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Thread: IMO the problem with politics

  1. #1
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    IMO the problem with politics

    Lately i have been catching alittle heat because i defend Obama. Well its not that i love Obama, I defended Bush greatly too on this forum and i honestly hate that man and the things he did to the VA benfits for the military (but thats off topic)..

    My point is when i defend the president it is this.. In the United states we have a very different system then the rest of the world. But, also because of that alot of our own people do not fully look into how their own government works. Though we believe the president is all mighty and powerful. the truth of the matter is he is not. because of the checks and balances the president has become only a figure head of our government.

    bills become law and are pushed down onto the people by loads of people not just the president. truth is he is the one who signs it into law after the house and congress vote. so long before it hits his desk 535 members of congress and 100 members of the senate all vote on it.. and by design and in theory the people we elect should vote on what 'we the people' want. so if the 630 plus people that should be voting for the people pass it. the president typically will to..

    NOW I do not agree with everything president Obama has done, and also i don't blame former president bush for all that is wrong when Mr Obama took office.. but until we as Americans start looking at all the people we elect into office instead of just the president we will never make changes and move in the direction we want. If a bill passes that you dis-agree with don't blame the president (fully). you need to also look at your district and make sure your people in office are truely doing what they said they would do for you also.

    And just for the record, not that it fuly matters, I am a US soilder, and i have given my blood from a combat injury to defend what this country feels is needed. I even missed the birth of my child three weeks ago because of serving in Iraq. I am not somebody just sits on the sidelines.. my only opinion is our country needs to start pushing education of its own system so we the people are repersented in the fashion we would like..stop being blue or red and start being America as a whole..

  2. #2
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    first, thank you for all you have done for our great country. you are a hero my friend...
    second, as long as our president has line veto power, he is much more then a figure head. Also, the true problem with our system is NANCY PELOSI, the lady is worst then dick cheney, and that man was a criminal....and she is the anti-christ, she is so un-american it is sick. she tries daily to tear our country down, no wonder she is in san fran district, im just wondering why people dont wake up to her she-male ass...
    regardless of political party, our president can not go overseas and apologize for the usa using an atomic bomb to end a war, and never consider global currency outside of our dollar...we look weak and that is a very bad thing...
    thanks again for being the soldier that you are...

  3. #3
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    I agree Moose. The pres has the power to veto. Thats why I was so pissed at Bush...he didnt veto anything. Yes, congress make the legislation but right now the pres is going to congress asking them to write bills for him to sign...and since they are mostly dems hes getting what he wants.

  4. #4
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    No source checks

  5. #5
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    plz disgard the "R".

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by ni4ni View Post
    plz disgard the "R".

    my buddy is a major in the AF

    he flies her around (he's trying to get selected for air force one)

    said she's pretty nasty in person. not mean, but that she acts like she is better than everyone around her.

  7. #7
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    Fcuk Nancy Pelosi and the hellfire breathing demon horse-thing she rode in on.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by ErnstHatAngst View Post
    Fcuk Nancy Pelosi and the hellfire breathing demon horse-thing she rode in on.
    Indeed sir, indeed.

  9. #9
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    but until we as Americans start looking at all the people we elect into office instead of just the president we will never make changes and move in the direction we want. If a bill passes that you dis-agree with don't blame the president (fully). you need to also look at your district and make sure your people in office are truely doing what they said they would do for you also.
    Everyone I voted for on the local and state level got into office, and I'm pretty satisfied with the way things are going here in FL. It's on the national level that it's looking scary.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by derek7m View Post

    my buddy is a major in the AF

    he flies her around (he's trying to get selected for air force one)

    said she's pretty nasty in person. not mean, but that she acts like she is better than everyone around her.
    see if he can put her in an ejection seat or send her over and I'll put an ejaculation on her.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by ni4ni View Post
    plz disgard the "R".
    dude she needs to die.....goddamn i hate that bitch

    oh and btw....CHECKS AND BALANCES DON'T EXIST ANYMORE....we have a dictatorship....we just don't quite realize it yet....everything has been passed hidden away in bills.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by ErnstHatAngst View Post
    Fcuk Nancy Pelosi and the hellfire breathing demon horse-thing she rode in on.
    i'm pretty sure the bitch actually has one of those....every time i see on TV i want her to die a horrible death

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by ErnstHatAngst View Post
    Fcuk Nancy Pelosi and the hellfire breathing demon horse-thing she rode in on.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by mooseman33 View Post
    first, thank you for all you have done for our great country. you are a hero my friend...
    second, as long as our president has line veto power, he is much more then a figure head. Also, the true problem with our system is NANCY PELOSI, the lady is worst then dick cheney, and that man was a criminal....and she is the anti-christ, she is so un-american it is sick. she tries daily to tear our country down, no wonder she is in san fran district, im just wondering why people dont wake up to her she-male ass...
    regardless of political party, our president can not go overseas and apologize for the usa using an atomic bomb to end a war, and never consider global currency outside of our dollar...we look weak and that is a very bad thing...
    thanks again for being the soldier that you are...
    the president does not have line item veto... it was deamed unconstitutional in 1998..

    The President was briefly granted this power by the Line Item Veto Act of 1996, passed by Congress in order to control "pork barrel spending" that favors a particular region rather than the nation as a whole. The line-item veto was used 11 times to strike 82 items from the federal budget by President Bill Clinton. [3][4]

    However, U.S. District Court Judge Thomas F. Hogan ruled on February 12, 1998, that unilateral amendment or repeal of only parts of statutes violated the U.S. Constitution. This ruling was subsequently affirmed on June 25, 1998, by a 6-3 decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in the case Clinton v. City of New York. The case was brought by the then New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani.

    A constitutional amendment to give the President line item veto power has been considered periodically since the Court ruled the 1996 act unconstitutional.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    Everyone I voted for on the local and state level got into office, and I'm pretty satisfied with the way things are going here in FL. It's on the national level that it's looking scary.
    well maybe i'm jaded because i love florida, but florida has pretty good laws and ways of running.... the our governer turned out to be a p"ssy when it came to crime.. which i don't understand his nick name was 'chain gang charlie' because he was so tough on crime before he was governer.

  16. #16
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    I missed where he said "line veto" but he does have the power to veto if theres to much pork in a bill.

    Quote Originally Posted by quarry206 View Post
    the president does not have line item veto... it was deamed unconstitutional in 1998..

    The President was briefly granted this power by the Line Item Veto Act of 1996, passed by Congress in order to control "pork barrel spending" that favors a particular region rather than the nation as a whole. The line-item veto was used 11 times to strike 82 items from the federal budget by President Bill Clinton. [3][4]

    However, U.S. District Court Judge Thomas F. Hogan ruled on February 12, 1998, that unilateral amendment or repeal of only parts of statutes violated the U.S. Constitution. This ruling was subsequently affirmed on June 25, 1998, by a 6-3 decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in the case Clinton v. City of New York. The case was brought by the then New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani.

    A constitutional amendment to give the President line item veto power has been considered periodically since the Court ruled the 1996 act unconstitutional.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by RA View Post
    I missed where he said "line veto" but he does have the power to veto if theres to much pork in a bill.
    no i knew what you meant.. i feel you know alot about what you speak when you say stuff.. my oringal reason for writting this was not against you, or a few others.. but to the tons of people that jump to say president whoever but don't know what they are talking about.

    but about veto, i think line item veto might be too much power. because then a president could end up molding any bill to what he personally wanted..

    in all honesty, how do you feel would be a good way to hold political figures responsible for their actions.. no right or wrong answer, but as a whole do you feel there should be more accountablity to what they do or lack of doing for the people that elect them..i mean i'm in the military, a federal position, and if i don't perform i get a pay grade taken away.. why not do that to congressman... i mean that is very stupid to impy its that easy. but i mean shouldn't something be done ????

  18. #18
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    I dont think theres anything wrong with the current system persay...its the general public who doesnt really take the time to work through the issues. If they have their pizza and xbox 360 life is good. Then they see obama on tv saying "yes we can" and that sounds good. Its not that they ignore the fact that hes a socialist..they probably have no clue. (im just using him as an example)

    You cant really put punishments in place...otherwise when a president gets to washington the opposing party would block that specific issue so he could be reprimanded.

    Im not sure what you do about people that act like sheep and dont vote issue based. They vote for who looks the best or who sounds the everyone knows Lincoln couldnt get elected today...

  19. #19
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    my big problem with Obama right now is he is trying to do too much to fast so he is not putting in alot of thought in any one area... and the only way to quick fix and generalize issues is to use a socialist mind set.. which is not a bad system, but its not america's system.. he needs to stick with what he said he was going to do.. .. like i have said before i don't ever defend him, because i don't think he is some amazing guy or anything. i defend issues that i think people are jumping to blame him on.. RA, if you noticed i didn't jump in your thread about his bail out budget in the news forums because you are right, its stupid...

    the only idea i have that i know most americans will probably dis-agree with me on is our health care system.. after spending a short time in germany and seeing how their hostipals run. and cost. there is not way you will ever change my mind that having hostipals for profit are better... I grew up in gainesville,fl its kind of a small town but yet has three major hostipals. all in a sense competeing.. so its the patiences that pay the cost of them trying to match equipment instead of each hostipal doing their own specaility..

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by quarry206 View Post
    my big problem with Obama right now is he is trying to do too much to fast so he is not putting in alot of thought in any one area... and the only way to quick fix and generalize issues is to use a socialist mind set.. which is not a bad system, but its not america's system.. he needs to stick with what he said he was going to do.. .. like i have said before i don't ever defend him, because i don't think he is some amazing guy or anything. i defend issues that i think people are jumping to blame him on.. RA, if you noticed i didn't jump in your thread about his bail out budget in the news forums because you are right, its stupid...

    the only idea i have that i know most americans will probably dis-agree with me on is our health care system.. after spending a short time in germany and seeing how their hostipals run. and cost. there is not way you will ever change my mind that having hostipals for profit are better... I grew up in gainesville,fl its kind of a small town but yet has three major hostipals. all in a sense competeing.. so its the patiences that pay the cost of them trying to match equipment instead of each hostipal doing their own specaility..
    eek...Ill ignore that line

    We do have government run healthcare. The military...hows your government run healthcare?

  21. #21
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    The problem with politics are the clowns that run everything.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx;4553***
    The problem with politics are the clowns that run everything.
    I demand a refund in this thread, since you didn't say "Yes, we can".

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by mooseman33 View Post
    and she is the anti-christ, she is so un-american it is sick. she tries daily to tear our country down, no wonder she is in san fran district, im just wondering why people dont wake up to her she-male ass...
    regardless of political party, our president can not go overseas and apologize for the usa using an atomic bomb to end a war, and never consider global currency outside of our dollar...we look weak and that is a very bad thing...
    I disagree with the above. Although I have no real opinion either way about Nancy Pelosi, I disagree with you when you say that we cannot criticize our own government's actions, or that we cannot apologize for the atomic bomb, or that we can never consider global currency, etc. I disagree with the entire "my country, right or wrong" mantra.

    We should stand up for what is right, no matter if it is against our ownselves. We should do what is best for humanity overall, not just what is good for our own country.

    The other day I was thinking about how the Turkish government absolutely refuses to admit to the Armenian genocide. As a Muslim, I've seen many of my coreligionists deny or downplay this event. However, as a religious Muslim myself--who takes great pride in the Ottoman Empire overall--I cannot help but ask "why not apologize?" Admitting that it was wrong is the right thing to do. Denying it or ignoring it is the wrong thing to do. Simple.

    How does admitting fault change any thing? It simply shows honesty, straight forwardness, and a commitment to the truth, no matter what it may be.

    Likewise, we need to steer clear of the American jingoism. It is truly ironic how the neo-conservatives reacted to Obama's speech in Europe: with the same arrogance and dismissal that he accused them of!

    We really need to realize that we should work towards a better humanity, not just a better nation, or a better religious body, etc. We need to start realizing that there is absolutely no reason that humanity can't advance altogether. World peace benefits everyone by promoting prosperity. We really live in a global village now. We also need to do away with this zero-sum game theory, i.e. the erroneous idea that one participant's gain or loss is exactly balanced by the losses or gains of the other participants.
    Last edited by BuffedGuy; 04-10-2009 at 01:44 AM.

  24. #24
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    I think the biggest problem with politics in America is the two-party system. As one of Ron Paul's supporters said: It's like choosing between coke or pepsi. One might taste a tiny bit sweeter, but overall they are the same thing. At least with regards to foreign policy.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by ErnstHatAngst View Post
    Fcuk Nancy Pelosi and the hellfire breathing demon horse-thing she rode in on.
    ****en A

  26. #26
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    Get rid of the Patriot Acts, End the War on Drugs, ban all wiretapping on American soil, shrink the government to it's Constitutional limits and vote for Ron Paul...

  27. #27
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    Ron Paul is the man, I wish we had a dude like him over here.

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