Lately i have been catching alittle heat because i defend Obama. Well its not that i love Obama, I defended Bush greatly too on this forum and i honestly hate that man and the things he did to the VA benfits for the military (but thats off topic)..
My point is when i defend the president it is this.. In the United states we have a very different system then the rest of the world. But, also because of that alot of our own people do not fully look into how their own government works. Though we believe the president is all mighty and powerful. the truth of the matter is he is not. because of the checks and balances the president has become only a figure head of our government.
bills become law and are pushed down onto the people by loads of people not just the president. truth is he is the one who signs it into law after the house and congress vote. so long before it hits his desk 535 members of congress and 100 members of the senate all vote on it.. and by design and in theory the people we elect should vote on what 'we the people' want. so if the 630 plus people that should be voting for the people pass it. the president typically will to..
NOW I do not agree with everything president Obama has done, and also i don't blame former president bush for all that is wrong when Mr Obama took office.. but until we as Americans start looking at all the people we elect into office instead of just the president we will never make changes and move in the direction we want. If a bill passes that you dis-agree with don't blame the president (fully). you need to also look at your district and make sure your people in office are truely doing what they said they would do for you also.
And just for the record, not that it fuly matters, I am a US soilder, and i have given my blood from a combat injury to defend what this country feels is needed. I even missed the birth of my child three weeks ago because of serving in Iraq. I am not somebody just sits on the sidelines.. my only opinion is our country needs to start pushing education of its own system so we the people are repersented in the fashion we would like..stop being blue or red and start being America as a whole..