There is a pretty popular black and white pic of Franco Columbo where you can actually see a huge seperation going across both of his upper pecs. I remember the first time I saw it I was like "damn, I want that one day" Still working on it......
Ok these people will do for starters lol...
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Gratz to both.
Another damn teenager thats smarter than Well done boys.
Good thing I didn't accept the money they offered just to make my name blue!
in all honesty, we watch all the top posters and the most helpful members. if someone feels that a member deserves an upgrade then they throw the name out there and aall the vets and mods state there opinion. you can have 20 people say yes and onla a single no and that person will not get in. we dont want anyone that is here to abuse there position. when your a mod or vet you always have sources that are willing to throw free items your way in hopes that you will spread the word on them. most domestic sources will only work with mods or vets as well and we dont want anyone here just for those percks. anyway, i have been watching phate, ronnie and a few others for a long time and thought they deserved an upgrade. ronnies workout advice is great as is phate's help in the diet section.
Yes Phate, I would like to say kudos again. I actually am in awe. I really do appreciate your attitude and consideration, especially in the areas of the lounge where I feel like I should be carrying my Glock before I walk in...
Congrats to both of yall
Congrads Phate and Ronnie,
Congrats guys. I've learned a great deal from both of you. Hope to continue learning!
Well deserved.
Great promotion picks! I have benefited tremendously from phate's help. I have also incorporated a lot of Ronnie's concepts. Congrats to you both.
Btw, what does being a mod get you? I know you don't get paid or anything. Just wondering..
congrats Phate
Gratz guys!!
Both very respected Members
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