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Thread: Does your gym have STUPID rules?
11-14-2001, 09:05 AM #1
Does your gym have STUPID rules?
As a variation on something we all talk about, what stupid rules does your gym have?
The stupid gym I joined my company up has a NO BALLCAP rule! We all hate it! I like to train hard, listen to my walkman, and not look around, and the ballcap helped make me look more unapproachable. (I'll save my socializing for here)
They have 5 different locations in the area, and you can train at any one of them, that is the reason I joined us up there.
They also have a rule that you yield your machines to any trainer on the floor who has a client. Seems reasonable, I worked in a gym and know that sometimes you have a time constraint with a client. But these people just take it to far, running to machines that you are headed for, kicking you off, then monopolizing it for 15 minutes, etc. The first night we trained there me and my man got in an argument with a trainer on the floor. She pissed us both off, and embarrassed her client in the process. I told her, listen girl, I worked in a gym for a few years, and NEVER made someone angry enough to get in a fight over. What does RESPECT mean?
It's a fluffy gym, and I don't care if I can't get us all together at a different gym next year, when this membership is up, I am joining a hardcore gym even if I have to pay for it myself!Let your soul be your guide on your ship of dreams.
Never, never, never quit.
11-14-2001, 09:16 AM #2
Yep like YOU CANNOT WEAR A GYM BELT emm ok its so stupid!!!
Ms Figure
11-14-2001, 09:19 AM #3
Don't get me started.........first off the let other people train in there when I'm there and they try and use my weights!
Do they not realise It is mine all MINE
11-14-2001, 09:22 AM #4
Sounds like a great place Supe....maybe Bert and I will join as well
My iron sis is not exagerating...this place rots!! New equipment and clean gyms do not make up for the stupid rules they enforce. forgot the no tank top and no grunting rules. A friend of mine was doing heavy squats and understandably vocalizing his efforts (it wasn't even blatent). The manager asked him not to do that. He said "I do that when I'm squatting heavy wieght" She said, with a straight face "Then use less wieght". One last story about the same gym...a friend of mine was a member for 10+ years. Every Friday night he bought a veggie pizza for the staff and had it delivered. Three years ago he trained his ass off, entered his first ever show, was ripped to shreds and won the masters division. He had his show photo mounted and signed it thanking the staff, and put it up at the gym. The owner came in the next day...took it of the wall, handed it back to him and exclaimed "I don't want to promote this kind of training at my clubs". Needless to say my buddy cancelled the remainder of his checks and joined a new gym. Sorry for the rant, but Supe knows how I feel about this place and I wanted to add to her thread.
11-14-2001, 09:28 AM #5
Thats F**KING diabolical, what a selfish sod!
11-14-2001, 09:33 AM #6
Pete, I wish I had met you and Bert before I joined us up at that gym.
But I found this board sort of by accident, and it's just flat out bizarre that we live so near each other. Bizarre in a good way though!
Righto, I did forget a few more stupid rules at that gym, like some of the branches don't allow a muscle shirt, it has to be a t-shirt with regular sleeves. And no bra tops allowed.
About the no grunting rule, since I wear a walkman I can't hear others grunting, and sometimes I just can't help it. No one there has mentioned it to me as yet. I think that will be another stop in at the manager's office when that happens. F them!Let your soul be your guide on your ship of dreams.
Never, never, never quit.
11-14-2001, 09:42 AM #7
At the gym where I used to train (which is now out of business I'm very glad to say) the owner took away the CD player and insisted on playing soft rock and country music.
11-14-2001, 09:43 AM #8
LMAO - We have boy bands!
11-14-2001, 09:45 AM #9
I would assume that's why supe wears her walkman...this gym also plays a light rock radio least that was my experience. BTW Roberta and I were once members as well. does hubby feel about the lame ass music they play?
11-14-2001, 09:47 AM #10
He wears a walkman too, unless we are training together, and that is only on leg day. The pain is too great to hear anything other than our bitching!
Um, if I had to listen to country I would train at home or something! No offense to anyone who likes it, I just think it sux.Let your soul be your guide on your ship of dreams.
Never, never, never quit.
11-14-2001, 09:48 AM #11
When I was at Gold's alot of people had Walkmans that were small and strapped on the arm, can't locate them over here ever heard of them?
11-14-2001, 09:56 AM #12
A lot of people wear the walmans that strap on your arm at my gym too. I have to listen to backside boys and nsync while i lift, thats on the good days!!!! The other day they were playin songs you would hear in musicals and shit like that. I though I was gonna die. Somebody want to give me a walkman???
11-14-2001, 09:59 AM #13
Baby M, ask Santa for a walkman.
Let your soul be your guide on your ship of dreams.
Never, never, never quit.
11-14-2001, 10:01 AM #14
I tried a walkman but it kept falling off, thats why I think those strap on one are good haven't come to the UK yet!
11-14-2001, 10:02 AM #15
no stupid rules, just stupid people at my gym....
11-14-2001, 10:13 AM #16
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to help you out BIG AL
we have those walkmans here in Canada..they are great..don't get in you way at all..
my i haven't checked it out..but if you go to a web site like or I know that these company make them and like i said you can get them here in Canada so i would assume that they should have some type of order off the internet type thing..
check it out..hopefully it will all work out.
keep pumping what ever you pump.
11-14-2001, 10:29 AM #17
The walkman w/ the strap is on this page:
11-14-2001, 10:33 AM #18
Thanks guys, I give it a try
11-14-2001, 10:40 AM #19
Actually here's the one your probably looking for:
11-14-2001, 10:49 AM #20
I'm with dane on this one, just stupid people. i lift at gold's it's a nice place but I could go on for days about the stupid people, the kid who tells me I drink too much water, the guy that asked me if I was on d-bombs, d-bombs? You just have to laugh sometimes.
11-14-2001, 10:53 AM #21
I work out at gold gym and you can do anything you want, grunt, growl, wear hats, wear belts, eat raw bleeding steak, arrrrgghh, etc...
except get chalk on the floor.
11-19-2001, 01:38 AM #22
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Apart from smoking about the only rule in our place is you don't take shots in the tanning room's !. No big deal, but some of those rules you guys have are just plan crazy.
Thank god for hard core gym's.
11-20-2001, 05:34 PM #23
there is no gym manners where i train. Your not allowed to have gym bags or walkmen but i use both. Its a mens club so its packed with old fat asses. I just wear headphones and my beanie uttering along to what ever im listening to latley.....been leanin on dry kill logic. I also have to have a bag in the gym cause i keep all my braces for my elbow in it. I use a cti, a sleeve and wrist wraps. theyve told me not to but i just ignore them. IM pretty to my self and not a dick or anything so they dont seem to care. I so hate when they tell me not to put an extra bar on their leg press, thats my only big complaint.
11-20-2001, 06:03 PM #24
Only Stupid people ... is right Dane .....
I also work out at GOLD"S .... IMO The best ....45k square feet of Open Space to GET BIG ...
You have heard about puting a gold fish in a small bowl disables his ability to grow ... My thoughts exactly when it comes to your gym ...hehe
good luck guys
11-20-2001, 09:31 PM #25
Dane, you've started a trend....stupid people live at my gym too....
This 35 year old guy who's about 5'11 140 SOAKING WET(who i swear is hitting on me...and if i find out one day he ACTUALLY is, he's getting a 45 lb plate rammed on his f*cking head) tells me the other day... "So what are you lifting today"
I respond very nicely w/ "Biceps and Forearms", as i put my headphones back on, well he keeps talking. So the considerate guy i am keeps listening to this dildo goes "Oh....the guns!"
I'm like "uhhh....ya"
He then proceeds with "You ever gonna do a show."
I said" Ahhh....well i dont really have it right now, but maybe in like 10 years or something, i ain't gonna do one, unless im 100% satisfied with my body, and I'm at about 10% right now. I got a ways to go..."
He comes back at me w/ " Well, if you want to get gotta lift heavy"
Ohhh...really?? I thought I'd go put on some spandex and start bouncing around in the aerobics room with your pussy ass! This coming from a guy who can't even put up the bar without grunting! I wanted to grab a dumbell, and shove it up his ass. I am nice to EVERYONE, but when somebody is as stupid as he is...i have no tolerance for that. ---I of course did not say this, i just said "ya" and put on my head phones and walked away. He comes up to me every freaking day...keep in mind he's a 35ish year old fruitcase...and SCREAMS for the whole gym to hear "WASSSSSSSSSUP DOOOWWWWWGGG?!!?" . I'm not your f*cking dog ass wipe. Ok...enough, i could go on forever about this, but I'll stop.
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