is there anywere on here that we can list batch bacth numbers?
is there anywere on here that we can list batch bacth numbers?
i think there should be just my opion
posting pics in the pic forum is the only place you will get help bud.
make sure lab names are edited out if its ugl.
and why would you disagre???
Having a scammer list opens up the opportunity for labs and dealers to post negative feedback about there competitors to try to boost thier own sales. That's about all the good that comes out of those type lists
not a scamers list just batch numbers to stay away from not UGL's repitable companys
reputable companies have provisions for checking batch numbers so you know that they are good. Why would we keep what could become a lengthy text based list of manually recorded bad batch numbers for people to look through, when whoever has the batch number in question could simply enter it into the company's website or help line and know if it's legit or not?
well we have a pic forum for the reason of spotting fakes ect ect ect ,post some pics up if you unsure on any product you have,am sure you will get all the help you need.
it would be pointless. my first cycle like ten people online said my batch numbers were the worst ever and all this bs and i gained 30 pounds and became a freak. it would be impossible to regulate and confirm what was bad and what was good.
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