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It is theft of proprietary information. It is definately punishable both criminal and civil.
First thing first, your brother made a very bad choice. He broke the law and compromised his integrity and sacrificed his loyalty. He is damaged goods.
Now my input. If in fact they had already consulted an attorney the attorney would have sent out a demand letter most likely. Demanding compliance with certain criteria or 'else', fill in the blank there. I would remain mum because in all likelihood they will not pursue civil charges because of the plausible recovery from people who have to steal for a living being negligible. There are generally diminished returns especially for one case, and each would have to be individually tried. They may choose to pursue someone who has multiple offenses from whom they can reasonably expect to recover substantial funds including attorneys fees.
Lastly the chances of having a single action of this kind rise to criminal negligence in a court of law is almost non existent. He would have to plea for the DA to pursue. If it is misdemeanor the risk are obviously worth it.
OFr the record that company spent the money ot advertise and develop the lead then they own it and it is up to them to decide if they pass on the deal or negotiate it, but for an employee to exploit the companies efforts and monies for personal gain in unacceptable. Shame on him and the others.