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First off, thanks for the kind words guys. It's good to see how many caring and decent people there are on a board that is supposed to be full of "meathead assholes" or whatever the world thinks we're supposed to be like.
Woke up this morning to "Legs" having violent seizures.
His arms and legs were thrashing around, his head bouncing off the floor, jaws opening and slamming shut... it was absolutely horrible.
I held him so he couldn't hurt himself, and put my wallet in his mouth so he couldn't bite his tongue off or smash his teeth. There was already blood in his mouth, and his eyes were bouncing around like crazy.
I'm not gonna lie guys, it was really really scary.
I called the animal hospital here and after a couple transfers, I talked to a woman who told me what to do, and told me that it's up to me whether I bring him in or not since he was a stray. I then had to hang up because he was going into his 4th seizure.
Not two minutes later my phone rings and it's his owner! I just happened to get transferred to a doc that knew him, and after I'd said something about a 3 legged dog called the owner immediately. So within 5 minutes the dog's owner was here. We picked the dog up and put him in his car and rushed him to the hospital.
I just got off the phone with him and "Legs" (real name Casper) is in stable condition. They are keeping him overnight but are optimistic he'll be just fine by tomorrow.
The dog's owner was very nice and said the only reason he didn't have his tags was because he was just groomed the day before. They were at the park near my house and Casper ran off. He also said when the dog is better he'll bring him back over for a visit. He offered me a reward but I told him letting me know ZCasper's alright is all I wanted. Getting to see him again is a nice bonus too.
So here's hoping he makes it though the night okay, and gets to go home tomorrow happy and healthy.
Poor guy.