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  1. #1
    Flagg's Avatar
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    Are you optimistic or pessimistic about life?

    Like the name of the title, do you consider yourself a Optimist or a Pessimist? Any particular reason why you are, the way you are?

  2. #2
    ni4ni's Avatar
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    optimist esp when im reading someones else problems on the board-makes me feel better abt myself

  3. #3
    Matt's Avatar
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    Always the optimist....

  4. #4
    ni4ni's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    Always the optimist....
    so is your glass 1/2 empty or 1/2 full????
    or did you just drink it all...

  5. #5
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    I would say Im a pretty optimistic guy.
    I think partly why I am that way is because Im kind of the center guy in my immediate group of friends/family. A lot of people, including family turn to me for help, advice, etc. Now what kind of guy would I be if I had a shitty attitude towards everything? lol

  6. #6
    Matt's Avatar
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    Always half full lol, i enjoy life to much..

  7. #7
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    What about you Flagg?

  8. #8
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    What about you Flagg?

    Oh im an optimist now Bigsexy. I used to be very pessimistic about life. I told myself its because I had a brutally realistic outlook to life, when really I was just an unhappy/angry person. Things in a persons life change and I forced myself to change for the better. Surely if people can change for the worst, they can change for the better? And like Matt, im also enjoying my life now.

    The reason I started this thread was because I recently saw No Country For Old Men. Then I read the book. The story portrays quite a bleak outlook to life, that bad things do happen, that bad things will always happen. I also think that Absurdism is how the world works. Absurdism basically means that there is no meaning to the world, other than what humans give it. That bad things can happen to people, for seemingly no reason and there isn't anything anyone can do about it. And that good deeds, will go unrewarded. I can see why that would make someone pessimistic about life, especially someone that has lived through Hell.

    However I do believe that most people are good and only some people are rotten to the core.

    I hope this isn't a bit too deep fellas!
    Last edited by Flagg; 04-14-2009 at 05:54 PM.

  10. #10
    *RAGE*'s Avatar
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    Optimistic....right now but it could change in the next second, fuvk shit damn....what were we talking about.....

  11. #11
    Flagg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post

    I would say Im a pretty optimistic guy.
    I think partly why I am that way is because Im kind of the center guy in my immediate group of friends/family. A lot of people, including family turn to me for help, advice, etc. Now what kind of guy would I be if I had a shitty attitude towards everything? lol

    I know what you mean by this. If someone comes to me about anything, i'll help them to the best of my ability. I often help people at Uni with essays they need proof reading for example. How's your studies going by the way? I know you're doing or going to be doing Environmental Science as well?

  12. #12
    T_Own's Avatar
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    i'm almost always optimistic about things. just every now and then i think the worst lol... but not normally

  13. #13
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    I consider myself an optomist with a maniacal edge to me.

  14. #14
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    90% optimistic and 10% pessimistic.

  15. #15
    Alphatier's Avatar
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    Pessimistic, I always account for the worst. Probably has to do something with my low self-esteem! It sucks lol.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    How's your studies going by the way? I know you're doing or going to be doing Environmental Science as well?
    Going good. I can get my BS within a year or so depending on the course load I want to take. Im going for geology right now. Then for grad school, Im debating between mineralogy, environmental science, and petroleum geology.
    Wheres the money at in environmental science? Seems like hydrologists do pretty well.

    lol fun stuff!

    Hows yours coming along?

  17. #17
    Nooomoto's Avatar
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    Optimistic! Life everything that sucks.

  18. #18
    GT2's Avatar
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    Definitely an optimist. You have one shot at life, you might as well enjoy it and make the most of every moment. Every moment you are negative about something, that is a moment you will never get back.

    I'm a firm believer in the law of attraction i.e. like attracts like. I urge anyone to watch The Secret. Many people will watch it and laugh, but those are the same skeptics who aren't truly happy. Applying the rules of positive thinking has changed my life in a very short time span. I attracted a new job, a new business, and am technically working 3 jobs while others are losing their jobs. Everywhere I go doors of opportunity are opening up for me. I urge everyone to watch the Secret, and apply it to their life. It WILL change your life. Just my .02

  19. #19
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    I am optimistic about my life and those of my friends and family.

    For those who mess with friends or family I have a very pessimistic outlook for how their life will turn out if I have anything to do with it.

  20. #20
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    I'm a paranoid in reverse. I believe people are secretly trying to do good things to me...

  21. #21
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    pess most definitely

  22. #22
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    Everyone is living on barrowed time so why they hell anyone would want to look at the negative things or believe only negative things happen is beyond me.

  23. #23
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    if life didn't suck, maybe i wouldnt be such a pessimist.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    Going good. I can get my BS within a year or so depending on the course load I want to take. Im going for geology right now. Then for grad school, Im debating between mineralogy, environmental science, and petroleum geology.
    Wheres the money at in environmental science? Seems like hydrologists do pretty well.

    lol fun stuff!

    Hows yours coming along?
    Geology is a really good thing to take! I went into Environmental Science on purely scientific qualifications, nothing on geology or geography, and having background knowledge in those two would have helped a great deal!
    Over here, a lot of people I know want to go into Consultancy for Environmental Science as that's where a lot of money is in. Some people want to go on to be a Geologist of some sort, Hydrologists are quite common, and Marine Biology pops up. The course is going really well for me, but I might have a word with my tutor about expanding upon into Ecology.

  25. #25
    Flagg's Avatar
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    It's interesting to see peoples responses here, lots of optimists!

    I posted this question on another forum I go to that has a lot of eggheads and braniacs and I suspected a lot of them would be pessimists, but I wasn't sure how people would be here. Prehaps it's true, exercise does make a person a happier person in themselves?

  26. #26
    moregunsthanroses's Avatar
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    My syringe is half empty not half full... lol

    I'd say I'm pessimistic, especially when you factor in all the shit I've gone through.

    I do try to be optismistic but then again I try not to get out of touch with realisitic expectations.

  27. #27
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    How about being a prepared optimist then? Prepare for the worst but expect the best?

    You see, life is very crap in a lot of parts in the world like the middle east or africa, but life can still be harsh everywhere else.

    Bad things are not going to stop happening to people. Crimes will probably get worse and worse in their nature. I just think people have enough on their plates already without giving themselves more food for thought.

  28. #28
    Narkissos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nicotine View Post
    if life didn't suck, maybe i wouldnt be such a pessimist.
    lol.. agreed

  29. #29
    MASTER's Avatar
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    Im a cynical bastard, ask me what the point of living is, I dare you.

  30. #30
    Flagg's Avatar
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    The point of life is to survive and evolve.

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    I think it's rather funny how rarely anyone will think about life and it's absurd existence until that persons life isn't going as planned or has hit a few speed bumps. Only time I've ever wanted to know.(unless I was toking of course:P )

    It's also a little funked how hearing others problems and issues make you feel better about yourself. It does though.

    Working out and exercise with no question what-so-ever WILL make you less likely to become depressed.

    I like to think optimistic. I always tell myself never quit, lets go. Life can really be unfair. I know as a kid my child hood and school suffered very much and caused me to have a below avg education. At 12 my mother was addicted to drugs, and my father robbed a bank and me and the sister ended up in some beat up foster home for a while. Then I ended up getting home schooled out of a 18 wheeler for a couple years because my grandfather took me in but couldn't stop working. Total of 8 different schools from moving. I know that sounds crazy and the list could go on but, i'm just giving an example. There's people with much worse problems, and people with worse problems then those people.

    Don't get me wrong, it's human nature to feel sorry for yourself. Go ahead and do that all you want, but don't go around trying to make others feel sorry for you. Nobody really cares, go out and do you. Make yourself happy. Stop thinking you're this poor victim. Change is what you do when you're unhappy. Still unhappy after change? Then change again.
    Last edited by xnotoriousx; 04-15-2009 at 11:38 AM.

  33. #33
    Matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nicotine View Post
    if life didn't suck, maybe i wouldnt be such a pessimist.
    Life does suck, and that goes for everyone. However bad you think your life is there will always and i mean always be someone worse off.

    Imo its about turning these bad situations into a positives, you make your own luck in life, enjoy your time on this earth your only here once...

  34. #34
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    Definitely opimistic. I have seen to many good things in life to only focus on the bad.

    I have a basic rule of thumb. I judge my life on how many large buildings I have been in. I drive by several of these large buildings throughout the day. And, as long as I don't have to visit or stay in one of them then my day just hasn't been that bad.

    It may sound unusual but that is as simple as it gets for me.
    Hospital, asylum, courthouse, jail, prison, prison, prison, wal-mart, morgue.

  35. #35
    Ernst's Avatar
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    People accuse me of being a pessimist. This is bullshit.

    People are stupid and full of shit. The government doesn't give a fcuk about you, they just want your money. The cops are not here to serve and protect. I would have a free ride in school-- if I wasn't white. The top 5% have 90% of the wealth. I'm poor.

    These are just facts. The fact that I think any of this could change makes me the most optimistic mofo on the planet.

  36. #36
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    You better not hold your breath.

    It's very hard sometimes to think positive. Say you got a job offer and it falls out the window, or you have a girl cheat on you or leave you for someone else. Just anything bad that you can think of. Only the cream of the optimistic crop can stay positive when faced with these kinds of situations. "Why me and fvck the world it sucks" are very understandable attitudes

    Now when we're talking about normal avg day, goto work come home yada yada, yes if during these times you can't help but to dwell on things over 3 months old even worse years old, that's when people need to get over their bullshit. I can't stand the people that walk around all day with the sad face just so people ask them "what's wrong, you okay?" Get the fvck over it. You are living in a place where you can speak freely, do pretty much anything you want.

    What more do you need?

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by prone2rage View Post
    Optimistic....right now but it could change in the next second, fuvk shit damn....what were we talking about.....
    prone is a prime example of what steriods can do to you-

  38. #38
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    I am on optimist. I have to be. I did ten years in prison, got out, never called or wrote anyone that i was out. Was working in two days. Made over 70k my first year out. have made more and more ever single year. I have been out for ten years. I do not work for anyone. I have a beautiful family and a wonderful life. I can;t find anything to be negative about. If it is to be it is up to me, so I own my failures. Sorry for the dissertation.

  39. #39
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    Optimist. There are VERY few things that can upset me, so I'm always happy.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by higherdesire View Post
    I am on optimist. I have to be. I did ten years in prison, got out, never called or wrote anyone that i was out. Was working in two days. Made over 70k my first year out. have made more and more ever single year. I have been out for ten years. I do not work for anyone. I have a beautiful family and a wonderful life. I can;t find anything to be negative about. If it is to be it is up to me, so I own my failures. Sorry for the dissertation.
    That's what i'm talking about good for you.

    I have on paper a 9th grade education. I made 50k+ last year and hope to kick it up about 10 more this year. Man it's all about attitude. Act like sh!t, you're going to get nothing but sh!t.

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