i want to see what people opinions are on what is "strong"
Bench: Double your body weight
Deadlift: Double your body weight for 10
Squat: Double your body weight for 10
i want to see what people opinions are on what is "strong"
Bench: Double your body weight
Deadlift: Double your body weight for 10
Squat: Double your body weight for 10
10 pushups. In a row
I consider reed strong, because he is using my body...
im strong in the pants
This guy --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pwn11mM50f4
Im super strong yayyyyyyy
Bench over 6
Squat over 8
Deadlift over 8
Overhead over 4
I thought I was strong till I read this thread.
bench 400+
Squat 500+
25 penis pushups
I can lift women using only my dick!!!!
I'm the strongest man alive................
Last edited by jbm; 05-06-2009 at 12:02 AM.
Now there is where we definately disagree!!! Why should bf% matter? Strong is strong! Zydrunas Savickas and Brian Siders (google them) are the strongest of the strong (not even Mariusz Pudzianowski). Not body beautiful guys but no low body fat guy can touch their absolute strength. Andy Bolton just deadlifted 1010 (or 1008lbs I can't remember), but just because he isn't a low bf guy, it isn't impressive? C'mon brotha, you can't be serious!!!!
But of course, I'm a jacked fatty myself!!! LOL!!!
hahaha no you misunderstood me or i think i just said it wrong...1000 pounds is crazy i dont care how fat you are, but i always see fat guys who think there crazy strong when they really are not...Personally i think that if your fat and have no desire to loose bf% and only strength is your goal...you better be strong as fvck
I see your point brotha! Its all about priorities. Guys with your mindset focus on diet, proportionality, aesthetics. Guys with my mindset focus on pure strength and power. Plus, I like flavorful food! Hahaha!! Both should definately be admired. But I've also seen fatty's who think they are strong, just like I've seen skinny ripped guys who think they are good lookin. Both are pathetic IMO!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!
You're speaking very matter-of-factedly War. That's your opinion. The fact remains that the 300lb guy is WAY stronger because he is moving more weight. There is no denying that!!! IMO, that thinking is used by little guys to justify not being able to move more weight than big guys.
Perfect example is weightlifting in the Olympics. The lightweight women move much more weight (per bodypound) than the heavyweight men, but the most impressive lifters are the one's moving the most weight, regardless of size!!! And that fact remains, it's usually the heavyweights!! Mass moves Mass brotha!!!
the most i have benched is 227kg i dont know what that is in lb, well i probably do know if i calculate it hehe.
squat 230kg
leg press 625kg
Until now I don't know what's my max leg press, coz plates at my gym is not enough!![]()
No body is deying physics genuis.
Obviously 600lbs is more than 500lbs.
Im simply stating that my opinion is that a 200lb guy benching 500lbs is more impressive than a 300lb guy benching 600lbs.
IMO, thinking like you do is for overweight guys to justify not being able to keep there BF% under control.
See, i have opinions too...
i'd have to agree with war. someone benching 250% their bodyweight is more impressive than 200% bodyweight regardless of size. if you see some 100lb kid benching 250 isn't that gonna blow your mind?
2 Pull ups
I'm strong when I can do push ups using only my middle finger!
I'm strong when I can tell my wife that I'm the boss at home!
I know Im strong when I yell at my kids and they actually listen.
Press - Adult Men
Body Weight Un-trained Novice Intermediate Advanced Elite
114 53 72 90 107 129
123 57 78 98 116 141
132 61 84 105 125 151
148 69 94 119 140 169
165 75 102 129 153 186
181 81 110 138 164 218
198 85 116 146 173 234
220 89 122 155 183 255
242 93 127 159 189 264
275 96 131 164 194 272
319 98 133 167 199 278
320+ 100 136 171 203 284
Press - Adult Women
Body Weight Un-trained Novice Intermediate Advanced Elite
97 31 42 50 66 85
105 33 46 53 71 91
114 36 49 58 76 97
123 38 52 61 81 104
132 40 55 65 85 110
148 44 60 72 94 121
165 48 65 77 102 134
181 51 70 83 110 140
198 55 75 83 117 151
199+ 58 79 93 123 159
Bench Press - Adult Men
Body Weight Un-trained Novice Intermediate Advanced Elite
114 84 107 130 179 222
123 91 116 142 194 242
132 98 125 153 208 260
148 109 140 172 234 291
165 119 152 187 255 319
181 128 164 201 275 343
198 135 173 213 289 362
220 142 183 225 306 381
242 149 190 232 316 395
275 153 196 239 325 407
319 156 199 244 333 416
320+ 159 204 248 340 425
Bench Press - Adult Women
Body Weight Un-trained Novice Intermediate Advanced Elite
97 49 63 73 94 116
105 53 68 79 102 124
114 57 73 85 109 133
123 60 77 90 116 142
132 64 82 95 122 150
148 70 90 105 135 165
165 76 97 113 146 183
181 81 104 122 158 192
198 88 112 130 167 205
199+ 92 118 137 177 217
Squat - Adult Men
Body Weight Un-trained Novice Intermediate Advanced Elite
114 78 144 174 240 320
123 84 155 190 259 346
132 91 168 205 278 369
148 101 188 230 313 410
165 110 204 250 342 445
181 119 220 269 367 479
198 125 232 285 387 504
220 132 244 301 409 532
242 137 255 311 423 551
275 141 261 319 435 567
319 144 267 326 445 580
320+ 147 272 332 454 593
Squat - Adult Women
Body Weight Un-trained Novice Intermediate Advanced Elite
97 46 84 98 129 163
105 49 91 106 140 174
114 53 98 114 150 187
123 56 103 121 160 199
132 59 110 127 168 211
148 65 121 141 185 232
165 70 130 151 200 256
181 75 139 164 215 268
198 81 150 174 229 288
199+ 85 158 184 242 303
Deadlift - Adult Men
Body Weight Un-trained Novice Intermediate Advanced Elite
114 97 179 204 299 387
123 105 194 222 320 414
132 113 209 239 342 438
148 126 234 269 380 482
165 137 254 293 411 518
181 148 274 315 438 548
198 156 289 333 457 567
220 164 305 351 479 586
242 172 318 363 490 596
275 176 326 373 499 602
319 180 333 381 506 608
320+ 183 340 388 512 617
Deadlift - Adult Women
Body Weight Un-trained Novice Intermediate Advanced Elite
97 57 105 122 175 232
105 61 114 132 189 242
114 66 122 142 200 253
123 70 129 151 211 263
132 74 137 159 220 273
148 81 151 176 241 295
165 88 162 189 258 319
181 94 174 204 273 329
198 101 187 217 284 349
199+ 107 197 229 297 364
Power Clean - Adult Men
Body Weight Un-trained Novice Intermediate Advanced Elite
114 56 103 125 173 207
123 60 112 137 186 224
132 65 121 148 200 239
148 73 135 166 225 266
165 79 147 180 246 288
181 85 158 194 264 310
198 90 167 205 279 327
220 95 176 217 294 345
242 99 183 224 305 357
275 102 188 230 313 367
319 104 192 235 320 376
320+ 106 196 239 327 384
Power Clean - Adult Women
Body Weight Un-trained Novice Intermediate Advanced Elite
97 33 61 70 93 117
105 35 66 76 101 125
114 38 70 82 108 135
123 40 74 87 115 143
132 43 79 92 121 152
148 47 87 101 133 167
165 50 93 109 144 184
181 54 100 118 155 193
198 58 108 125 165 207
199+ 61 114 132 174 218
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