Christmas is a pagan derived holiday, so many people are unknowingly pagan.
Christmas is a pagan derived holiday, so many people are unknowingly pagan.
I pray to Arnold does. He seems pretty bad ass.
Crom, I have never prayed to you before. I have no tongue for it, no one, not even you will remember if we were good men or bad. Why we fought, or why we died. All that matter is that that two stood against many, that is what is important. Valor pleases you Crom. So grant me one request, grant me revenge! And if you do not listen...then to hell with you!
I think I might be more of a Pigan cause Im always Pigan out n' stuff.
lol.. see u in the diet forum... hahaha
Fart on all religions.
People should just be people.
I knew someone would be in here pushing his religion on others saying someone else is wrong or poor....... Was thinking some hillbilly christian would probably be the one to do so.
What gives any person the right to tell another what HE or SHE should believe in. Mind your own ****ing business.
That also goes for people saying my mamma said , my mamma said not to believe in a big guy in the sky. Who gives a shit what mamma said, if someone wants to believe in god that's their own right. No one cares if you do or don't.
Alrighty, I can answer most of this, or at least provide you scenarios.
for starters...if there are/were gods and they seeded this world with life or even had the technology to make the planet....guess what??? THEY WEREN'T OF THE PLANET...and what does that make them? EXTRATERRESTRIALS. Whether you like it or not that's the only way the 'god'(s) belief can work. So yes, you guys are worshiping aliens....probably dead aliens.
and then IF these gods actually exist(ed) then guess what we are??? we're a science experiment....yep that's right, we're their lil toy box essentially.
As for how everything has come to be....Big's the most widely accepted and no one has been able to refute the theory whatsoever. The universe in which we live has a continuous cycle of expanding and then subsequent collapsing, taking place over hundreds of billions of years each time. It is the laws of physics that cause this, not some divine being. And those ARE FACTS....Irrefutable facts of science....and if you want to argue them guess what? you're retarded and think science is wrong....which is, well, retarded. As for how it got here orginally? I don't know the answer to that yet...maybe i'll discover it in my studies, but it is beyond my comprehension to think that some being did it...unless we are as in men in black just a little marble to some other beings.
How can a human explain how god works? .....
All shall fall before the Horde
OK, but you STILL did NOT answer my questions.
Lets say you are 100% correct in all this and we are petri dish experiments, and the whole BIG BANG thing is correct to
WHERE did the BIG BANG come FROM??? there had to be particles floating around to cause the BIG BANG right???
so WHERE and WHAT was BEFORE that?
Where did the aliens come from? who created them?
what was before that?
I just want to know what the beginning of it ALL is?
and when you tell me the beginning of it ALL, then tell me what was BEFORE the beginning of it ALL???
even if it was empty space, where did that emptiness come from ?
hmmmm interesting debate
oh and OK, here are my stats
age= too damn old
height= just about right
weight= growing
bf%= none of your got damned business
I don't want to hear about what anyone believes in cause I don't care so I'm leaving!
lol awww come on.... can't anyone grasp that perspective of no matter where we came from, there had to be something BEFORE it????
Think about it ... Even TIME itself had to start somewhere and what was BEFORE that.....
damn i wish I was on something right drinking for me, bulking cylce.....
Do you honestly believe that any lifeform that can travel through space and time to visit us would be concerned with a our technology, or lack thereof. The F-22, while a brilliant plane, would pale in comparison to any alien technology.
Aliens aren't the Taliban, fella!!!
But back to this thread. Even atheists have faith in something. T-Mos brings up the essential question, what is the 'BEGINNING'? Science cannot come up withan explanation for that and neither can religion therefore, both beliefs are based in faith.
A man who believes in nothing will fall for anything!!!
Last edited by BgMc31; 04-11-2009 at 07:07 PM.
Show me the missing link And maybe I'll change my beliefs.
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