the mens room sign is a neon sign
thats freakin pimp
i bet DSM was in charge of the sign
the mens room sign is a neon sign
thats freakin pimp
i bet DSM was in charge of the sign
***** and the saga continues******
Meanwhile back at the men's room..........
*walks in, notices floor is covered in water and feces !!! can't hold it so tip toes over to the urinal which is clogged full of chew and cigarette butts....says fuk it and turns and just pisses all over the floor.....pockets the python and tip toes back out of this hell hole..... damn where the hell are all the mints???***
I hate cops. I have friends that are cops and I can't even respect them any more. How could a fukin assshole hypocrit cop get wasted and drive around while he's off duty then sleep at night knowing he has ****ed up so many people's life for the same thing he does weekly. I know assshole cops like that. I FUKIN HATE them. How could a cocck sucker bust an eighteen year old kid for having some weed and give him a felony conviction that will destroy any chances of a decent career when he becomes a man? Especially when YOU KNOW that same dick cop was a stoner himself once upon a time. What do you think the ratio is of cops who have never drank and driven or had some weed on them at one point in their life to cops who have never commited either offense? I totally understand wanting to be a public servant and wanting to help people as your career. BE A FUKIN FIREMAN!!!!! Cops are the kids in junior high school who volunteered to be "hallway monitors". Ha, remember those fags? (no offense DSM) If you are a cop, you can take offense to this. As a matter fact I hope you do!!!! As a matter of fact if your a cop and your a member of this board, juicin up on illegal steroids you are exactly the Fuk sticks Im talkin to!!![]()
He was left town, transfered i think?. But I never told anyone that he shot me. I was fvckin scared shitless. .22 in and out of my calf, aministered first aid myself. 21 years ago.
The best part of the mens room is the LOLcats!
one time some cops raided my house and arrested me for possesion of a white substance
as the cop was driving me to the station... he took the baggie (my baggie) out of an evidence bag that was on the seat next to him and stuck his finger in... then applied said finger to his gums. then proceeded to tell me that my stuff was whack and he could get purer shit.
i was like your gay and you look like a 70's porn star with a mullet. which he did
i know exactly what you are talking about. I've known a few of those fukksticks. My mom works at Applebees and she says that there are always off duty cops coming in and getting fukked up and driving home drunk. It's too bad that even if they called the cops on them...they would get away with it because the on duty cop is probably their friend.
Prone, walks into and walked straight over to the toilet and opens the door, steps inside and closes door behind. Pulls pants down sits on toilet and sits down. Prone looks to the left and notices some writting on the wall, he reads
Here I sit on the pooper giving birth to a Florida State Trooper...
Pushes harder and notices more writting on the door
saying look left, on the left wall it says look right, on the right wall it says look left, this goes on for the next five minutes.
Prone stands up feeling dizzy and reliezes he has been watching toilet tennis.
wipes ass, flushes twice walks to the sink, washes hands, grabbs mint and walks out...
Some come here to sit and think,
some come here to shit and stink,
but I come here to itch my balls,
and read the writing on the walls.
is flying off of 400mg of caffeine, about to head to the gym
but is pretty comfortable in this place.
ill def have to visit more often
here i am im in a caper some one stole the toilet paper shall i sit here shall i linger or will i be forced to use my finger
[QUOTE=MAD MATT;4543691]
The post whore thread should be deleted imo.
French people make me fuvking sick.
[QUOTE=Dobie-BOY;4547644]whoa whoa whoa!!
lets take a step back and breathe ppl!!
no cause to get all up in arms against the post whore thread
that thread and i go way back. we have a connection.
to delete that thread would be to delete every trace of me from this board
and i do not want that. so please. if your not into the whore thread... just stay out of its way.
WELL amen to that ALL brother!!! I hate when Im in line at wal-mart and I the Mexican family (not racist, Im actually related to a bunch of Mexicans through marriage and I love them) in front of me at wal mart with 4 kids ranging from newborn to 9 years old and theyre buying 50 dollars worth of baby formula with welfare checks AND THEY DON'T EVEN SPEAK ENGLISH!!!!! What pisses me off even more is when I look a couple of lanes and see another mexican family DOING THE EXXACT SAME FUKKING THING!!!! UNFUKKING BELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OH OH OH, I thought of another one!!! I hate men who act like bittches after they get in a fight with a friend and act like they are breaking up with you. Like after you and your friend get drunk, have a fist fight, sober up and the friend acts like a total BIITCH and can't just let it go!! Discusts me... Faggot, fairy bitcches!!
I hate fuvkers that lurk on this board without joining, i think their called guests..
I can see you bastards in the hot ass thread all the time...
Welcome dobie boy
*takes pencil form behind ear and writes something in The Book*
*grabs mop and starts mopping up for the night crowd, whistleing all the while wondering if whistling in the mens room is gay*
*Panic stricken and nauseas, staggers back into the mens room to use some soap and try to borrow somebody's cell phone, its quiet, to quiet...gawd it stinks in here, makes an effort not to breath through nose, finished drying hands on the used stained towel, throw it in the sink and glance at the bowl of mints on the counter...hmmm...grabs a handfull and chokes them back, wait....a...minute...the mints taste like roofie....fade to black....
*while standing on ladder hanging shiny disco ball, to go with the new sign outside, HD looks over shoulder and sees Britsh Colombian choke sdown the party favors. SHakes head*
move move , gotta go, gotta go
*rushing in to a stall* gets pants down quickly and sits in relief**** feels like this is gonna be a good one, settles in and looks at the writings on the walls..........
There once was a fellow McSweeny
Who spilled some gin on his weenie
Just to be couth
He added vermouth
Then slipped his girlfriend a martini
* this feels good to finally get all this out of me**
looks at more writings
There once was a man Robin Hood
Who lived in a Knottingham wood
He learned how to f**k
from old Friar Tuck
And made Marion whenever he could
still more writings.....
There once was a fellow O'Doole
Who found little red spots on his tool
His Doctor a cynic
said Get out of me clinic,
And wipe off that lipstick you fool!
*Slowly regains contiousness on the slimy floor, damn, pants around ankles again, realizes for the fist time in my life, I am a POST WHORE.
*whistles while i continue to dump*
*gives courtesy Flush and continues reading the walls, this is gonna be a while*
A pirate, history relates
Was scuffling with some of his mates
When he slipped on a cutlass
Which rendered him nutless
And practically useless on dates
*steps back to admire the changes to the marquis*
"Gettin' Out Of Order Tonight"
*grabs turntables and walks back in, bumps into Tmos*
There once was a woman named Jill
Who swallowed an exploding pill
They found her vagina
In North Carolina
And her tits in a tree in Brazil
Sup HD, you got the place looking.....*grunts one out*** really good
TMos is on FI-YAH, FI-YAH dudu du dunt du dunt
a little roleplay huh?![]()
There once was a plumber from Lee
Who was plumbing his girl by the sea
She said Stop your plumbing,
There's somebody coming!
Said the plumber still plumbing... It's me!
Chillin chillin. You sticking around tonight?
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