits, and alternatives to a given course of treatment. For example, if an individual wants advice on doing a cycle over 20% bf, why would it be so awful to advise him of higher risk of various side effects along with what he can do to control those sides and maybe cycle advice that fits his situation. Because telling him to kill himself to drop 8% is going to go in one ear and out the other. He sees huge guys in the gym and wants to get there now.
    I know everyone has the idea that if they keep telling individuals to do more research, read more, wait to start cycling then their conscience can be clear if something bad happens. The reality is that we are dispensing medical advice on this site, whether it be for entertainment purposes or otherwise. As such, we have a responsibility to do a minimum of harm to the "patient". If the advice we are giving (or refusing to give) pushes someone to go it alone and just make something up then we are hurting that person more than if we had given the advice that was asked for, and you have to take the responsibility for that as well. This is why doctors learn medical ethics for 2 years.

    I won't make any further replies to this post. Flame away as you see fit - but maybe take a minute to think about it first.

    1. No one says get to 8% bf, the point we recommend is 15% bf and that is hardly "killing yourself", I was able to drop down from 16% to 12% after a bulk by cleaning up the dirty parts of my diet and that was on top of me not doing any cardio.
    2. If you have over 20% bf and cannot naturally bring that down you are not ready for AAS plain and simple.
    3. Why would I tell someone how to cycle at high bf%? So he can be at risk for high blood pressure, bitch tits, and other estrogen related problems?
    4. You answered your own question by saying the person wants to get there now. That means the person just wants to be told what he wants to hear. That's not who I am, I am not going to tell you want you want to hear. I am going to tell you the truth.

    Quote Originally Posted by Test pilot View Post
    As such, we have a responsibility to do a minimum of harm to the "patient". If the advice we are giving (or refusing to give) pushes someone to go it alone and just make something up then we are hurting that person more than if we had given the advice that was asked for, and you have to take the responsibility for that as well. This is why doctors learn medical ethics for 2 years.
    Let me get this straight, somehow in your twisted method of thinking, if I don't tell the person what he wants to hear in the best way possible its my fault if that person goes and hurts himself? Ok bud, first we are not doctors, second of all these are powerful hormones we are talking about not vitamins you buy at GNC. If someone is 19-20 years wants to go on steroids I am not going to tell him the best way to do it because he might go and do it and hurt himself, no I am going to tell him not to do it and state reasons why. By mean telling a 20 year old the way to do it, it is condoning the practice and a doctor would never do that, nor would he prescribe you steroids in the first place.

    If someone has 25% bf and wants to do steroids, I am going to lay out the problems and say not to do it, I am not going to tell him "Well since you are going to do it anyway this is what you should do" because if something goes wrong guess who that person will blame? Us.

    And contrary to what you believe not everyone who comes on here is hell bent on doing in steroids, I cannot count the number of times members of this forum have deterred someone who shouldn't or is not ready to use steroids from using steroids. If we all took your approach there would be tons of people out there who started AAS when they shouldn't have.

    I take no responsibility in what people do against my advice or other members advice, I am not their mother nor their father.
    Last edited by Immortal Soldier; 03-29-2009 at 09:05 PM.

  5. #5
    gymnerd's Avatar
    gymnerd is offline Senior Member
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    I think this site gives out very responsible advice. Some people dont like what they hear but sometimes they need to hear it anyways.

  6. #6
    Mad HaTTer's Avatar
    Mad HaTTer is offline New Member
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    i'm surprised no one has asked for STATS yet

  7. #7
    warchild's Avatar
    warchild is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    or if knows what PCT

  8. #8
    bnjf is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mad hatter View Post
    i'm surprised no one has asked for stats yet

  9. #9
    thai-lan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mad HaTTer View Post
    i'm surprised no one has asked for STATS yet
    haha well since u asked

    Hey Test Pilot stats please

    Number of completed cycle

  10. #10
    millsdogg69 is offline Junior Member
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    I totally agree with test pilot

  11. #11
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    warchild and imortal soldier said it all......nuff said

    KIDS come on here thinking they can do anything they want to their bodies and that steroids are THE MAGIC PILL to take to get huge

    they have NO dedication to what it take to truly maintain the body we all work hard for. They don't care that combined we have hundreds of years of experience, they come here thinking they read a page or two of OUTDATED material and now know everything.

    HELL the doctors you mention only get a chapter or two about steroids in there many years of medical school, so when it comes down to it, we know more about steroids and their effects then they do

    We give the advice we give to try to EDUCATE the ignorant masses and if they are too ignorant to consider what we are telling them is for their own good and future health, then they are NOT the ones we need to waste time on

    as stated we are NOT their parents and I feel NO responsibility for what happens to them should they choose not to listen just like a doctor is NOT responsible if he gives me medical advice and I choose not to listen

    If someone is gonna go kill someone, and I have guns and ammo, should I still give him the gun knowing he is going to kill someone just cause he is gonna do it with my gun or with someone else's??? NO !!!!! I think not !!!


    Stats please
    Last edited by T-MOS; 03-29-2009 at 09:36 PM.

  12. #12
    warchild's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by millsdogg69 View Post
    I totally agree with test pilot

  13. #13
    warchild's Avatar
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    bottom line is if you dont like the answers were giving you, then you have 2 choices
    1. leave
    2. change

  14. #14
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    moving thread to lounge where it belongs........

  15. #15
    *RAGE*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test pilot View Post
    I'm posting this here so that people will actually read it, I guess I'll see how long it lasts...

    I have been on here for something like a month and I have to say that I'm a little disappointed in some of the members.
    It seems like the standard answer to any post questioning the wisdom of steroid doctrine is met with derision instead of explanation. All too frequently I see the answer "you're not ready for aas, so don't do them". I'm not sure how many of you remember when someone told you not to take steroids because they were dangerous - clearly none of us listened. My point is that telling someone on this board to just not do something is like telling kids not to have sex - it's gonna happen, all you can do is try to give them the tools to stay safe.
    I think most of the senior members hearts are in the right place - they just want to keep the rookies safe, but maybe the approach is a scaring off more newbies than it is saving. And some of the individuals who like to ram advice down our throats are just gym-rat meatheads parroting what they have managed to crib from this site with absolutely no knowledge of the reasoning behind it. I'm only writing this because I am fed up with being talked to like I'm an idiot just because I want to know why. I'm college educated - I knew what HPTA was before I came to! And I don't think that I am the only one.
    What I would like you all to think about is more of an informed consent approach. The purpose of medical informed consent is to advise the patient of the risks, benefits, and alternatives to a given course of treatment. For example, if an individual wants advice on doing a cycle over 20% bf, why would it be so awful to advise him of higher risk of various side effects along with what he can do to control those sides and maybe cycle advice that fits his situation. Because telling him to kill himself to drop 8% is going to go in one ear and out the other. He sees huge guys in the gym and wants to get there now.
    I know everyone has the idea that if they keep telling individuals to do more research, read more, wait to start cycling then their conscience can be clear if something bad happens. The reality is that we are dispensing medical advice on this site, whether it be for entertainment purposes or otherwise. As such, we have a responsibility to do a minimum of harm to the "patient". If the advice we are giving (or refusing to give) pushes someone to go it alone and just make something up then we are hurting that person more than if we had given the advice that was asked for, and you have to take the responsibility for that as well. This is why doctors learn medical ethics for 2 years.

    I won't make any further replies to this post. Flame away as you see fit - but maybe take a minute to think about it first.
    Ok bro there is several things I would like to say about this,

    1. If you are old enough to do the gear then you need to be old enough to take some flaming. I have read several threads where people have posted and have no clue what they are talking about and do not want to do the work by themseves, they want someone to give them the answers.

    2. Not everyone agrees here so you will not always get the same answer and your thread get hijacked by the people fighting.

    3. All the information needed is out there and I dont understand why people do not educated themselves before they post.

    now you said you were not going to post on this thread anymore which does not make any sence to me. You put this information out and say people are flaming but then you do not what to talk about it.

    so what if someone is hard on someone here. I mean it the fuvking internet it is not like someone can grab you and hit you in the head.

    BFD, read and learn, and push the flaming to the side because what does it mean..nothing unless you allow it to right

  16. #16
    Ernst's Avatar
    Ernst is offline Borderline Personality
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    Guess I'm a jerk!

  17. #17
    warchild's Avatar
    warchild is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    i already knew i was

  18. #18
    millsdogg69 is offline Junior Member
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    I totally agree with test pilot

  19. #19
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by millsdogg69 View Post
    I totally agree with test pilot
    Quote Originally Posted by millsdogg69 View Post
    I totally agree with test pilot
    yes, but do you totally agree with test pilot?

  20. #20
    Gears's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by millsdogg69 View Post
    I totally agree with test pilot
    Maybe you ARE test pilot. If you are looking for just what you want to hear, you might want to go somewhere else.

  21. #21
    hellapimpin's Avatar
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    i try to be constructive..but sometimes things need to just be said, and if we aren't explaining our explanations to the fullest...its probably because its at the top of the search ....(if some would just do a simple search)

  22. #22
    wingsta's Avatar
    wingsta is offline Junior Member
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    Test pilot i'm sorry bro but your post really doesn't make allot of sense so maybe you should re read your own post again.

    I mean having a rant that people on here tell people that are to young or are not ready for steroids and not to do them makes them bad???

    I mean what planet do you live on bro? You want them to say well johnny i know your going to do it so go ahead........?? Because you saw another big guy at the gym?

    The people in the know on the site are giving out info on a daily basis to new members that have not bothered to research or find out anything for themselves about their health or well being?

    And you want them to sugar coat it and hold there hand and say sure little johnny it will be alright lol. Seriously bro you need to grow up and learn a little about life and responsibility.

    The mods and other people like big and tmos etc... always answer all of the noob questions on here with great advice even if the don't have the time to explain on every single post every day the 14 medical backed studies to each inane person that comes along.

    Here is a idea why don't YOU post back to EVERY single newbie post of peeps that are over 15%BF or have never been to a gym or wanna lose weight while sitting on the couch the relevant information and studies to help them along.

    I tell you what when you have done that and have 5000 posts your self i will bow down and congratulate you but until then shut up and stop whining about the peeps on here that ACTUALLY do care and are offering out sensible SAFE and intelligent responses even if its not what the masses WANT to hear.

    On another note I would like to say CONGRATS to tmos big and all the guys on here that actually take time out of their day to answer ALL these posts in a responsible way. They might not hear it allot but their good answers stopped me from doing my first cycle until i'm ready and I appreciate that very much.

  23. #23
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    on behave of Big and myself, we would like to accept this award from the academy and would like to take this opportunity to thank............

    oh wait, I thought this was the oscars for a moment there......lolol

    thanks for the acknowledgment wingsta there are too many good guys on this board to even list......... that we even have to tolerate the ignorant FEW who don't realize what we tell them is for their own health is beyond comprehension . Not to mention that we all do this FOR FREE !!!!

  24. #24
    breakbones's Avatar
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    Test Pilot

  25. #25
    wingsta's Avatar
    wingsta is offline Junior Member
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    Your welcome mate transferring monies to your paypal account as we speak lol

  26. #26
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    Quote Originally Posted by wingsta View Post
    Your welcome mate transferring monies to your paypal account as we speak lol
    damnnnnn lots of that going on this week.....CHA CHING !!!...lolol

  27. #27
    Mammon is offline Banned ~ Scammer
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    this is my take on it.. most of us have spent years learning and researching this stuff.. put in the time and effort.. busted our ass in the gym and know diet.
    these guys come here looking for us to lay it all out there for them.. dont want to put in the work. and most just looking for the easy way out..
    the reason we say do more research is because they need to know how this stuff works.
    you just lay it all out for them, thats well and good. but they have no idea why. then negative sides, they need to know what to look for and how to combat them.. none of this will be learned over a weekend.. i could go on and on..
    when you were in school and got a question wrong did the teacher just give you the answer.. no, they made you go back and read and figure it out. when i can tell someone has put in the time to learn and has a basic knowledge im happy to help them out.

    now when it comes to our young bucks looking to start steriods to look good for spring break or make the varsity team because hes stuck on the bench in JV..
    as a responsible adult steroid user it goes against everything i believe in to offer up cycle advice to some teen. but i will point him in the right direction.. which is keep busting your ass in the gym,get diet down and stay away from the gear. thats the best advice i can give.
    what he does from there is up to him. but if i can keep 1 out of 10 from doing something stupid its worth it.

  28. #28
    Reed's Avatar
    Reed is offline AR's Pitbull ~Vet~
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    ^^^ Agree completely

    Jumping into a cycle is never a good idea for anyone that has yet to put some REAL effort into training, dieting, and learning how they themselves work with both....

  29. #29
    drizz69 is offline New Member
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    I agree with test pilot for the most part, these forums at most times can be a cruel place to network. Considering at times when you just want a doubt answered, instead what you get is the same crap over and over again "you're not ready for steroids " response.

    While there are a few good guys on these forums for the most part the majority of the community here are driven on a fixed rule

  30. #30
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by drizz69 View Post
    I agree with test pilot for the most part, these forums at most times can be a cruel place to network. Considering at times when you just want a doubt answered, instead what you get is the same crap over and over again "you're not ready for steroids " response.

    While there are a few good guys on these forums for the most part the majority of the community here are driven on a fixed rule
    if you are getting the same response that you are NOT ready for steroids, have you ever considered that it may be that you are JUST NOT READY for steroids?? and quit blaming that on us????

    If you don't like what you get on this FREE message board, you are FREE to go elsewhere

    The ONLY ones that are going to agree with test pilot, are the YOUNG ones that are not getting the EASY way out from us !! The ones that have the maturity and the dedication KNOW that what info we give here is priceless and correct whether they want to hear it or not and they are mature enough to handle that without crying about not getting the easy spoon fed answers

    and thats the precise reason TEST PILOT started this thread then ran and hid instead of maturely debated what he started
    Last edited by T-MOS; 03-30-2009 at 12:45 AM.

  31. #31
    Mammon is offline Banned ~ Scammer
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    if you can plainly see the person has no knowledge on steroids ,anti-e's and pct as well as everything else you need to know to do this safely and responsibly then the answer should be your not ready for steroids.. this is no game.. you go into this blind there could be some serious repercussion.. we dont want to see that.
    i for one spent several years learning about this stuff before i even considered using..
    so to me, someone thinking they are going to come on here and pick it up over a couple days or have me lay it all out for them is a joke..

  32. #32
    chicmagnet's Avatar
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    Research before you ask= respect & constructive criticism.
    No research before you ask= flaming & constructive criticism.

  33. #33
    jbm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chicmagnet View Post
    Research before you ask= respect & constructive criticism.
    No research before you ask= flaming & constructive criticism.

  34. #34
    jamyjamjr is offline Banned
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    wow... now that's a can of whoop ass if iv ever seen one....

    dumb n00b...

  35. #35
    PT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test pilot View Post
    I'm posting this here so that people will actually read it, I guess I'll see how long it lasts...

    I have been on here for something like a month and I have to say that I'm a little disappointed in some of the members.
    It seems like the standard answer to any post questioning the wisdom of steroid doctrine is met with derision instead of explanation. All too frequently I see the answer "you're not ready for aas, so don't do them". I'm not sure how many of you remember when someone told you not to take steroids because they were dangerous - clearly none of us listened. My point is that telling someone on this board to just not do something is like telling kids not to have sex - it's gonna happen, all you can do is try to give them the tools to stay safe.
    I think most of the senior members hearts are in the right place - they just want to keep the rookies safe, but maybe the approach is a scaring off more newbies than it is saving. And some of the individuals who like to ram advice down our throats are just gym-rat meatheads parroting what they have managed to crib from this site with absolutely no knowledge of the reasoning behind it. I'm only writing this because I am fed up with being talked to like I'm an idiot just because I want to know why. I'm college educated - I knew what HPTA was before I came to! And I don't think that I am the only one.
    What I would like you all to think about is more of an informed consent approach. The purpose of medical informed consent is to advise the patient of the risks, benefits, and alternatives to a given course of treatment. For example, if an individual wants advice on doing a cycle over 20% bf, why would it be so awful to advise him of higher risk of various side effects along with what he can do to control those sides and maybe cycle advice that fits his situation. Because telling him to kill himself to drop 8% is going to go in one ear and out the other. He sees huge guys in the gym and wants to get there now.
    I know everyone has the idea that if they keep telling individuals to do more research, read more, wait to start cycling then their conscience can be clear if something bad happens. The reality is that we are dispensing medical advice on this site, whether it be for entertainment purposes or otherwise. As such, we have a responsibility to do a minimum of harm to the "patient". If the advice we are giving (or refusing to give) pushes someone to go it alone and just make something up then we are hurting that person more than if we had given the advice that was asked for, and you have to take the responsibility for that as well. This is why doctors learn medical ethics for 2 years.

    I won't make any further replies to this post. Flame away as you see fit - but maybe take a minute to think about it first.

    i just woke up and im half out of it so i only read you 1st paragraph but i agree with every word on it. i started using steroids when i was 18 years old and i sure as fuk didnt know what i freaking pct was. people here give safe advice and thats just fine but like you said, the poster is going to do those steroids either way if he really wants to.
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  36. #36
    J-41-sd is offline Associate Member
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    Think of it this way, you tell your gf something and ten minutes later asks you a question about what you just told her as if it was never said, or if you are watching a movie with her and you have seen the movie, she has not, she asks you questions which she will obtain on her own if she pays attention and shuts up for a minute. Anything you want to know is at your fingertips, this is the age of information.

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    If wishes were horses, we'd all take a ride.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Test pilot View Post
    I'm posting this here so that people will actually read it, I guess I'll see how long it lasts...

    I have been on here for something like a month and I have to say that I'm a little disappointed in some of the members.
    It seems like the standard answer to any post questioning the wisdom of steroid doctrine is met with derision instead of explanation. All too frequently I see the answer "you're not ready for aas, so don't do them". I'm not sure how many of you remember when someone told you not to take steroids because they were dangerous - clearly none of us listened. My point is that telling someone on this board to just not do something is like telling kids not to have sex - it's gonna happen, all you can do is try to give them the tools to stay safe.
    I think most of the senior members hearts are in the right place - they just want to keep the rookies safe, but maybe the approach is a scaring off more newbies than it is saving. And some of the individuals who like to ram advice down our throats are just gym-rat meatheads parroting what they have managed to crib from this site with absolutely no knowledge of the reasoning behind it. I'm only writing this because I am fed up with being talked to like I'm an idiot just because I want to know why. I'm college educated - I knew what HPTA was before I came to! And I don't think that I am the only one.
    What I would like you all to think about is more of an informed consent approach. The purpose of medical informed consent is to advise the patient of the risks, benefits, and alternatives to a given course of treatment. For example, if an individual wants advice on doing a cycle over 20% bf, why would it be so awful to advise him of higher risk of various side effects along with what he can do to control those sides and maybe cycle advice that fits his situation. Because telling him to kill himself to drop 8% is going to go in one ear and out the other. He sees huge guys in the gym and wants to get there now.
    I know everyone has the idea that if they keep telling individuals to do more research, read more, wait to start cycling then their conscience can be clear if something bad happens. The reality is that we are dispensing medical advice on this site, whether it be for entertainment purposes or otherwise. As such, we have a responsibility to do a minimum of harm to the "patient". If the advice we are giving (or refusing to give) pushes someone to go it alone and just make something up then we are hurting that person more than if we had given the advice that was asked for, and you have to take the responsibility for that as well. This is why doctors learn medical ethics for 2 years.

    I won't make any further replies to this post. Flame away as you see fit - but maybe take a minute to think about it first.
    You sad horrible twat, you are complaining because we try and teach people the wrongs and rights taking steroids.. You are a dull fuvkwit...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mammon View Post
    this is my take on it.. most of us have spent years learning and researching this stuff.. put in the time and effort.. busted our ass in the gym and know diet.
    these guys come here looking for us to lay it all out there for them.. dont want to put in the work. and most just looking for the easy way out..
    the reason we say do more research is because they need to know how this stuff works.
    you just lay it all out for them, thats well and good. but they have no idea why. then negative sides, they need to know what to look for and how to combat them.. none of this will be learned over a weekend.. i could go on and on..
    when you were in school and got a question wrong did the teacher just give you the answer.. no, they made you go back and read and figure it out. when i can tell someone has put in the time to learn and has a basic knowledge im happy to help them out.

    now when it comes to our young bucks looking to start steriods to look good for spring break or make the varsity team because hes stuck on the bench in JV..
    as a responsible adult steroid user it goes against everything i believe in to offer up cycle advice to some teen. but i will point him in the right direction.. which is keep busting your ass in the gym,get diet down and stay away from the gear. thats the best advice i can give.
    what he does from there is up to him. but if i can keep 1 out of 10 from doing something stupid its worth it.

    Great answer.

    Whenever I have asked a well thought out question that showed that I tried to find the answer myself before I asked, folks on this board have been extremely helpfull.

    A couple of time when I first showed up I asked some questions that had been answered a thousand times and people told me to look it up. Seems fair to me.

    Thanks for the free advice guys!

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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    You sad horrible twat, you are complaining because we try and teach people the wrongs and rights taking steroids.. You are a dull fuvkwit...

    16 year old emos just cry for attention.

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