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I have been setting up a home gym for a while now. Been looking for deals and buying them when I can. So my question is this, should I let my room mates use my gym stuff, even thought they refused to help out with any of the costs? I don't want to come off sounding like a cheap asshole, but hell I am in college, have used every spare dollar I have to be able to train at home, while I study. I have over the months acquired the following;
1/2 garage covered in flooring(very thick/expensive!)
pullup/dip station
dumb bells from 2-110lbs in 5lb increments
powertec multi bench, with leg and arm attachment
powertec power rack, with lat pull down.
about 1000lbs of olympic weights, painted black and have trees to hold them.
olympic bar x2 and olympic curl bar
adjustable dumb bells up with 1'' holes for custom sizes up to like 60lbs
So far I've spent about $2500 dollars. I am planning to get a elliptical soon and that will be a few more hundred dollars.
anyway, none of this was in the house when one of them moved in. we talked about setting up a home gym and he was down to pay 1/2 and be glad to workout at home whenever. now every time i find a deal he never wants to chip in. I am not even asking him for much, but $100 for unlimited use for life. (he lives in my house, very very cheap i might add, and prob won't be leaving till I kick him out)
he HAS money, I mean i let him live with me for 400$ a month in a $350,000 dollar house, that my family owns. It doesn't even cover the utilities. Hes constantly using my things and messing them up. I don't care if people use my things but I don't want them fuked up ya know? He choses to buy 200 dollar shoes, spend tons of money drinking but wants to use my shit free. I look at it like this, can you go to the local gym and workout for free? NO so why should you expect to be able to do it at my house after not helping out at all.