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Ok here is the story. I bought an Iphone 3g trough a guy at craigslist. We met up and looked at the phone working good and looks good paid $300 for it. The only thing I did not check is putting the sim card in. Anyway , got home putting my sim card in and its not reading it. Called the guy and want my money back and he is not aswering anymore.
So here I am stucked with a F'up phone, so figured just go to Apple store and just pay whatever cost to get it fixed. Got there showed it to the rep. Rep said "OH THIS IS A HARDWARE PROBLEM , WE WILL JUST GIVE YOU A NEW PHONE REPLACEMENT". So I said ok! but deep inside I want to jump there at the apple store.
Long story short Got a new Iphone for $300. The guy was so stupid that he did not bring it to apple store to get if fixed but the intention of scamming other people who work hard for thier money( Well I was stupid to for buying it LOL ).